Rhonda Breitkreuz, MA, PhD
Winter Term 2025 (1900)
HECOL 654 - Research Project in Human Ecology
3-6 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, VARIABLE)
An original research project, conducted with guidance from a faculty member, typically resulting in the preparation of a research report and a submission to a professional academic conference for a poster or paper presentation OR the preparation of a manuscript that is submitted to a scholarly journal for publication. May be taken more than once for credit.
RSC B1 (75439)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
HECOL 654B - Research Project in Human Ecology
3-6 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, VARIABLE)
An original research project, conducted with guidance from a faculty member, typically resulting in the preparation of a research report and a submission to a professional academic conference for a poster or paper presentation OR the preparation of a manuscript that is submitted to a scholarly journal for publication. May be taken more than once for credit.
RSC C1 (71576)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
HECOL 692 - Professional Seminar 2
1 unit (fi 2)(EITHER, 0-1S-0)
This professional development seminar is one in a series that focuses on career development and professional issues in human ecology. Includes topics such as writing for academic and non-academic audiences and research ethics. Typically taken in the first year of the graduate program.
SEMINAR B1 (71475)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
R 12:00 - 14:50
HECOL 694 - Professional Seminar 4
1 unit (fi 2)(EITHER, 0-1S-0)
This professional development seminar is one in a series that focuses on career development and professional issues in human ecology. Includes topics such as funding agencies and preparing grant proposals, non-academic careers for PhDs, and post-doctoral fellowships. Typically taken in the second year of the doctoral program.
SEMINAR B1 (70320)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
R 12:00 - 14:50