MA PH 251 - Differential Equations for Physics

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 3-1S-0)

Faculty of Science

Differential equations occur throughout physics and being able to solve them is a critical mathematical skill for physicists. The first part of the course emphasizes solution techniques to first-order and linear, second-order ordinary differential equations, including series and Frobenius solutions, and an introduction to Fourier and orthogonal series and Sturm-Liouville problems. The second part of the course introduces partial differential equations with a study of quasilinear first-order equations, and the linear second-order wave, heat and Laplace equations, and solution techniques including the method of characteristics and separation of variables. Examples from physics will be emphasized throughout. Prerequisite: MATH 146 or equivalent and one of MATH 102 or 125 or 127. Corequisite: MATH 214 or 217. Note: Credit may be obtained for only one of MA PH 251, MATH 201, MATH 334 or MATH 336.

No syllabi

Fall Term 2025


Section Capacity Class times Login to view Instructor(s) and Location
2025-09-02 - 2025-12-08 (TR)
11:00 - 12:20


Section Capacity Class times Login to view Instructor(s) and Location
2025-09-02 - 2025-12-08 (W)
12:00 - 12:50