MED 600 - Introduction to Clinical Trials

3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 3-0-0)

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

This is a hands on course designed to provide students with an understanding and appreciation of the theoretical and practical issues in the conduct of randomized clinical trials. During the course, students will develop their own research proposal and at the end, submit a CIHR-style grant for grading. Topics covered include background/rationale, research question, patient selection, recruitment, randomization, outcome measures, confounding and bias, sample size considerations, developing an analytical plan, designing case report forms, data management and quality assurance, budgeting, informed consent and ethical considerations, and grantsmanship. For more information, see Prerequisites: Introductory epidemiology (PHS 596 or equivalent), Biostatistics I (PHS 598 or equivalent) and permission of the instructor. Because of high demand for this course and the necessity of small class sizes, students are required to complete a form for registration in this course.

No syllabi