Brasathe Jeganathan
Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
AFNS 512 - Quality Assurance
Statistical methods in quality assurance, sampling plans, control charts, sensory evaluation and risk management in the food industry, HACCP, good manufacturing practices, food regulations, labeling requirements, auditing and ISO 9000 standards. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Not to be taken if credit received for NU FS 312.
NU FS 100 - Introduction to Food Science and Technology
An introduction to the nature of food, food technology, and food safety.
NU FS 312 - Quality Assurance
Statistical methods in quality assurance, sampling plans, control charts, sensory evaluation and risk management in the food industry, HACCP, good manufacturing practices, food regulations, Iabelling requirements and ISO 9000 standards. Prerequisite: (NU FS 361 or 363) and introductory statistics.
WKEXP 986 - Food Science and Technology Work Experience
A four-month work placement for students in the Food Science and Technology Specialization of the BSc Nutrition and Food Science Program. The work experience provides the student with exposure to the practical application of their specialization and the general work environment.
WKEXP 989 - Graduate Work Experience
A four-month work placement for Course Based MSc students in the Food Safety and Quality or the Meat Quality Specializations. The work experience provides the student with exposure to the practical application of their specialization and the general work environment. The course additionally includes an assessed writing assignment.