Search Results

Name Title Department Phone Location
Al Hamarneh, Yazid Assistant Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804929608
Barr, Amy Biochemistry Technologist Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Basu, Lahari Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Beattie, Jennifer Student Programs Administrator Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804920511 7-55 Medical Sciences Building
Benzi Juncos, Oriana Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Bolger, Matthew Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Clanachan, Alexander Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Colmers, William Phased Post Retirement-Faculty Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Dabrowska, Monika Laboratory Operations Lead Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804920514 9-70 Medical Sciences Building
Dai, Xiao-Qing Research Associate II Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Das, Damayantee Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Dobler, Catherine Laboratory Assistant Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Dos Santos, Theodore Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Duckett, Shawn Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Duckett, Shawn Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Duta, Nicholas Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Duta, Nicholas Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Faig, Christian Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Fang, Liye Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Fatehi Hassanabad, Mohammad Research Associate Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804926150 6-040 Li Ka Shing Centre For Research
Franczak, Aleksandra Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Gibson, Clare Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Gruber, Brittany Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Gruber, Brittany ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Hammond, James Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804923414 9-55 Medical Sciences Building
Hammond, Tom Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Hao, Yubin Laboratory Technician Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Horkey, Mel Lab Asst Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804928108
Johnson, Janyne Term Other Teaching Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Kanyo, Richard Research Associate Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Karami, Mojtaba Visitor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Korodimas, Jacob Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Kurata, Harley Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Lamothe, Shawn Research Associate Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Leung, Wing Yan Thomas Laboratory Technician Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Light, Peter Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804920638 6-126A Li Ka Shing Centre For Research
Light, Peter Chair Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Lou, Phing How Research Associate Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Lunsonga, Lynn Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
MacDonald, Patrick Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 6-126C Li Ka Shing Centre For Research
Manning Fox, Jocelyn Casual Academic Hourly Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
McInroy, Caleb Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Monyror, John Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Mraiche, Fatima Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 9-43C Medical Sciences Building
Peacocke, Christopher Training Program & Research Ad Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Perri, Giacomo Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Plane, Frances Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804926645 9-62C Medical Sciences Building
Posse de Chaves, Elena Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804925966 9-31B Medical Sciences Building
Reyes, Ken Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Sandini, Thaisa ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Schukarucha Gomes, Amanda Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Shahid, Nayiar Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Sipione, Simonetta Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804925885 921B Medical Sciences Building
Smith, Nancy Tissue Specialist Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804929475
Smith, Peter Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804922643 9-75 Medical Sciences Building
Spigelman, Aliya Technologist Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Sun, Violet Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Taylor, Anna Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804923870 9-70A Medical Sciences Building
Tse, Amy Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804925796 9-11 Medical Sciences Building
Tse, Fred Professor Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept 7804923876 9-12 Medical Sciences Building
Wang, Fulin Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Wells, Kendra Short Term Acad Employment Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Zaidi, Asifa TRAS Research Associate Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
Zwozdesky, Myron ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept