
39 units Non-credit course

This course will familiarize Participants with operations in manufacturing, distribution and services organizations. They will learn the basics of location selection and layout. Among topics covered are capacity planning and scheduling, as well as the key concepts of JIT/Lean, OPT/TOC and MRP. Participants will discuss the challenges of balancing capacity with demand and be introduced to forecasting techniques, demand planning and inventory ordering. Quality systems and continuous improvement methodologies, including Deming, Juran, ISO 9000 and Six Sigma, will also be addressed.

14 units Non-credit course

Essential to the successful supply chain professional are the competencies of listening skills, spoken and written communication, persuasiveness and the ability to explain complex issues up and down the organization and around the supply chain. Another critical ability is building effective inter-organizational supply chain relationships. Learn how to create and deliver strong presentations and how to be professional in your spoken communications by looking at steak, sizzle and style. Non-verbal communication such as appearance and body language are also explored. Guidance on producing clear, concise and compelling reports and written communication, and examines do's and don'ts in electronic communication today.

28 units Non-credit course

Negotiation skills are an essential competency for any manager, and especially those responsible for supply chain management. This Workshop provides you with a roadmap for leading or participating in successful negotiations. Focus on the entire negotiation process, and learn the activities and techniques to be used from the preparation stage to the actual face-to-face negotiations. It covers understanding the other negotiator, responding to power imbalances, as well as looking beyond the deal to building longer-term relationships. Interactive activities, including negotiation simulations and role-playing exercises, feature prominently and allow opportunities to fine-tune your own negotiating skills.

14 units Non-credit course

Competitive bidding and contract management, if not handled properly, can lead to serious legal and financial consequences for any organization. This Workshop seeks to equip you with the tools required to turn this into a competitive advantage for your enterprise. Look at the conditions for successful competitive bidding and the elements of the bidding process, including RFPs and RFQs. Electronic tendering is also addressed. Examine the types of contracts and contract law. Gain an understanding of writing contract terms and how to manage a contract from performance review to dispute resolution and termination.

14 units Non-credit course

This seminar provides a comprehensive overview of how finance impacts supply management. Basic terminology used in finance and accounting are defined. Participants learn how to read financial statements and understand how decisions are taken. They will be introduced to using key ratios to interpret financial information. The principles of accounting and budgeting will be presented. Participants will gain an understanding of how supply management practitioners make a business case for an investment and evaluate investment opportunities.

14 units Non-credit course

Participants will learn the role and purpose of marketing with a special emphasis on how marketing affects supply management. The differences between marketing and sales, marketing products and services, as well as B2B and B2C marketing will be addressed. Market research, understanding your competition, market segmentation and market selection are key topics covered. Among the other subjects discussed is the marketing mix: the 4 Ps of product, pricing, place and promotion. Strategies for market leaders and market followers will also be outlined.

14 units Non-credit course

Every department has a critical role to play in delivering an organization's strategy. This seminar provides an overview of strategic planning in an organization and the basic elements of a strategic analysis (SWOT). The Porter 5-forces model for analyzing the competitive environment will be introduced. Topics covered include critical success factors, strategic maps and company positioning, and strategic models (low-cost, differentiation, niche). Discuss how to develop a strategic plan in a supply management role and the linkages between the strategic plan and a budget.

21 units Non-credit course

Explore key concepts used by marketing professionals to help integrate digital marketing into an overall marketing strategy. Be introduced to digital engagement as a means to define and develop a target audience, create and increase brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately drive sales and other business objectives. Understand the risks, challenges, and ethical considerations associated with digital marketing as well as current and future digital marketing landscapes.

21 units Non-credit course

Learn how to leverage current organic digital marketing tactics and best practices to begin building an audience and capturing sales for your organization without spending money on media. This course will introduce you to the principles of search engine optimization (SEO), local citation management, reputation management, social media outreach, and email marketing, and will help you understand which tactics to choose and when.

21 units Non-credit course

Learn how to leverage current paid digital marketing tactics and best practices to expand your reach and ultimately increase ROI for your organization. This course will introduce you to the principles of paid tactics such as paid social, paid search, display, remarketing, and video advertising. Learn when to use paid tactics, how to create and manage a paid digital marketing budget, how to grow your conversion rate, and how to benchmark your expenses and budget performance.

