David Pilgrim

Professor, Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences

Winter Term 2025 (1900)

GENET 270 - Foundations of Molecular Genetics

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-1.5S-0)

Basic concepts on the organization of genetic material and its expression will be developed from experiments on bacteria and viruses. Prerequisite: BIOL 207.

LECTURE B1 (72975)

2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
TR 11:00 - 12:20

SEMINAR J1 (72976)

2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
R 15:30 - 16:50

GENET 422 - Current Topics in Developmental Genetics

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)

Discussion of selected topics in developmental biology with an emphasis on the cellular and genetic mechanisms used to uncover regulatory pathways. Selection of topics will depend, in part, on the interests of the students enrolled. Peer evaluation will be an integral part of the course and an introduction to the review process in science will be included. Critical reading and analysis of the primary literature, research proposal-based reading and writing, and classroom presentation skills may all be used as means of evaluation. Prerequisites: consent of instructor and GENET 412 or ZOOL 303 or equivalent course in developmental biology.

SEMINAR B1 (73349)

2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
M 14:00 - 16:50

GENET 601 - Genetics Seminars

1 unit (fi 2)(EITHER, 0-1S-0)

SEMINAR B1 (76204)

2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
R 12:30 - 13:20