Haile Gessesse

ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences

Fall Term 2024 (1890)

MATH 100 - Calculus for Engineering I

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1)

Review of numbers, inequalities, functions, analytic geometry; limits, continuity; derivatives and applications, Taylor polynomials; log, exp, and inverse trig functions. Integration, fundamental theorem of calculus substitution, trapezoidal and Simpson's rules. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144, 154, or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.

LECTURE EH1 (49229)

2024-09-03 - 2024-12-09
MWF 13:00 - 13:50

MATH 154 - Calculus for Business and Economics I

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

The derivative as a rate of change. Differentiation of elementary, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. The definite integral as a summation. Integration. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Optimization. Applications in the context of business and economics. Prerequisite: Mathematics 30-1. Note: Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144, 154 or SCI 100.

LECTURE A2 (51230)

2024-09-03 - 2024-12-09
MWF 10:00 - 10:50

MATH 381 - Numerical Methods

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1)

Approximation of functions by Taylor series, Newton's formulae, Lagrange and Hermite interpolation. Splines. Orthogonal polynomials and least-squares approximation of functions. Direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems. Methods for solving non-linear equations and systems of non-linear equations. Introduction to computer programming. Prerequisites: One of MATH 102, 125 or 127, and one of MATH 209, 214 or 217. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 280, 381 or CMPUT 340. (2) Extra classes may be held for students lacking a background in one of the major programming languages such as Fortran, C, C++ or Matlab.

LECTURE A1 (47631)

2024-09-03 - 2024-12-09
MWF 11:00 - 11:50

Winter Term 2025 (1900)

MATH 102 - Applied Linear Algebra

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1)

Vectors and matrices, solution of linear equations, equations of lines and planes, determinants, matrix algebra, orthogonality and applications (Gram-Schmidt), eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications, complex numbers. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 102, 125, or 127. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.

LECTURE EY1 (75950)

2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
MWF 12:00 - 12:50

MATH 146 - Calculus for the Mathematical and Physical Sciences II

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Techniques and applications of integration. Improper integrals. Introduction to differential equations. Partial differentiation. Applications in the context of the physical sciences. Prerequisite: One of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144 or 154. Note: Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 101, 115, 118, 136, 146, 156 or SCI 100.

LECTURE R1 (73501)

2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
MWF 10:00 - 10:50

STAT 151 - Introduction to Applied Statistics I

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Data collection and presentation, descriptive statistics. Probability distributions, sampling distributions and the central limit theorem. Point estimation and hypothesis testing. Correlation and regression analysis. Goodness of fit and contingency table. Prerequisite: Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of STAT 151, STAT 161, and STAT 235. (2) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in STAT 222, STAT 266, STAT 276, KIN 109, PEDS 109, PSYCH 211, PTHER 352, SCI 151 or SOC 210.

LECTURE Q1 (73117)

2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
MWF 09:00 - 09:50