21 units Non-credit course

Integrate the theory, methods, concepts, and tools you have learned from the previous core courses as you apply them to a real-world digital marketing project. Research, plan, execute, present, and review a digital marketing plan that will confront a business problem and outline a digital solution for it. Mirroring industry practice, you will work as part of a team and operate within an agile project management framework. Prerequisite EXSM 3915, 3916, 3917 and 5512

21 units Non-credit course

Explore the principles of content development, planning, and management in the digital space. Understand the importance of strong copywriting, photography, videography, and design, and learn to develop strong omni-channel content while utilizing free tools that are available to you. Learn how to adopt best practices to plan a global content strategy, including objectives, metrics, and guidelines in developing and evaluating your communications to create content that is effective and relevant to different markets.

21 units Non-credit course

Discover what it means to use a user-centered design process and learn the fundamentals of UX (user experience) design including the principles of design thinking, user-centered design and information architecture in this course. Gain an understanding of the importance of user research, usability testing and assessment, and the basics of contextual inquiry. By the end of the course, you will be able to describe and apply current best practices and conventions in UX design and make use of the fundamental principles of UX design.

21 units Non-credit course

The user interface (UI) is the point where your users interact with your website/app. In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of UI design. You will learn the UI design process including storytelling, sketching, and prototyping, and how the user experiences these on the front end. Understand how data visualization and web design, impacts branding, visual identity, and accessibility. By the end of this course, you'll be able to articulate the design process and how this influences the user experience.

21 units Non-credit course

Visual design is a field that has emerged by blending the principles of both user interface design and graphic design. Learn how to use key design principles such as imagery, colour, typography, and form to enhance usability and improve user experience. You will learn to analyze and construct graphic/visual design using conceptual and technical approaches appropriate to client and target audience. Apply this knowledge to a hands-on project that integrates UI and the principles of graphic design. Prerequisite EXSM 3921

21 units Non-credit course

Understanding your user is key to building a successful experience. Learn how human-centred design can guide quantitative and qualitative methods, and generate 'the right' research questions and methods for your client. This course will include practical experience in brainstorming, planning and conducting user-centred research, as well as creating user personas and affinity diagrams. It will also touch upon legal and ethical concerns. Prerequisite EXSM 3920 and EXSM 3921

21 units Non-credit course

Stretch your generative and creative abilities as you integrate the knowledge you acquired in the previous core courses and apply theory and method to research, plan, execute, present, and review a real-world project. Mirroring industry practice, you will work as part of a team, operate within an Agile project management framework, and evaluate the features of this approach. Prerequisite EXSM 3920, 3921, 3922 and 3923

21 units Non-credit course

Understanding your user is key to building a successful experience. Learn how human-centred design can generate user insights using quantitative and qualitative methods such as surveys, interviews and in-context observations. This course will also teach students how to summarize their research using Experience Mapping, Journey Mapping, Personas and Service Design Blueprint. This course will also touch upon legal and ethical concerns.

21 units Non-credit course

Students will evaluate a set of quantitative and qualitative research methods to gain insights into how we can design things better. This course will teach students how to evaluate their user research using feedback to develop effective UX design strategies. You¿ll learn the most widely used technique by UX Researchers, usability testing. Additionally, this course will cover the fundamentals of organizing information with card-sorting and tree testing and basic statistical analysis through A/B testing. Learn about key tools in evaluative research such as prototyping, MVP, moderated and unmoderated user testing, and AB/Testing.

21 units Non-credit course

This course provides an introduction to web design principles and client-side scripting. This course will introduce students to HTML5 and CSS and the fundamentals of web development and design. The course provides a foundation on web page construction, wireframing, prototyping and development. By the end, students will understand the anatomy of a web page and know how to work with developers/communicate with developers. Students will have an opportunity to design and develop a personal website.

