KRLS 392A - In Field, Practice-Based, Learning - Interdisciplinary Problem Solving

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, VARIABLE)

Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation

In this project, micro field placement (variable; ~1 -4 hrs/ week or ~15 -60 hrs/term) based course, students will work in small interdisciplinary teams to analyze a complex problem and propose a solution (strategies and interventions) to address a real -world issue and context. Students will apply theoretical knowledge to attempt to solve practical challenges they identify, demonstrate their understanding of the challenge and potential solutions through presentation of their ideas, and design an implementation and evaluation strategy. Students will be asked to draw connections between their theoretical course learnings and the practical application of skills through discussion of proposed solutions with team members and other course participants. With the support of the Course Instructor, Practicum Advisor, and Industry Partners, students will visualize, identify, and articulate how the practical application of their knowledge altered their self-efficacy in the competency areas required of the experience. Notes: Classroom/tutorial sessions are variable per week in addition to micro in field learning experiences scheduled for each iteration of the course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of KRLS 291.

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