Subjects for Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Below are the subjects available from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Select a subject to see all the offered courses.
- AIB - Alberta Institute Biomedicine
- ANAT - Anatomy
- BIOCH - Biochemistry
- CELL - Cell Biology
- D HYG - Dental Hygiene
- DA - Dental Assisting
- DDS - Dentistry
- DENT - Dentistry
- F MED - Family Medicine
- INT D - Interdisciplinary Undergraduate & Graduate Courses
- LABMP - Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
- MDGEN - Medical Genetics
- MED - Medicine
- MEDPH - Medical Physics
- MLSCI - Medical Laboratory Science
- MMI - Medical Microbiology and Immunology
- NEURO - Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute
- OB GY - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- OBIOL - Oral Biology
- ONCOL - Oncology
- OPHTH - Ophthalmology
- PAED - Paediatrics
- PGDE - Postgraduate Dental Education
- PGME - Postgraduate Medical Education
- PHYSL - Physiology
- PMCOL - Pharmacology
- PSYCI - Psychiatry
- RADDI - Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
- RADTH - Radiation Therapy
- SURG - Surgery