21 units Non-credit course

Digital accessibility refers to the practice of enabling all people to use a website or native application. It involves minimizing or removing restrictions in the use of technology due to barriers of ability: visual, auditory, speech, physical, or neurological. Learn how to consider accessibility in the design, planning, and marketing of websites, applications, and forms. Explore the principles of human-centred design and the universal design process in light of the unique requirements of rich media to become accessible for people with disabilities.

21 units Non-credit course

Learn values, principles, practices, and benefits of the Agile development and management framework to effectively respond to change, work collaboratively with customers, and increase productivity. Understand the principles of Agile management and how to apply them in design and development. Explore a variety of Agile methodologies, such as scrum, lean development, and kanban. Through practical exercises, you will discover how to apply the framework to successfully implement change, improve customer engagement, create faster and predictable products, and reduce risk.

32 units Non-credit course

Learn about and practice how to navigate and use your computer effectively. Explore some software common to developers in this low-code course that introduces the basics of web development. including version control and the analysis of both data and logic. Students will be introduced to basic web-hosting options, tools, and topics, and learn how to launch a website. The basics of quality assurance, and why it is so integral to the success of software projects will also be covered.

24 units Non-credit course

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of HTML (Hyper­Text Markup Language), the foundational markup language used for structuring content online. The basics of building a web­page using HTML, as well as up-to-date best-practices with the most recent HTML specification will be covered.

28 units Non-credit course

Strong visual design is key for success in the online world. In this course you will learn how to use key design principles such as layout, colour theory, typography, images, and form to enhance usability and improve user experience. Common industry tools and considerations will be explored to build competence in basic design concepts and meet common needs in a developer workflow. The importance of collaboration and the differences between designers and developers will be covered.

20 units Non-credit course

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), used to add style and layout to web pages. In this course, students will be introduced to the CSS language, and how it can be leveraged to style a responsive web page and format content into a desirable layout. Topics covered in this course include selectors, pseudo-selectors, the box model, flexbox, grid layout, media queries and others.

36 units Non-credit course

JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages including timely content updates, interactive maps, animated graphics and more. Students will be introduced to JavaScript by exploring the fundamentals of programming in JavaScript, and learn to apply these concepts in a console environment. Topics include decisions, iteration, exceptions, encapsulation, proper code structure and debugging strategies. Prerequisite EXSM 3931

36 units Non-credit course

Build upon the skills you gained in JavaScript I and dive into manipulating web pages with advanced scripts. Topics include object oriented programming, the document object model, inheritance, polymorphism, asynchronous scripts, application programming interfaces, recursion and browser storage. Prerequisite: EXSM 3932 & EXSM 3935

32 units Non-credit course

Learn how to efficiently store and recall large volumes of data by using SQL (Structured Query Language) relational databases. SQL is essential for storing data in software projects and websites of any size. In this course, students will explore databases through MariaDB (MySQL) and examine the topic of data normalization. Topics include table creation, table relationships, data manipulation, subqueries, and more.

28 units Non-credit course

Integrate the theory, methods, concepts, and tools you have learned from the previous core and required courses as you apply them to a real-world web development project. Confront a development problem and implement a practical solution to it. Research, plan, execute, present, and review both the front and back end of a web page. Prerequisite: EXSM 3931, 3932, 3933, 3934, 3935, 3936, 3937, 3939, 3940 and (EXSM 3941, 3972, 3943, 3944, 3945 and 3946) or (EXSM 3949, 3950, 3951, 3952, 3953, and 3954)

26 units Non-credit course

React is an efficient and flexible JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Build upon your existing knowledge of JavaScript as you learn about this popular front-end library from the Meta team. Explore React's core concepts by building applications and discussing topics such as props, lifecycle hooks, thinking in components, and others. Prerequisite EXSM 3936 and EXSM 3934

14 units Non-credit course

Build upon your exist­ing knowl­edge of React as you learn about the idea of glob­al state in a React appli­ca­tion via the Redux JavaScript library. Learn to implement a dynamic navigation system using React Router. Prerequisite EXSM 3939

40 units Non-credit course

C# (c-sharp) is a compiled, high level, general-purpose programming language that can be used to perform a wide range of tasks and objectives. Students will learn programming fundamentals, and the basics of developing and compiling software written in the C# language. Topics include: Translating fundamental programming topics to the C# language, Unit Testing, Data Structures, File Input and Output, and LINQ. Prerequisite EXSM 3935

