REN R 782 - Soil Remediation

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 3-3S-0)

Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences

Principles and methods of biological, chemical, and physical remediation of soils contaminated by hazardous chemicals and other pollutants. Topics include soil-contaminant interactions, microbial processes used in remediation and process fundamentals of remediation technologies including bioremediation and phytoremediation. Other important environmental issues associated with growing industrial activities such as off-shore oil spills, and production of red mud sludge and oil sands tailings are included with potential remediation strategies to address those issues. This course describes approaches to managing contaminated sites incorporating Canadian guidelines and soil quality criteria for soil remediation. Students will review recent literature pertaining to soil remediation. Not to be taken if credit received for REN R 482.

No syllabi

Fall Term 2024


Section Capacity Class times Login to view Instructor(s) and Location
2024-09-03 - 2024-12-09 (MWF)
09:00 - 09:50


Section Capacity Class times Login to view Instructor(s) and Location
2024-09-03 - 2024-12-09 (F)
14:00 - 16:50