EXSCMA - OCE - Supply Chain Management

Offered By:
Online and Continuing Education

Below are the courses available from the EXSCMA code. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times.

39 units Non-credit course

From recognizing a need to issuing a purchase order, Participants will learn the essentials of determining quantity, specifications and price that are the cornerstones of procurement. This course covers a variety of procurement scenarios: repetitive purchases of production materials, procuring one-time low-cost items, large capital goods acquisition and securing commodities under long-term supply contracts. The opportunities and challenges of international procurement versus domestic procurement will be discussed. Participants will gain a broad understanding of the role of procurement and the various ways it can be organized.

39 units Non-credit course

Participants will learn the advantages and limitations of the 4 modes of transportation: road, rail, air and water, as well as intermodal transportation. Topics covered include the role of freight forwarders, brokers and integrated transportation companies. This course will introduce Participants to transportation documentation and allow them to experience basic load planning. Participants will gain an overview of contracts, insurance, customs clearance and letters of credit. The fundamentals of lncoterms 2010 and their impact on buyer-seller responsibility for transportation will also be examined.

39 units Non-credit course

The interconnections between procurement, operations and transportation will be explored in this course. Participants will discuss how to balance the pressures for large order sizes to achieve low unit costs with the competing pressures to keep order sizes low to minimize warehouse space and inventory obsolescence. The options of few centralized warehouses versus multiple distributed warehouses will be addressed. Among the topics covered are forecasting, uncertainty, safety stocks and customer service requirements. Computer systems, such as DRP, WMS and TMS, will also be presented.

39 units Non-credit course

This course will familiarize Participants with operations in manufacturing, distribution and services organizations. They will learn the basics of location selection and layout. Among topics covered are capacity planning and scheduling, as well as the key concepts of JIT/Lean, OPT/TOC and MRP. Participants will discuss the challenges of balancing capacity with demand and be introduced to forecasting techniques, demand planning and inventory ordering. Quality systems and continuous improvement methodologies, including Deming, Juran, ISO 9000 and Six Sigma, will also be addressed.

14 units Non-credit course

Essential to the successful supply chain professional are the competencies of listening skills, spoken and written communication, persuasiveness and the ability to explain complex issues up and down the organization and around the supply chain. Another critical ability is building effective inter-organizational supply chain relationships. Learn how to create and deliver strong presentations and how to be professional in your spoken communications by looking at steak, sizzle and style. Non-verbal communication such as appearance and body language are also explored. Guidance on producing clear, concise and compelling reports and written communication, and examines do's and don'ts in electronic communication today.

28 units Non-credit course

Negotiation skills are an essential competency for any manager, and especially those responsible for supply chain management. This Workshop provides you with a roadmap for leading or participating in successful negotiations. Focus on the entire negotiation process, and learn the activities and techniques to be used from the preparation stage to the actual face-to-face negotiations. It covers understanding the other negotiator, responding to power imbalances, as well as looking beyond the deal to building longer-term relationships. Interactive activities, including negotiation simulations and role-playing exercises, feature prominently and allow opportunities to fine-tune your own negotiating skills.

14 units Non-credit course

Competitive bidding and contract management, if not handled properly, can lead to serious legal and financial consequences for any organization. This Workshop seeks to equip you with the tools required to turn this into a competitive advantage for your enterprise. Look at the conditions for successful competitive bidding and the elements of the bidding process, including RFPs and RFQs. Electronic tendering is also addressed. Examine the types of contracts and contract law. Gain an understanding of writing contract terms and how to manage a contract from performance review to dispute resolution and termination.

14 units Non-credit course

This seminar provides a comprehensive overview of how finance impacts supply management. Basic terminology used in finance and accounting are defined. Participants learn how to read financial statements and understand how decisions are taken. They will be introduced to using key ratios to interpret financial information. The principles of accounting and budgeting will be presented. Participants will gain an understanding of how supply management practitioners make a business case for an investment and evaluate investment opportunities.

14 units Non-credit course

Participants will learn the role and purpose of marketing with a special emphasis on how marketing affects supply management. The differences between marketing and sales, marketing products and services, as well as B2B and B2C marketing will be addressed. Market research, understanding your competition, market segmentation and market selection are key topics covered. Among the other subjects discussed is the marketing mix: the 4 Ps of product, pricing, place and promotion. Strategies for market leaders and market followers will also be outlined.

14 units Non-credit course

Every department has a critical role to play in delivering an organization's strategy. This seminar provides an overview of strategic planning in an organization and the basic elements of a strategic analysis (SWOT). The Porter 5-forces model for analyzing the competitive environment will be introduced. Topics covered include critical success factors, strategic maps and company positioning, and strategic models (low-cost, differentiation, niche). Discuss how to develop a strategic plan in a supply management role and the linkages between the strategic plan and a budget.