40 units Non-credit course

Building upon the fundamentals, this course introduces students to intermediate C# concepts. Translate Object-Oriented concepts to the C# language and explore interfacing C# objects with Databases. Topics include: Object Oriented Programming, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Recursion, Asynchronous Code, Entity Framework and more. Prerequisites EXSM 3936, EXSM 3937, and EXSM 3941

40 units Non-credit course

Stretch your abil­i­ties as you inte­grate the the­o­ry, meth­ods, and tools you have learned from pre­vi­ous cours­es to apply these to a project using C#. Mir­ror­ing indus­try prac­tice, you will work as part of a team, use source control technologies and project management systems as a means to collaborate efficiently. Prerequisite EXSM 3942

44 units Non-credit course

.NET is a framework that provides programming guidelines used to develop a wide range of applications from web to mobile. The .NET framework speaks to C#. Extend your knowledge of C# and Microsoft's .NET Core SDK and learn how to make web applications using C# and .NET Core MVC with an SQL database. Topics include setting up a project, configuring database connections, models and EF, views and CRUD. Prerequisite EXSM 3942

16 units Non-credit course

Building upon your knowledge of C# and .NET Core MVC, you will explore web applications through the development of a web API capable of receiving requests and sending responses. Topics include the purpose of APIs, Postman, and API implementation. Prerequisite EXSM 3944

20 units Non-credit course

Combine your knowledge of .NET Core API with that of React, creating a single page React application powered by a .NET Core API. Prerequisite EXSM 3945 and EXSM 3940

40 units Non-credit course

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language with a wide array of use cases. Topics include: Translating fundamental programming topics to the Python language, Unit Testing, Data Structures, File Input and Output, Charting and more. Prerequisite EXSM 3935

40 units Non-credit course

Building upon the fundamentals, this course introduces students to intermediate Python concepts. Translate Object-Oriented concepts to the Python language and explore interfacing Python objects with Databases. Topics include: Object Oriented Programming, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Recursion, Asynchronous Code and more. Prerequisite EXSM 3936, EXSM 3937, and EXSM 3949

40 units Non-credit course

Stretch your abil­i­ties as you inte­grate the the­o­ry, meth­ods, and tools you have learned from pre­vi­ous cours­es to apply these to a project using Python. Mir­ror­ing indus­try prac­tice, you will work as part of a team, use source control technologies and project management systems as a means to collaborate efficiently. Prerequisite EXSM 3950

44 units Non-credit course

Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Extend your knowledge of Python by learning how to make web applications using Python's Django framework with an SQL database. Topics include MVC (Model-View-Controller), PIP, and creating and configuring a Django project. Prerequisite: EXSM 3950

16 units Non-credit course

Building upon your knowledge of Python and Django, you will explore web applications through the development of a web API capable of receiving requests and sending responses using Django API. Prerequisite EXSM 3952

20 units Non-credit course

The final course in the Python stream, this class combines knowledge of Django API and React to develop interactive full-stack web applications. Prerequisite EXSM 3953 and EXSM 3940

36 units Non-credit course

Java is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is used for diverse applications such as developing desktop and mobile applications, big data processing, and embedded systems. In this course, you will be introduced to Java programming fundamentals and learn the basics of developing and compiling software written in the Java language. Prerequisite EXSM 3931

48 units Non-credit course

Learn the basics of developing native mobile applications to serve a wide array of use cases. Topics include mobile UI best practice, mobile development frameworks and publishing mobile applications. Prerequisite EXSM 3955

48 units Non-credit course

Gain an understanding of WordPress, the web's leading CMS (Content Management System), as you explore how to use it from an administrative perspective and develop your own plugins and themes. Topics include setting up a local development environment, the folder structure of WordPress, developing a theme, anatomy of themes and plugins, and building a WordPress plugin.

32 units Non-credit course

Gain an understanding of WordPress, the web's leading CMS (Content Management System) as you explore how to use it from an administrative perspective and develop your own plugins, themes and Gutenberg blocks.

