Dana DiTomaso
DirectoryContinuing Ed Fall 2024 (1886)
EXSM 5512 - Analytics and Reporting for Digital Media
21 units
Learn the language of analytics and its many acronyms as a means to measure where your web traffic is coming from, how much web traffic you are receiving, which messages are most effective and how to report on these measures. Identify useful metrics and describe how they can be analyzed to support business objectives, developing a reporting framework for effective communication. Create a website of your own and apply various approaches to analytics, including Google Analytics and ROI analysis in real-time.
LECTURE FA1 (20174)
2024-10-28 - 2024-12-15
01:00 - 01:00
Continuing Ed Winter 2025 (1888)
EXSM 5512 - Analytics and Reporting for Digital Media
21 units
Learn the language of analytics and its many acronyms as a means to measure where your web traffic is coming from, how much web traffic you are receiving, which messages are most effective and how to report on these measures. Identify useful metrics and describe how they can be analyzed to support business objectives, developing a reporting framework for effective communication. Create a website of your own and apply various approaches to analytics, including Google Analytics and ROI analysis in real-time.
LECTURE WI1 (25153)
2025-01-13 - 2025-03-02
01:00 - 01:00
Continuing Ed Spring 2025 (1906)
EXSM 5512 - Analytics and Reporting for Digital Media
21 units
Learn the language of analytics and its many acronyms as a means to measure where your web traffic is coming from, how much web traffic you are receiving, which messages are most effective and how to report on these measures. Identify useful metrics and describe how they can be analyzed to support business objectives, developing a reporting framework for effective communication. Create a website of your own and apply various approaches to analytics, including Google Analytics and ROI analysis in real-time.
LECTURE SP1 (15063)
2025-04-28 - 2025-06-15
01:00 - 01:00