MAT E - Materials Engineering

Offered By:
Faculty of Engineering

Below are the courses available from the MAT E code. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

An introduction to the science of materials from the standpoint of the relationships between atomic, molecular and crystal structure to material properties. Atomic bonding, crystal structure and crystal imperfections. Structures of metallic, non-metallic and composite materials. Diffusion, electrochemical and corrosion properties; strengthening mechanisms, mechanical properties and failure; electrical conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics; thermal, magnetic, and optical properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-1.5S/2-)

An introduction to the science of materials relating their mechanical, thermal, electronic, and chemical properties to atomic, molecular, and crystal structure. Ceramic and metallic crystals, glasses, polymers, and composite materials. Multi-phase materials, phase transformations, and strengthening processes. Laboratories and seminars include mechanical properties of materials, microstructure, heat treatment of steel, and hands on design experiments. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.

1.5 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-1.5S/2-)

An introduction to the science of materials relating their mechanical, thermal, electronic, and chemical properties to atomic, molecular, and crystal structure. Ceramic and metallic crystals, glasses, polymers, and composite materials. Multi-phase materials, phase transformations, and strengthening processes. Laboratories and seminars include mechanical properties of materials, microstructure, heat treatment of steel, and hands on design experiments. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.

1.5 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-1.5S/2-)

An introduction to the science of materials relating their mechanical, thermal, electronic, and chemical properties to atomic, molecular, and crystal structure. Ceramic and metallic crystals, glasses, polymers, and composite materials. Multi-phase materials, phase transformations, and strengthening processes. Laboratories include mechanical properties of materials, microstructure, heat treatment of steel, and hands on design experiments. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Fundamentals of thermodynamics in Materials Engineering. Review of thermodynamic functions. First, second and third laws. Reaction equilibria, stability diagrams. Solution thermodynamics applied to materials processes. Phase relations, free energy-composition diagrams, binary phase diagrams, and introduction to ternary phase diagrams. Electrochemistry. Experimental methods and estimation of thermodynamic data. Prerequisite: CH E 243. Credit may not be obtained in this course if previous credit has been obtained in MAT E 340 or 301.

3 units (fi 8)(SECOND, 3-1S-3/4)

Techniques for characterization of materials. Elements of crystallography. Optical microscopy and image analysis, diffraction techniques, electron microscopy, surface science techniques, wet chemical techniques, non-destructive characterization, emerging techniques. Prerequisite: MAT E 202 or consent of Department.

3 units (fi 8)(SECOND, 3-1S-0)

Characteristics of particles including size, shape, textures, surface area and surface charges, etc. Top-down and bottom-up techniques of particle synthesis. Powder fabrication techniques for minerals, metals and ceramics. Particle separation techniques based on size and type. Stability of particulate dispersions, Consolidation. Prerequisite: MAT E 202 or consent of Department.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Fundamentals of thermodynamics in materials engineering. Review of thermodynamic functions. First, second and third laws. Reaction equilibria, stability diagrams. Solution thermodynamics applied to materials processes. Phase relations, free energy-composition diagrams. Electrochemistry. Experimental methods and estimation of thermodynamic data. Credit may not be obtained in this course if previous credit has been obtained in MAT E 340 or 204. Prerequisite: CH E 243.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Structure, properties and application of nonmetallic-inorganic materials. Structure of crystalline and amorphous materials. Reciprocal lattice, Brillouin Zone, crystal vibrations, and energy bands. Sintering theory, defect chemistry and Brouwer diagram. Processing and fabrication of glasses. Electrical, dielectric, thermal and optical properties. Advanced application in energy conversion and storage. Prerequisites: (MAT E 202, MAT E 211 and MAT E 204) or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 8)(FIRST, 3-1S-0)

Solid phases and phase diagrams. Atomic mechanisms of solid state diffusion and diffusion in multicomponent and multiphase systems. Thermodynamics and kinetics of diffusional and diffusionless solid state transformations. Applications in alloy heat treating and surface treatment. Prerequisites: MAT E 211, and 204 or 301.

3 units (fi 8)(SECOND, 3-1S-0)

Thermodynamics of mass transfer and microstructure evolution in liquid-solid and vapour-solid transformations. Applications in solidification processes , casting, welding, vapour deposition and sputtering methods. Prerequisite: MAT E 335.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Electrochemical reactions, equilibrium electrode potentials, cell potentials and Pourbaix diagrams. Electrochemical reaction kinetics, Butler-Volmer Model, polarization and Tafel equations. Electrochemical measurements including linear polarization resistance and monitoring. Metal recovery from solutions, electroplating, electrowinning, electroless plating. Batteries, fuel cells. Prerequisite: MAT E 301 or 204, or CH E 343.

