ABROD - Abroad, Study Term

Offered By:
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
Examinations and Timetabling

Below are the courses available from the ABROD code. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times.

0 units (fi 0)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

This course is reserved for students who wish to maintain registration while participating in formal University of Alberta managed and approved Study Abroad programs. Students are registered in this course for each approved term of study abroad. The only fees assessed for this registration are the normal registration and transcript fees associated with the term. Students are eligible to register in the course on more than one occasion. Closed to web registration. Contact the Education Abroad Program, University of Alberta International.

0 units (fi 0)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

This course is reserved for students who wish to maintain registration while participating in programs or courses at other accredited post-secondary institutions, where they pay tuition fees directly to the host institution instead of to the University of Alberta. Students are registered in this course for each approved term of study off-campus. The only fees assessed for this registration are the off-campus mandatory non-instructional fees associated with the term. Students are eligible to register in the course on more than one occasion. Closed to web registration.