Jean Loitz


Continuing Ed Fall 2024 (1886)

EXSCMA 5634 - SMT Logistics

39 units

The interconnections between procurement, operations and transportation will be explored in this course. Participants will discuss how to balance the pressures for large order sizes to achieve low unit costs with the competing pressures to keep order sizes low to minimize warehouse space and inventory obsolescence. The options of few centralized warehouses versus multiple distributed warehouses will be addressed. Among the topics covered are forecasting, uncertainty, safety stocks and customer service requirements. Computer systems, such as DRP, WMS and TMS, will also be presented.

LECTURE FA1 (20072)

2024-09-10 - 2024-11-26
T 18:00 - 21:15

EXSCMA 5635 - SMT Operations Management

39 units

This course will familiarize Participants with operations in manufacturing, distribution and services organizations. They will learn the basics of location selection and layout. Among topics covered are capacity planning and scheduling, as well as the key concepts of JIT/Lean, OPT/TOC and MRP. Participants will discuss the challenges of balancing capacity with demand and be introduced to forecasting techniques, demand planning and inventory ordering. Quality systems and continuous improvement methodologies, including Deming, Juran, ISO 9000 and Six Sigma, will also be addressed.

LECTURE FA1 (20032)

2024-09-11 - 2024-11-27
W 18:00 - 21:15

EXSCMA 5690 - SMT Communication and Relational Skills

14 units

Essential to the successful supply chain professional are the competencies of listening skills, spoken and written communication, persuasiveness and the ability to explain complex issues up and down the organization and around the supply chain. Another critical ability is building effective inter-organizational supply chain relationships. Learn how to create and deliver strong presentations and how to be professional in your spoken communications by looking at steak, sizzle and style. Non-verbal communication such as appearance and body language are also explored. Guidance on producing clear, concise and compelling reports and written communication, and examines do's and don'ts in electronic communication today.

LECTURE FA1 (20069)

2024-11-23 - 2024-11-24
SU 08:30 - 16:30

EXSCMA 5692 - SMT Competitive Bidding, Contract Preparation and Contract Management

14 units

Competitive bidding and contract management, if not handled properly, can lead to serious legal and financial consequences for any organization. This Workshop seeks to equip you with the tools required to turn this into a competitive advantage for your enterprise. Look at the conditions for successful competitive bidding and the elements of the bidding process, including RFPs and RFQs. Electronic tendering is also addressed. Examine the types of contracts and contract law. Gain an understanding of writing contract terms and how to manage a contract from performance review to dispute resolution and termination.

LECTURE FA1 (20067)

2024-10-12 - 2024-10-13
SU 08:30 - 16:30

Continuing Ed Winter 2025 (1888)

EXSCMA 5633 - SMT Transportation

39 units

Participants will learn the advantages and limitations of the 4 modes of transportation: road, rail, air and water, as well as intermodal transportation. Topics covered include the role of freight forwarders, brokers and integrated transportation companies. This course will introduce Participants to transportation documentation and allow them to experience basic load planning. Participants will gain an overview of contracts, insurance, customs clearance and letters of credit. The fundamentals of lncoterms 2010 and their impact on buyer-seller responsibility for transportation will also be examined.

LECTURE WI1 (25069)

2025-01-15 - 2025-04-02
W 18:00 - 21:15

EXSCMA 5634 - SMT Logistics

39 units

The interconnections between procurement, operations and transportation will be explored in this course. Participants will discuss how to balance the pressures for large order sizes to achieve low unit costs with the competing pressures to keep order sizes low to minimize warehouse space and inventory obsolescence. The options of few centralized warehouses versus multiple distributed warehouses will be addressed. Among the topics covered are forecasting, uncertainty, safety stocks and customer service requirements. Computer systems, such as DRP, WMS and TMS, will also be presented.

LECTURE WI1 (25070)

2025-01-14 - 2025-04-01
T 18:00 - 21:15