Doug Korver
Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
- Phone
- (780) 492-3990
- Address
3-10L Agriculture/Forestry Centre
9011 116 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2P5
Professor of Poultry Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
- Phone
- (780) 902-3747
- Address
3-10L Agriculture/Forestry Centre
9011 116 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2P5
PhD, University of California, Davis
Job/Research Area
Poultry Nutrition
Major Responsibilities/Research Interests
Doug’s research program has a strong applied research focus; relevance to the poultry industry remains an important consideration in his approach to research. In addition to practical research on feedstuff quality and dietary supplement evaluation in poultry diets, Doug’s work focuses on nutrition-immune function interactions and bone biology in meat- and egg-type poultry. In addition, he has conducted field research trials in commercial poultry facilities in Canada, Colombia and Ecuador. In 2016, he spent a 6-month sabbatical in Colombia, working with a major broiler integrator. He is currently part of the National Research Council’s committee to revise and update the 1994 Nutrient Requirements of Poultry.
Doug currently teaches introductory animal nutrition (ANSC 260 Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition) and monogastric nutrition (ANSC 462 Mongastric Nutrition) courses at the undergraduate level, and is a co-instructor for a graduate-level course in advanced animal nutrition and metabolism (AFNS 569 Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism). In addition, he periodically supervises independent study courses at the undergraduate (ANSC 400) and graduate (AFNS 500) levels.
AFNS 500 - Individual Study
Project or reading course under the supervision of a Faculty member requiring preparation of a comprehensive report. Prerequisite: consent of Department. Note: May be taken more than once provided the topic is different.
AFNS 562 - Swine Nutrition
Nutrient utilization and requirements, feed ingredients, and applied feeding program. Feed formulation strategies and current topics in swine nutrition will be discussed in detail. Not to be taken if credit received for AN SC 462. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
AFNS 563 - Poultry Nutrition
Nutritional requirements, feeding programs, and feed ingredients used for poultry. Feed formulation strategies and current topics in poultry nutrition will be discussed extensively. Not to be taken if credit received for AN SC 462, AN SC 463, or AFNS 515. Prerequisite: consent of Instructor.
AN SC 462 - Monogastric Nutrition
Nutrient utilization and requirements, feed ingredients and applied feeding programs for poultry and swine. Feed formulation strategies and current topics in poultry and swine nutrition will be discussed in detail. Not to be taken if credit received for AN SC 463. Prerequisite: AN SC 260, 3 units in NUTR, or 3 units in NU FS 305. Corequisite: AN SC 311 or 6 units in PHYSL.
Featured Publications
Fan, Y., T. Ju, T. Bhardwaj, D. Korver, and B. Willing
Microbiology Spectrum. 2023 January; 10.1128/spectrum.03616-22
Pham, V. D., D. R. Korver and M. G. Gänzle
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023 January; 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c08322
He, W., M. Kamely, J. Wakaruk, E. C. Goes, D. R. Korver and D. R. Barreda
Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 2022 December; 140 10.1016/j.dci.2022.104613
Rodehutscord, M., V. Sommerfeld, C. R. Angel, and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2022 November; 102 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102344
Perry, F., L. Lahaye, E. Santin, C. Johnson, D. R. Korver, M. H. Kogut, R. J. Arsenault
Poultry Science. 2022 August; 101 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102172
Zou, A., K. Nadeau, X. Xiong, P. W. Wang, J. K. Copeland, J. Y. Lee, J. St. Pierre, M. Ty, B. Taj, J. H. Brumell, D. S. Guttman, S. Sharif, D. Korver, J. Parkinson
Microbiome. 2022 August; 10 (1):127 10.1186/s40168-022-01319-7
He, W., E. Goes, J. Wakaruk, D. R. Barreda and D. R. Korver
Frontiers in Physiology. 2022 June; 13 10.3389/fphys.2022.788592
Evolution of maternal feed restriction practices over 60 years of selection for broiler productivity
Carney, V. L., N. B. Anthony, F. E. Robinson, B. L. Reimer, D. R. Korver, M. J. Zuidhof and M. Afrouziyeh
Poultry Science. 2022 May; 101 10.1016/j.psj.2022.101957
Fan, Y., A. J. Forgie, T. Ju, C. Marcolla, T. Inglis, L. M. McMullen, B. P. Willing and D. R. Korver
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2022 March; 88 10.1101/2021.10.29.466552
Korver, D. R.
Poultry Science. 2022 January; 101 10.1016/j.psj.2021.101665
Lee, M. D., I. R. Ipharraguerre, R. J. Arsenault, M. Lyte, J. M. Lyte, B. Humphrey, R. Angel and D. R. Korver.
