CMPUT 481 - Parallel and Distributed Systems

★ 3 (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Faculty of Science

This course provides an undergraduate-level introduction to parallel programming, parallel and distributed systems, and high-performance computing in science and engineering. Both shared-memory parallel computers and distributed-memory multi computers (e.g., clusters) will be studied. Aspects of the practice of, and (some) research issues in, parallelism will be covered. There will be an emphasis on thread programming, data-parallel programming, and performance evaluation. Prerequisite: CMPUT 379, or consent of the instructor.

No syllabi

Winter Term 2024


Section Capacity Class times Instructor(s)
2024-01-08 - 2024-04-12 (MWF)
10:00 - 10:50
GSB 8-11
Primary Instructor: Paul Lu

Winter Term 2025

CMPUT 481 - Parallel and Distributed Systems
★ 3 (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course provides an undergraduate-level introduction to parallel programming, parallel and distributed systems, and high-performance computing in science and engineering. Both shared-memory parallel computers and distributed-memory multi computers (e.g., clusters) will be studied. Aspects of the practice of, and (some) research issues in, parallelism will be covered. There will be an emphasis on thread programming, data-parallel programming, and performance evaluation. Prerequisite: CMPUT 379.


Section Capacity Class times Instructor(s)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09 (MWF)
10:00 - 10:50
GSB 8-11