26 units Non-credit course

Angular is an open-source front-end web platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. Build upon your existing knowledge of JavaScript as you learn about this popular front-end library from the Google team. You will explore Angular's core concepts by building applications and discussing topics such as the anatomy of an Angular project, JSX (JavaScript XML), props, states, conditions, and loops. Prerequisite EXSM 3935

14 units Non-credit course

Build upon your existing knowledge of Angular as you are introduced to RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript), learn how to set up and use RxJS, and explore the idea of global state in an Angular application via the RxJS JavaScript library. Topics include: What is a global state? What is RxJS, and what problem does it solve? Prerequisite EXSM 3959

40 units Non-credit course

Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. Ruby has many applications, such as data analysis, prototyping, and proof of concepts. Learn Ruby programming fundamentals and the basics of developing and running software written in the Ruby language. Topics include the anatomy of a Ruby application, running and writing software, working with data, and testing your software. Prerequisite EXSM 3939

44 units Non-credit course

Ruby on Rails is a model¿view¿controller framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. Building upon your existing knowledge of Ruby, you will learn how to make web applications using the Ruby on Rails framework with an SQL database. Topics include creating and configuring a Ruby on Rails project, using RubyGems, Views and ERB (Embedded RuBy), data in Rails projects, CRUDE, and Forms. Prerequisite EXSM 3937 and EXSM 3961

21 units Non-credit course

Learn about how social media has provided new ways to create and experience media-rich narrative, as well as how the creative use of digital tools can offer exciting new possibilities for collaboration and sharing. Explore the essentials of storytelling and its use as an educational and marketing tool in this online environment. Discuss issues related to quality of content, memes, what it means to go viral and the quality of writing specific to the online environment.

21 units Non-credit course

Explore the etiquette, ethics, and various legal and policy issues that affect how we sue social media. Discuss topics like copyright, privacy, intellectual property, fair dealing, creative commons, and the public domain. Learn how these issues play out differently nationally and internationally, as well as the implications of those differences for social media use.

21 units Non-credit course

Learn how to identify, prepare for, and manage the risks inherent to a professional presence on social media, as well as to recognize the impacts of emerging problems elsewhere online. Explore best practices for policy, procedures, and guidelines for social media within an organization. Draw on learnings from traditional media and public relations concepts to prepare for and respond to emerging issues. Aimed at those working in small to medium enterprises, the not-for-profit sector, and/or board-run organizations, this course will also be of benefit to large enterprise and government sector.

21 units Non-credit course

Explore key concepts used by professionals to help grow your business or personal brand through online marketing and social media. Increase your knowledge of social media tools, website development and maintenance, web analytics, search engine utilization, basic content creation, and copyright. These transferable skills and strategies offer you the foundation needed to start engaging audiences across popular social media platforms.

21 units Non-credit course

Build an effective online presence through a strong marketing strategy that reflects your organizational culture. Learn about best practices for social media and marketing across various platforms, building and strengthening organizational reputation and brand online, strategic planning and development, how to build a social media following, and steps for executing an integrated strategic social media marketing plan.

21 units Non-credit course

Learn the language of analytics and its many acronyms as a means to measure where your web traffic is coming from, how much web traffic you are receiving, which messages are most effective and how to report on these measures. Identify useful metrics and describe how they can be analyzed to support business objectives, developing a reporting framework for effective communication. Create a website of your own and apply various approaches to analytics, including Google Analytics and ROI analysis in real-time.

21 units Non-credit course

Learn how to set up a fully functioning eCommerce store from start to finish. This course will walk you through the most up-to-date methods for creating an online store that is optimized for conversion and built to sell. In addition to setting up your homepage, collection pages, product pages, and sub-pages, we will also cover product photography/video, offer strategy, and copywriting.

40 units Non-credit course

With Canada's health system performance trailing behind many other countries, there is now a critical need for leaders who bring about transformative change. The Fellowship in Health System Improvement will provide a unique mix of learning and action oriented experiential opportunities over six weekend sessions. The fellowship is designed for current leaders and senior managers in health systems looking to increase their knowledge of health and health system performance, enhance personal and organizational leadership skills, build their understanding of international health systems and develop the ability to lead transformative change.

