Edy Wong, PhD
Winter Term 2025 (1900)
BUEC 641 - Strategic Procurement
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
Increasing competition and globalization of the supply chain have made cost competitiveness and procurement effectiveness key to successful business performance. Best-in-class procurement practices are essential to attaining global supply chain competitiveness today. This course introduces students to the principles of procurement and how they can help enhance cost and supply chain efficiency. Learning outcomes will be both strategic and tactical including topics such as the business function of procurement, the procurement process and organization, trends in organizational design, quality management, make - buy decisions, strategic cost management, strategic and global sourcing, supplier selection and management, inventory strategies, category management, performance measurement and evaluation, RFP (Request for Proposal) and contract management, negotiations and conflict management, and electronic sourcing. Prerequisite: BUEC 503.
LECTURE B02 (78745)
2025-01-10 - 2025-01-12
FSU 08:00 - 16:50
2025-02-07 - 2025-02-08
FS 08:00 - 16:50
BUEC 888 - Business Project Part 1-4
6 units (fi 12)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
Students are required to complete a custom designed project for a client company and prepare a business plan. The company selected could be the student's own organization or a unit within the organization. Restricted to students registered in the MBA China Program.
LECTURE 850 (79461)
2025-02-24 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
LECTURE 851 (79465)
2025-02-24 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00
FIN 866 - International Finance
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
The objective of this course is to acquaint students with macro and micro aspects of international finance. At the macro level coverage will include theories of direct investment, the international monetary mechanism, foreign exchange markets, and repercussions from balance of payments difficulties. Micro level materials will include problems of doing business internationally and a survey of public and private foreign and international finance institutions. The final part of the course will review Canada's role in international business. Restricted to students registered in the MFM Program.
LECTURE 851 (79458)
2025-02-24 - 2025-04-09
01:00 - 01:00