FIN 449 - FinTech I: Tools, Concepts, and Applications

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Faculty of Business

A course for students who wish to build strong fundamentals for the modern Finance industry. Beginner-friendly introduction to programming. Good for digital entrepreneurs and industry innovators who wish to build technological awareness. Indispensable for those who want to fill in gaps in their background. The course has two tracks, one focusing on learning to program from scratch, and one focusing on understanding what drives Fintech. The two tracks run in parallel, in alternate weeks during the semester. Grades earned throughout the semester via short assignments and a group project. No final exam. Finance background assumed, in the form of FIN 312 as a corequisite. Prerequisite: FIN 201. Pre- or co-requisite FIN 312.

No syllabi