Starting: 2025-09-01 MAT E 341 - Applied Electrochemistry and Corrosion

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-2S-0)

Electrochemical reactions, equilibrium electrode potentials, cell potentials and Pourbaix diagrams. Electrochemical reaction kinetics, Butler-Volmer Model, polarization and Tafel equations. Electrochemical measurements including linear polarization resistance and monitoring. Metal recovery from solutions, electroplating, electrowinning, electroless plating. Batteries, fuel cells. The different forms of corrosion. Corrosion measurements, protection, coatings, materials selection, and design for corrosion control. High temperature oxidation and its control. Prerequisites: MAT E 204 or CH E 343.

3 units (fi 8)(SECOND, 3-0-0)

The environments materials experience in service. Theory of corrosion. The eight forms of corrosion. Corrosion measurements, protection, coatings, materials selection, and designing for corrosion. High temperature oxidation and its control. Degradation of non-metallic materials. Prerequisites: MAT E 201 or 202, and MAT E 341.

3 units (fi 8)(SECOND, 3-1S-0)

Stress/strain relationships and tensile testing. Dislocation theory, twinning and plastic deformation. Strengthening mechanisms. Fundamentals of fracture, failure mechanisms, fracture mechanics and fracture testing. Prerequisites: CIV E 270, MAT E 211, and MAT E 335.

2 units (fi 5)(FIRST, 1-1S-3/2)

Experimental data processing and report writing. Materials processing, characterization, and testing. Particle size reduction and separation. Prerequisites: MAT E 211 and STAT 235.

2 units (fi 5)(SECOND, 1-1S-5/2)

Technical report writing. Advanced materials processing, characterization, and testing. Prerequisites: MAT E 361.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Formulation and solution of materials engineering problems; solution of systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations; materials modeling and simulation techniques that cover different time and length scales, which include density functional theory methods, Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, phase field, finite element method, and machine learning approaches; hands-on experience with several modern materials modeling codes. Prerequisites: ENCMP 100 (or equivalent), MATH 102, 201 and 209.

2 units (fi 5)(EITHER, 1-1S-4)

Advanced technical report writing. Integration of materials characterization and testing techniques for problem solving. Integration of materials processing techniques for process development. Prerequisite: MAT E 362.

3 units (fi 8)(FIRST, 3-0-3)

Engineering design concepts in materials processing. Cost estimation. Project planning and scheduling. Plant safety and hazards analysis. Selected project design examples. Credit may not be obtained in this course if previous credit has been obtained in MAT E 365. Prerequisites: CME 265 and MAT E 204 or 301. Corequisites: CH E 314, ENG M 310 or 401, and ENGG 404.

3 units (fi 8)(SECOND, 3-1S-3)

Team materials design projects. Feasibility study and detailed materials design including: selection of materials and manufacturing processes; cost analysis; safety, social, and environmental considerations; failure modes; and microstructural specifications. Projects will require students to exercise creative and critical thinking, decision making, and demonstrate integration of Materials Engineering practice and synthesis of technical knowledge rather than simply analyse existing designs. Prerequisites: ENGG 404, MAT E 336, 345, 351 and 464.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

An advanced treatment of selected Materials Engineering topics of current interest. Prerequisite: Consent of Department.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-1S-0)

The study of diffusion, mass transfer and reaction kinetics in materials process engineering. The fundamental equations governing mass transfer are applied to study the rate of metallurgical processes. The use of dimensional analysis in scale-up of reactors and mixing in batch and continuous processes is also presented. Credit may not be obtained in this course if previous credit has been obtained in MAT E 440. Prerequisites: MAT E 204 or 301, and CH E 312. Corequisite: CH E 314.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Structure, processing, characterization, properties and application of ceramic materials and glass. Ceramic raw materials. Crystal chemistry and physics. Glassy state. Crystal defects, nonstoichiometry, diffusion, phase diagrams. Powder preparation, ceramic fabrication. Characterization of ceramic powders and components. Thermal, mechanical and electrical properties. Traditional and recent applications. Prerequisite: MAT E 341 or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Conversion of raw materials to products. Microstructural evolution and structure- property-processing relationships in engineering materials (metals and alloys, polymers, ceramics, composites) as a function of processing methods (shaping, joining, and surface treatment). Heat treating of metals and alloys. Prerequisite: CH E 314. Corequisites: MAT E 336 and 351.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-1S-0)

Behaviour of materials in service, such as wear and tribology, creep, fatigue, fracture, corrosion, oxidation, other environmental effects, and their interactions and synergies. Failure analysis and surface engineering concepts. Case studies will be used to illustrate principles and synthesize knowledge. Prerequisites: MAT E 336 and 345.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

The physical metallurgy and processing of microalloyed steels and the associated microstructure/processing/property relationship. Usage of microalloyed steels in pipelines including design, forming and welding. Credit cannot be obtained in this course if previous credit has been obtained in MAT E 489. Prerequisite: consent of Instructor.

