Geraint Osborne, PhD (McGill)

Professor, Augustana - Social Sciences

Winter Term 2024 (1860)

AUCRI 160 - Introduction to Crime, Correction, and Community

★ 3 (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Introduction to crime and correction in Canada. The theory and practice accompanying law enforcement, trial, correctional intervention, and probation and parole are analyzed by drawing from a range of disciplinary traditions such as ethical reflection, psychological theory, social and political thought, and biological understandings of criminality. Note: Credit may be obtained for only one of AUCRI 160 and AUIDS 160 (2020).

LECTURE 1B01 (16090)

2024-01-29 - 2024-04-19
TR 14:15 - 15:45 (AU C 167)

AUCRI 327 - Crimes of the Powerful

★ 3 (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Why is it that so much attention is paid to street crime while the crimes of the powerful go virtually unpunished and sometimes unnoticed? A comprehensive examination of the prevalence and impact of crime committed by the powerful, including white collar occupational crime, corporate crimes, and crimes committed by the state. Prerequisite: One of AUCRI 160, 224, 225, 353, AUIDS 160 (2020), AUPOL 353 (2020), AUSOC 224 (2020), 225 (2020), and 3rd year standing or consent of the instructor. Note: Credit may be obtained for only one of AUCRI 327, 427, AUSOC 327 (2020), 427 (2020).

LECTURE 3B01 (18449)

2024-01-04 - 2024-01-23
MTWRF 14:00 - 17:00 (AU F 1 305)

AUSOC 236 - Research Design and Qualitative Methods

★ 3 (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Examination of the relation between the method of inquiry and the problem which inquiry addresses. It is designed to acquaint students with numerous approaches to social research, covering all phases of the research process including formulation of a research problem, design of instruments, collection of data and analysis of results. Particular attention is given to qualitative methods, including interviewing, observation, focus groups, and unobtrusive measures. Students will be expected to conduct original research assignments. Prerequisite: One of AUSOC 101, 103, 105.

LECTURE 1B01 (17723)

2024-01-29 - 2024-04-19
MWF 08:30 - 09:30 (AU G 2 260)

AUSOC 401 - Directed Reading I

★ 3 (fi 6)(EITHER, 1-0-0)

Intensive study of a specific area of sociology as defined by the student and a supervising instructor. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. Notes: An Application for Individual Study must be completed and approved before registration in the course. The course is intended primarily for a student planning to pursue graduate studies in sociology.

LECTURE 1A01 (19279)

2024-01-29 - 2024-04-19
01:00 - 01:00 (TBD)