PET E - Petroleum Engineering

Offered By:
Faculty of Engineering

Below are the courses available from the PET E code. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-3/2)

Qualitative and quantitative phase behavior of petroleum reservoir fluids through the algebraic and numerical application of thermodynamic theory, equations of state, and empirical correlations. Determination of engineering PVT parameters. Oilfield waters. Introduction to mass transfer. Prerequisite: CHEM 105.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-3/2)

Rock properties (porosity, permeability): definition, measurement and models. Rock-fluid interaction (wettability, relative permeability, interfacial tension, capillary pressure): definition, measurement and models. Single and multiphase flow through porous media Darcy equation and diffusivity equation: Derivation and solution for different coordinates and boundary conditions. Prerequisite: PET E 275. PET E 295 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in PET E 373.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-3/2)

Rotary drilling systems, elements of rock mechanics, properties and field testing procedures of drilling fluids, drilling fluids hydraulics, drill bit hydraulics and mechanics, well control, factors affecting rate of penetration, drill string mechanics, fundamentals of directional drilling. Prerequisites: CH E 312 or equivalent and CIV E 270.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Theory and engineering applications of measurements of physical properties of the formation near the well bore; interpretation and use of the information in reservoir engineering. Prerequisite: PET E 275.

3 units (fi 8)(SECOND, 3-0-0)

Land units in Western Canada, types and characteristics of well completions, perforating, wellbore damage and simulation, combined inflow and well performance analysis, multiphase flow through conduits, oil well pumping, gas lift, surface facilities and flow measurement, applied mass transfer. Prerequisite: CH E 312.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-3S/2-0)

Reserves estimation. Analysis and prediction of reservoir performance by use of material balance. Primary recovery performance for water influx and solution gas drive reservoirs. Decline curve analysis. Basics of well test analysis. Pressure drawdown and buildup tests. Average reservoir pressure estimation. Drill stem testing and gas well testing. Prerequisite: PET E 295 or PET E 373. PET E 375 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in PET E 475.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Basics of numerical reservoir simulation and numerical solution of partial differential equations. Simulation methods as applied to specific problems in petroleum reservoir behavior. Applications on primary, secondary and tertiary recovery phases of petroleum production using commercial simulation packages. Prerequisites: PET E 295 or PET E 373, Corequisite: CH E 374. PET E 377 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in PET E 477.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Topics include gas properties, reserves estimation, gas well deliverability, gas well testing, gas storage, surface facilities, and transmission. Production of unconventional gas reservoirs (coal beds, hydrates, tight sand and shale gas). Prerequisite: PET E 275.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Classification of EOR methods, areal, vertical and volumetric sweep efficiencies, predictive models for immiscible displacement. Frontal advance theory and Buckley-Leverett-Weldge approach. Chemical (alkaline, polymer, surfactant, micellar injection) flooding. Miscible-immiscible gas (hydrocarbon and CO2) injection. Prerequisite: PET E 295 or PET E 373.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

A design course covering new developments in the area of well engineering. Will include construction, completion, and stimulation of oil/gas wells. Co-requisite: PET E 364.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

A design course covering new developments in the area of heavy oil recovery. Will include modeling and designing heavy-oil recovery applications and thermal methods. Prerequisite: PET E 295 or PET E 373.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Principles of property evaluation as a function of resource type, economics, technology, risk, and policies. Investment decision making tools. Cost information for petroleum exploration, drilling, production and development. Case studies on conventional and unconventional resources. Canadian and international oil and gas regulations. International and regional factors impacting oil and gas prices. Corequisite: ENG M 310 or 401 or equivalent.

3 units (fi 8)(SECOND, 1-6S-0)

