Debra Davidson
Winter Term 2025 (1900)
R SOC 271 - The Politics of Food and Natural Resources
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
Students will gain a sociological understanding of contemporary Canadian politics in the food and natural resources sectors. Examination of the nature of political organizations and policymaking in Canada; the particular roles played by the state, the public, and certain sectors of civil society, including social movements, industry organizations, labour unions, scientific organizations, and rural and Indigenous peoples. Contemporary case studies may include climate change and energy dependence, genetic engineering in agribusiness, the organic food products movement, mining in the circumpolar north, forestry expansion in the boreal region and cod management in the Atlantic fisheries. Not to be taken if credit received for ENCS 271 or REN R 271.
LECTURE B1 (70167)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
TR 12:30 - 13:50
R SOC 555 - Advances in Environmental Sociology
3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 3-0-0)
In-depth examination of a select set of current theoretical and empirical areas in the sub-discipline of environmental sociology. Examines the relationships among various environmental and social problems and how such problems and undesirable conditions can be and are being addressed. Prerequisite: R SOC 450.
LECTURE B1 (70169)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
W 13:00 - 15:50
R SOC 559 - States, Social Movements and the Environment
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
Covers classic and contemporary theories of states and social movements and their application to environmental and ecological issues. Topics include the Environmental State; relationships among state and societal forces; sub-national, national, and international environmental politics; political distinctions among environmental and ecological issues; and the potential for sustainability governance. Prerequisite: consent of Instructor.
LECTURE B1 (77957)
2025-01-06 - 2025-04-09
W 09:00 - 11:50
Winter Term 2026 (1940)
R SOC 271 - The Politics of Food and Natural Resources
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
Students will gain a sociological understanding of contemporary Canadian politics in the food and natural resources sectors. Examination of the nature of political organizations and policymaking in Canada; the particular roles played by the state, the public, and certain sectors of civil society, including social movements, industry organizations, labour unions, scientific organizations, and rural and Indigenous peoples. Contemporary case studies may include climate change and energy dependence, genetic engineering in agribusiness, the organic food products movement, mining in the circumpolar north, forestry expansion in the boreal region and cod management in the Atlantic fisheries. Not to be taken if credit received for ENCS 271 or REN R 271.
LECTURE B1 (80143)
2026-01-05 - 2026-04-10
TR 12:30 - 13:50
R SOC 558 - The Sociology of Environmental Risk: Theory and Applications
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)
Theoretical and empirical research on the study of environmental risk in the social sciences, and their application in various institutional areas. Divergent theoretical perspectives on risk within the social sciences, directions taken by empirical researchers in the analysis of the construction and perception of environmental risk, as well as current institutional mechanisms for risk management and social impact assessment. Prerequisite: consent of Instructor.
SEMINAR B1 (87883)
2026-01-05 - 2026-04-10
W 09:00 - 11:50