3 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Terminology, welding processes and materials considerations, mechanisms of welding including the welding arc, molten metal issues, mass and energy balances, heat transfer, basics of procedure development, design of weldments, codes and standards, non-destructive testing, guest lectures from industrial practitioners and specialists. Pre-requisites: Completion of 2 years in any engineering discipline or consent by Instructor.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-1S-0)

Classical mechanics and its limitations; basic quantum mechanics; band theory; band diagrams for metals, insulators; Semiconductor and dielectric materials, piezoelectrics and thermoelectrics, and magnetic materials; Intrinsic and doped semiconductors; Optical properties of materials; Light-matter interactions, Prerequisite: PHYS 130, MAT E 202, or by consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-3/2)

Fabrication and application of 1D, 2D, and 3D nanostructured materials. Nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, graphene, thin films, and nanocomposites. Optical, electrical, and mechanical properties and characterization techniques. Pre-requisite: MAT E 201 or 202.

3 units (fi 8)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-1S-0)

Survey of nanostructured materials, including processing techniques, properties (mechanical, physical and chemical), characterization, and characterization tools. Introduction to biomedical applications of nanomaterials for diagnosis, therapy and medical implants. Credit may not be obtained in this course if previous credit has been obtained in MAT E 458. Prerequisite: CH E 243 or equivalent, or consent of instructor

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Topics of current interest related to process metallurgy, such as welding, process analysis, mathematical modelling and simulation, metal extraction from secondary sources, iron and steel making, physical chemistry of molten systems and production of industrial minerals.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Advanced topics in core fundamentals of materials thermodynamics. Thermodynamic laws, statistical thermodynamics, reaction equilibria, phase diagrams, solutions, changing standard states, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics of surfaces. Prerequisite: MAT E 204 or 301, or consent of Instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Aqueous, molten and solid electrolytes: thermodynamics, structure, transport properties. Applications of conductivity measurements. Electrodes: types, reactions, potential. Electrochemical cells. Applications of EMF measurements. Electrical double layer, electrode kinetics, overpotential. Chlor-alkali industry, electrometallurgy, electrolysis of water, electroplating. Electrochemical energy conversion: primary and secondary batteries, fuel cells. High temperature applications. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Basic symmetry elements and operations, crystallographic point groups and space groups, application of symmetry in materials analysis. Fundamentals of crystal chemistry, transformations, defects in metals and ionic crystals, interactions between point defects and interfaces. Reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zones, construction of Fermi surfaces, theory of diffraction. Fundamental principles of electron scattering, production and detection of x-rays, diffraction methods, application to crystal structure determination, chemical analysis x-ray spectrometry.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Theoretical strength of solids, Griffith crack theory, mechanisms of brittle and ductile fracture, the ductile to brittle transition, fatigue and creep fracture, environmental effects on fracture. Prerequisites: MAT E 358 or consent of Instructor. Credit cannot be obtained in this course if credit has already been obtained in MAT E 462.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

The Kinetics of Materials course delves into the fundamental principles governing the rate and mechanisms of material processes. This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the driving forces behind mass transport, diffusion mechanisms, chemical reactions, coarsening, and nucleation theories. It explores the dynamic aspects of materials, focusing on how they change and evolve over time. Through a combination of theoretical discussions and practical applications, students will develop a strong foundation in the kinetics of materials, enabling them to analyze and manipulate material behavior in various engineering and scientific contexts.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-3)

Fundamental principles of electron scattering and of the transmission electron microscope, space group theory and application to crystal structure determination, electron diffraction theory, crystallography of precipitation and of defects, TEM imaging theory and application to materials analysis, analytical electron spectrometry. Prerequisite: Graduate student standing or consent of Instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Principles and design of the scanning electron microscope, electron beam-specimen interactions, image formation, x-ray microanalysis in the scanning electron microscope, specimen preparation, application to materials analysis. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Band theory and solid state properties. Thin film growth at the nanoscale. Semiconductors and dielectric materials, piezoelectrics and thermoelectrics. Semiconductors, doping, p-n junctions, solar cells. Thermoelectric materials and the Seebeck, Thomson, and Peltier Effects. Optical and electrical property measurement.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Weld thermal cycles; fusion zone solidification; phase transformations, heat affected zone phenomena; cracking during welding; ferrous and non-ferrous weldments.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

Important ceramic materials and products, processing, typical properties. Structure: binary and ternary compounds, crystalline silicates, glass. Point defects, nonstoichiometry, defect reactions, dislocations. Diffusion, electrochemical transport, examples. Thermal and mechanical properties, thermal shock resistance, electrical conduction. Applications: solid electrolytes, energy conversion systems, refractories, electronics. Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor. Credit cannot be obtained in this course if credit has already been obtained in MAT E 471.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Terminology, welding processes and materials considerations, mechanisms of welding including the welding arc, molten metal issues, mass and energy balances, and heat transfer, basics of procedure development, design of weldments, codes and standards, and non-destructive testing, guest lectures from industrial practitioners and specialists. Completion of a report based on independent research is required. Credit cannot be obtained if previous credit has been obtained for MAT E 481.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-1S-0)

Advanced processing and metallurgy of microalloyed steels for pipelines. Steelmaking, casting, microstructural development during thermomechanical processing, pipe fabrication, mechanical and chemical properties and in service performance. Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

An advanced treatment of materials engineering topics of current interest to staff and students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.