FR ED - FSJ -French for Educators/Français pour éducateurs

Offered By:
Faculté Saint-Jean

Below are the courses available from the FR ED code. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

Specifically designed for elementary, junior and senior high French as a second language teachers who have a basic knowledge of French. Teachers will have numerous opportunities to use the vocabulary and idiomatic expressions related to the themes outlined in the general and specific learner expectations of Alberta Learning's Program of Study for the beginner levels of French as a second language. Vocabulary development and conversational practice will be centered on these themes and those found in the learning resources approved by Alberta Learning. Language laboratory sessions will concentrate on improving one's diction and pronunciation. Little English will be spoken in this course and will be limited to brief explanations. May contain alternate delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

Specifically designed for junior and senior high French as a second language teachers who have reached the intermediate proficiency level. Teachers will have numerous opportunities to use the vocabulary and idiomatic expressions related to the themes outlined in the general and specific learner expectations of Alberta Learning's Program of Study for French as a second language intermediate levels. Vocabulary development and conversational practice will be centered on these themes and those found in the learning resources approved by Alberta Learning. Language laboratory sessions will concentrate on improving one's diction and pronunciation. Little English will be spoken in this course and will be limited to brief explanations. May contain alternate delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

Specifically designed for senior high French as a second language teachers who have reached a high intermediate or advanced proficiency level. Teachers will have numerous opportunities to use the vocabulary and idiomatic expressions related to the themes outlined in the general and specific learner expectations of Alberta Learning's French as a Second language Program of Study at the senior high level. Vocabulary development and conversational practice will be centered on these themes and those found in the learning resources approved by Alberta Learning. Language laboratory sessions will concentrate on improving one's diction and pronunciation. Little English will be spoken in this course and will be limited to brief explanations. May contain alternate delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 0-4L-0)

Ce cours est destiné aux enseignants et enseignantes de français langue seconde qui maîtrisent suffisamment bien le français mais qui veulent acquérir une plus grande spontanéité. L'accent sera mis sur l'acquisition des termes et tournures propres à l'enseignement au quotidien. Par des mises en situation et des jeux de rôles, on pratiquera le vocabulaire spécialisé de la gestion de classe et de l'animation pédagogique. Les sessions de laboratoire de langue permettront aux étudiants et aux étudiantes d'améliorer leur diction et leur prononciation. Peut comprendre des sections Alternative Delivery; veuillez consulter la page Fees Payment Guide dans la section University Regulations de l'annuaire.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 0-4L-0)

Fondé sur la prémisse que les besoins de formation en français varient grandement d'un apprenant à l'autre, ce cours vise à permettre à l'apprenant de se familiariser avec les ressources pédagogiques disponibles à l'Internet par le biais de visites guidées. Le cours couvrira la grammaire, le vocabulaire, la rédaction et la révision de textes, la compréhension auditive et la culture. De plus, le format du cours permettra aux apprenants de se développer une banque de liens qui leur sera utile au-delà du cours, que ce soit pour leur propre apprentissage ou pour l'enseignement. Le cours est approprié aux apprenants de niveau intermédiaire ou avancé. Peut comprendre des sections Alternative Delivery; veuillez consulter la page Fees Payment Guide dans la section University Regulations de l'annuaire.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 0-4L-0)

Ce cours est destiné aux personnes qui maîtrisent déjà la grammaire française. L'accent sera mis sur la rédaction de textes professionnels répondant à des buts spécifiques de communication (rapport annuel, lettre aux parents, chapitre de manuel, etc.). La pratique intense de l'écriture permettra à l'apprenant et l'apprenante d'approfondir ses connaissances du français écrit. Le clavardage ponctuel et continu entre l'apprenant / l'apprenante et l'animateur / l'animatrice permettra d'individualiser l'enseignement / apprentissage de la langue. Peut comprendre des sections Alternative Delivery; veuillez consulter la page Fees Payment Guide dans la section University Regulations de l'annuaire.