EXMGT - OCE - Business Management

Offered By:
Online and Continuing Education

Below are the courses available from the EXMGT code. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times.

14 units Non-credit course

Project management has become a critical skill in every work place. Managers need to know the tools, techniques and have the knowledge to handle projects and deliver successful outcomes. Learn the basics to help you plan, execute, and control project management activities. This is an introductory project management course. We will explore successful projects and why projects that seemingly follow all the necessary rigor and methodology fail. In the end, students will leave with an enhanced ability to plan, execute and control their project management activities.

21 units Non-credit course

A well-managed change helps move an organization into the new way quickly, with wide-acceptance by people and minimal disruption. Examine the change process and tools and techniques to manage organizational change. Through reflection on past experience, you will examine key concepts of change and how to utilize a structured method to approach, plan and sustain a change program.

21 units Non-credit course

Real Change depends on people being willing to embrace the shift to a new way. the path may not be easy. Through examination of the elements, active leaders can determine productive ways to support their teams to achieve the necessary transition to the future state.

14 units Non-credit course

Risk management and resource planning are key elements in the successful completion of a project. The processes and activities necessary to manage risk, a detailed understanding of the increased importance of project procurement, and the core concepts, as well as tools and practices, to be employed for effective project human resource management will be studied in this two-day seminar. Using an applicable case study, the concepts learned in the classroom can be immediately applied to your real-life project.

14 units Non-credit course

This seminar has been designed to give new and experienced project managers and project team members the essential tools they need to deliver successful projects. You will acquire the skills, tools and practices necessary, through the use of a real-life case study, for successful project communication, measuring project progress, project close out and transition to operations.

14 units Non-credit course

Knowing how to extract real business value from the data generated by your organization is a valuable tool for all managers. Topics may include: foundational information on what is meant by analytics; the various types of analytics - descriptive, predictive and prescriptive; moving from business intelligence to business analytics; theories and trends in data analytics; and the latest best practices and tools available in business analytics, including their advantages and disadvantages.

39 units Non-credit course

Students will learn the basics of financial practices within organizations including how to read financial statements, how to make and understand financial decisions, and how to create a budget. Additionally, an introduction to concepts of managerial finance will be examined. Students will explore financial decision-making skills and learn how to use financial information effectively.

39 units Non-credit course

This course will explore financial resources and how these resources can best be managed. Topics include: managing assets, allocating funds, valuing the firm, and determining how financial decisions are made. Prerequisite: EXMGT 5579 & 5581; or EXMGT 5515

39 units Non-credit course

This course will provide an introduction to the Canadian legal system with emphasis on legal problems affecting the administration of business enterprises. Focus will be on the law of contracts.

39 units Non-credit course

This course examines the process of interpersonal communication and its impact on decision-making and relationships in business. It addresses various factors, including the effects of non-verbal communication, which often reduces understanding to result in a high degree of miscommunication. Strategies for effective communication are explored. Opportunities are given to develop skills in listening and responding to others.

39 units Non-credit course

This is an interdisciplinary course based on the premise that managerial decision-making is dynamic. The scope of business decision-making requires and understanding of business issues, human resources, managerial functions, business ethics and responsibility, and group dynamics. This course will explore the management functions and the areas of national and international business in which these are continually practiced.

39 units Non-credit course

In this course, you will explore the management of marketing, with emphasis on marketing research, analysis, planning and control. Case studies will provide an opportunity to apply marketing principles in an examination of Canadian business problems.

39 units Non-credit course

Operations management involves the design, planning, direction and control of the facilities, processes, materials, energy and people used in producing an organization's products, or services. Every industry and organization uses operations management principles. This course will cover capacity planning, resources scheduling, equipment operation, inventory control, purchasing, quality assurance, human resources management, project management, and production standards and control.

39 units Non-credit course

Explores the theory and practice of the organization in three major parts: the organizational environment, the organizational structure, and the behaviour of groups and individuals within the organization. Topics include the social role of managers, organizational structure, individual perception, motivation, decision-making and leadership, communication, teamwork and stress in the work place.

39 units Non-credit course

Students will analyze a framework for the process of negotiating successful agreements. Topics will include: learning how to recognize and respond to negotiating tactics, developing awareness of basic negotiating styles, and developing the ability to establish a negotiating process for creating collaborative partnerships.

39 units Non-credit course

This course emphasizes effective human resource management processes, methods and techniques. The human resource function will be explored as an extension of and support to the line manager's responsibility. This course will also focus on internal and external influences shaping the role of human resource management in organizations today.

39 units Non-credit course

Different organizational strategies require different human resource management policies and practices. This course is designed to help human resources plan and make decisions about the allocation of resources for the effective management of people. Topics include: environmental scanning, forecasting supply and demand for human resources, successions planning, career planning, and business strategies.

39 units Non-credit course

Provides an introduction to employment relationships as effected by provincial and federal legislation. Consideration of the Alberta Labour Relations Act and the Public Service Employee Relations Act will be undertaken. Emphasis will be placed on the analysis of Labour Board decisions as they effect collective bargaining.

39 units Non-credit course

This course examines the conceptual framework for the evolution and delivery of contemporary human resource management. It takes into account shifting values and priorities of employees and managers and their impact on changes in the workplace. Specifically the program looks at the changing roles, values, and skill and knowledge requirements from the perspective of human resources practitioners- employees and managers alike.

39 units Non-credit course

The essentials of recruitment and selection is the focus of this course. The broad coverage of topics may include: internal and external factors that influence recruitment and selection practices, legislative framework, job analysis and competency models, recruitment sources and attracting job applicants, screening, testing, and interviewing and decision making.

39 units Non-credit course

This course focuses on training and development as an investment in human capital; it examines the responsibilities of human resource training to assist an organization in managing performance and meeting its strategic objectives. Topics include: needs analysis, setting measurable goals, program design, training methods, transfer of skills, evaluation, and costing training programs.

39 units Non-credit course

This course will introduce the principles and interrelationships of Total Compensation strategy, Total Compensation plan design, Job Evaluation, and Performance Management. In a precarious economy, Total Compensation is a key ingredient in attracting and retenting of employees. There will be considerable discussion of current and emerging issues and trends in Total Compensation.

39 units Non-credit course

In this course, you will be challenged to develop optimal solutions to the key business problems and/or opportunities facing organizations. You will utilize a structured methodology to analyze the situation and develop plausible alternatives for evaluation. Case studies will include companies of various sizes, diverse industries, and different countries.