Poultry Science. 2022 January; 101 10.1016/j.psj.2021.101588
Afrouziyeh, M. N. M. Zukiwsky, D. R. Korver and M. J. Zuidhof
Poultry Science. 2022 January; 101 10.1016/j.psj.2021.101518
Afrouziyeh, M. N. M. Zukiwsky, J. You, R. P. Kwakkel, D. R. Korver and M. J. Zuidhof
Poultry Science . 2022 January; 101 10.1016/j.psj.2021.101532
Bortoluzzi, C. L. Lahaye, F. Perry, R. J. Arsenault, E. Santin, D.R. Korver, and M.H. Kogut
2021 July; 100
Bello, A., Y. Dersjant-Li and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2020 August; 99
Pongmanee, K., I. Kühn, and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2020 May; 99
Zou, A., K. Nadeau, P. W. Wang, J. Y. Lee, D. S. Guttman, S. Sharif, D. R. Korver, J. H. Brumell, and J. Parkinson
BMC Genetics. 2020 January; 21
Spectrum lighting during pullet rearing and its impact on subsequent production performance in layers
Takeshima, K., C. Hanlon, B. Sparling, D. R. Korver, and G. Y. Bédécarrats
Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2019 December; 28
Energy partitioning by broiler breeder hens in conventional daily-restricted feeding and precision feeding systems
Hadinia, S. H., P. R. O. Carneiro, D. R. Korver, and M. J. Zuidhof
Poultry Science. 2019 December; 98
The efficacy of 2 phytases on inositol phosphate degradation in different segments of the gastrointestinal tract, calcium and phosphorus digestibility, and bone quality of broilers
Bello, A., Y. Dersjant-Li, and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2019 November; 98
Long-term effects of Buttiauxella sp. phytase on performance, eggshell quality, apparent ileal Ca and P digestibility, and bone properties of white egg layers
Bello, A., and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2019 October; 98
Informal nutrition symposium: critical update on net energy research and implementation status in poultry
Korver, D. R. and C. R. Angel
Journal of Applied Poultry Research . 2019 September; 28
Influences of trace mineral nutrition and maternal flock age on broiler embryo bone development
Torres, C. A., and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2018 August; 97
Physiological response of broiler embryos to different incubator temperature profiles and maternal flock age during incubation. 1. Embryonic metabolism and day-old chick quality
Hamidu, J. A., C. A. Torres, M. L. Johnson-Dahl, and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2018 August; 97
Practical assessment and management of foot pad dermatitis in commercial broiler chickens: A field study
Hunter, J. M., S. A. Anders, T. Crowe, D. R. Korver, and C. J. Bench
Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2017 December; 26
Opportunities for exercise during pullet rearing Part I: Effect on the musculoskeletal characteristics of pullets
Casey-Trott, T., D. Korver, M. Guerin, V. Sandilands, S. Torrey, and T. Widowski
Poultry Science. 2017 August; 96
Opportunities for exercise during pullet rearing Part II: Long-term effects on bone characteristics of adult laying hens at the end-of-lay
Casey-Trott, T., D. Korver, M. Guerin, V. Sandilands, S. Torrey and T. Widowski
Poultry Science. 2017 August; 96
Behaviour, growth performance, foot pad quality, bone density and carcass traits of broiler chickens reared with barrier perches and fed different dietary crude protein levels
Bench, C. J., M.A. Oryschak D.R. Korver, and E. Beltranena
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 2017 June; 97
The effect of maternal canthaxanthin supplementation and hen age on indices of chick early innate immune function
Johnson-Dahl, M. L., M. J. Zuidhof and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2017 March; 96
SHORT COMMUNICATION: Oxidized sub-bituminous coal water additive has no adverse effect on growth performance or water consumption of growing broilers
Bench, C., M. Oryschak and Doug Korver
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 2016 December; 96
MHC variability in heritage chicken breeds
Fulton, J. E., A. R Lund, A. M. McCarron, K. Pinegar, D. R. Korver, H. L. Classen, S. Aggrey, C. Utterbach, N. B. Anthony, M. E. Berres
Poultry Science. 2016 February; 95
The effect of hen age and maternal vitamin D source on performance, hatchability, bone mineral density, and progeny in vitro early innate immune function
Saunders-Blades, J. L. and D. R. Korver
Poultry Science. 2015 June; 94
Growth, efficiency, and yield of commercial broilers from 1957, 1978, and 2005
Zuidhof, M. J., B. L. Schneider, V. L. Carney, D. R. Korver, and F. E. Robinson
Poultry Science. 2014 December; 93
The effect of maternal vitamin D source on broiler hatching egg quality, hatchability, and progeny bone mineral density and performance
Saunders-Blades, J. L. and D. R. Korver
Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 2014 December; 23