Designed to deal with special case studies in the mining and petroleum industries; an analysis of reserves; the prediction of production and operating procedures related to the project; the application of economics in the analysis of profitability; economics and planning as tools for a management position. Prerequisite: PET E 484. Note: Restricted to fourth-year traditional and fifth-year co-op engineering students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Linear and non-linear inverse problem formulation. Local, global and ensemble-based optimization methods. Regularization techniques. Assessment of solution quality. Error and uncertainty analysis. Data integration. Subsurface engineering applications: model parameter estimation, production history matching, machine learning. Primary focus is on the application of various solution methods. Prerequisite: STAT 235 and CH E 374 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Elements of rock mechanics, rock mechanical properties and their assessment from lab testing and sonic logs, in-situ stresses and their assessment, single and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, rock fracability, perforation for fracturing, stress shadow, wellbore stability during drilling, sand production, reservoir porosity and permeability evolution, caprock and wellbore integrity. Prerequisite: PET E 364 and PET E 365 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer applied to geothermal engineering. Exploitation methods of geothermal energy. Operation and management of geothermal projects. Economic feasibility of geothermal projects. Prerequisite: PET E 295 and PET E 366 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Classification and petrophysical characterization of unconventional reservoirs. Well testing and production data analysis of fractured reservoirs. Enhanced hydrocarbon recovery methods in unconventional reservoirs. Prerequisite: PET E 295 and PET E 365 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Methods used to characterize geological structures (well logging, well testing, stochastic and fractal models, production and drilling data). Examples, projects and practices with real life problems and case studies. Prerequisites: PET E 365 and PET E 375 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Overview of LCA applications from various subsurface operations and LCA of Greenhouse gas emissions, Basics of LCA and methods, Steps for LCA, Life Cycle Inventory, Impact Assessment, LCA Interpretation: Uncertainty Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis, Case studies on Assessing CO2 Utilization, and Life cycle GHG emissions of tight oil production, oil sand technologies, geothermal operations, and H2 production. Prerequisites: ENG M 310/ENG M 401 and PET E 366 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Single and multiphase flow in porous media: concepts of relative permeability, capillary pressure, and wettability. Immiscible and miscible displacement processes in porous media. Overall reservoir performance (tank model): Mechanics of primary production and material balance equation of gas, gas condensate, volatile and black oil reservoirs. Graphical and analytical decline curve analysis. Diffusivity equation and pressure transient in oil and gas reservoirs. Prerequisite: PET E 475 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Inflow performance relationships. Analysis of multiphase flow through pipes and restrictions using flow correlations and mechanistic methods. Flow pattern prediction for vertical, horizontal and inclined pipes. Total system analysis, production optimization. Design of artificial lift systems. Prerequisite: PET E 366 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Evaluation and operation of secondary and tertiary recovery projects; principles of water flooding, chemical flooding and gas flooding techniques. Prerequisite: PET E 471 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Single and multi-phase flow problems in porous media for compressible and incompressible flow. Multi-dimensional flow will be considered. Analytical, numerical and stochastic flow models will be developed for heterogeneous porous media. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Credit cannot be obtained for both PET E 635 and PET E 636.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Compositional formulation of flow in porous media. Thermodynamics of phase equilibria. Multiphase behaviour of reservoir fluids in enhanced oil recovery. Characterization of reservoir fluids using an equation of state. Miscible methods; analytical solution, development of miscibility, drive mechanisms, compositional reservoir simulation, and miscible methods in thermal oil recovery. Prerequisite: PET E 630 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Simulation of recovery processes and various EOR methods such as water flooding, chemical flooding and gas flooding; PVT modeling; multiphase flash, compositional and thermal simulation. Modeling naturally fractured reservoirs. Prerequisite: PET E 477 or consent of instructor. Credit cannot be obtained for both PET E 649 and PET E 650.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Recent advances in drilling techniques. Optimization of drilling operational parameters, directional drilling and deviation control, design aspects of horizontal and multilateral well drilling, measurement while drilling, drill string mechanics, bottomhole assembly design, tubular stability, drag and torque problems. Prerequisite: PET E 364 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Overview of flow assurance in oil and natural gas flowlines and pipelines. Fundamentals of surfaces and dispersions, nucleation and crystal growth, multiphase flows. Introduction to fast- forming and slowly forming flow assurance risk factors; gas hydrates, demulsification, dehydration, wax deposition, asphaltene precipitation, scale formation, sand erosion, pipeline corrosion, sensing and mitigation strategies. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Thermodynamics and phase equilibrium in pressure-volume-composition relationships in petroleum fluids (oil/gas mixtures). Thermodynamic concepts and laws, phase equilibrium conditions, chemical potentials and fugacity, equilibrium conditions with curved interfaces due to underground capillary effect, phase diagrams of petroleum reservoir fluids, equation of state modelling designed for petroleum fluids, phase equilibrium computations and Tangent-Plane Distance (TPD) analysis, use of PVT software and analysis of petroleum fluid phase behavior and properties. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

An advanced treatment of selected petroleum engineering topics of current interest to staff and students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Reading Course. Reading and discussion of selected topics in Petroleum Engineering.

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

An engineering project for students registered in a Masters of Engineering program.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

An engineering project for students registered in a Masters of Engineering Program.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

An engineering project for students registered in a Masters of Engineering program.

6 units (fi 12)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

An engineering project for students registered in the joint MBA/MEng program.

3 units (fi 12)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

An engineering project for students registered in the joint MBA/MEng program.

3 units (fi 12)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

An engineering project for students registered in the joint MBA/MEng program.