ECE 311 - Computer Organization and Architecture

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Faculty of Engineering

Survey of modern computer architecture and design concepts. Benchmarks, instruction set design and encoding. Pipelined and superscalar processors. Techniques for exposing and exploiting instruction-level parallelism. Performance of cache and virtual memory hierarchies. Input/output subsystem design. Prerequisite: ECE 212 or E E 380 or CMPUT 229. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 311, CMPE 382 or CMPUT 429.

No syllabi

Fall Term 2024


Section Capacity Class times Login to view Instructor(s) and Location
2024-09-03 - 2024-12-09 (MWF)
11:00 - 11:50