The course will introduce students interested in careers in health administration and policy development to relevant issues in health law and risk management in the context of the Canadian legal and public health care systems. It will start with a discussion of the Constitutional foundation of health law in Canada with an analysis of Canada's Federal political structure, Federal and Provincial jurisdictions in health care, and the influence of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canada Health Act. It will introduce students to administrative structures and related law. The second part of the course will offer a practical exploration of issues that may confront health managers and policy makers, including medical negligence; informed consent; employment and labour law; contract law (e.g., procurement contracts); public health information; privacy and confidentiality; and regulation of health professions. Students will present papers on special topics in public health law such as infectious disease management, HIV/AIDS, vaccines, tobacco control, food-borne illnesses, intersections with criminal justice, Indigenous peoples and public health, and genetics and public health. Note: Credit may not be obtained for both PHS 606 and SPH 605.