40 units Non-credit course

With Canada's health system performance trailing behind many other countries, there is now a critical need for leaders who bring about transformative change. The Fellowship in Health System Improvement will provide a unique mix of learning and action oriented experiential opportunities over six weekend sessions. The fellowship is designed for current leaders and senior managers in health systems looking to increase their knowledge of health and health system performance, enhance personal and organizational leadership skills, build their understanding of international health systems and develop the ability to lead transformative change.

39 units Non-credit course

Introduction to the basics of evaluation, including the foundations, approaches, steps, strategies, and ethical considerations of evaluation, with an application across diverse disciplines (e.g., health care, community development, government, not-for-profit).

39 units Non-credit course

Addressing the complex challenges facing communities requires new frameworks and practices to harness diverse perspectives and to facilitate dialogue, sense-making, deliberation, and collective action. This course will introduce learners to facilitation concepts, methods and tools relevant to community-based organizations and social innovation initiatives. Students will also get an opportunity to hone their skills in designing, delivering, and evaluating facilitative processes.

39 units Non-credit course

An introduction to the conceptual foundations of community engagement and the practice of community- engaged research and evaluation, with application across diverse disciplines, and forms of engagement (e.g., health care, community development) and community contexts, (e.g., government, Indigenous). Students will examine models, processes and practices of community engagement that incorporate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization.

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-3S-0)

By focusing on intercultural principles and practices, students will: explore the concept of culture and cultural variations; develop awareness of how their own culture influences values, beliefs, and actions; gain an understanding of the core intercultural competencies; and acquire competencies and skills critical for studying, working and living globally. Course is delivered asynchronously online and is intended for students who are engaged or interested in educational or experiential experiences abroad or who are interested in gaining skills and knowledge of intercultural communications as well as developing intercultural competencies and cross cultural understanding. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-3S-0)

By focusing on intercultural principles and practices, students will: explore the concept of culture and cultural variations; develop awareness of how their own culture influences values, beliefs, and actions; gain an understanding of the core intercultural competencies; and acquire competencies and skills critical for studying, working and living globally. Course is delivered asynchronously online and is intended for students who are engaged or interested in educational or experiential experiences abroad or who are interested in gaining skills and knowledge of intercultural communications as well as developing intercultural competencies and cross cultural understanding. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-3S-0)

By focusing on intercultural principles and practices, students will: explore the concept of culture and cultural variations; develop awareness of how their own culture influences values, beliefs, and actions; gain an understanding of the core intercultural competencies; and acquire competencies and skills critical for studying, working and living globally. Course is delivered asynchronously online and is intended for students who are engaged or interested in educational or experiential experiences abroad or who are interested in gaining skills and knowledge of intercultural communications as well as developing intercultural competencies and cross cultural understanding. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-2S-1)

Treating the city as classroom, and using discussions and presentations, current urban and regional issues will be surveyed. This course offers advanced preparation in the socioeconomic, cultural and planning aspects of communities and environments. Prerequisite: social science background or consent of instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-2S-1)

Treating the city as classroom, and using discussions and presentations, current urban and regional issues will be surveyed. This course offers advanced preparation in the socioeconomic, cultural and planning aspects of communities and environments. Prerequisite: social science background or consent of instructor.

8 units (fi 16)(EITHER, 8 WEEKS)

Student internship in Family Medicine for students registered in the MD program.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Types of securities and basic methods of valuation. Valuation and selection of physical and intellectual assets. Operation of asset markets and market efficiency. Risk measures and risk reduction methods. Financing policy, including choices between debt and equity financing. Note: Students are expected to have basic familiarity with microcomputer applications. Prerequisite: STAT 161 or equivalent. Pre- or corequisites: MGTSC 212 or 312, ACCTG 200 or 300 or ACCTG 211 or 311. Students may not receive credit for both FIN 201 and FIN 301.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-1S-0)

Types of securities and basic methods of valuation. Valuation and selection of physical and intellectual assets. Operation of asset markets and market efficiency. Risk measures and risk reduction methods. Financing policy, including choices between debt and equity financing. Note: Students are expected to have basic familiarity with microcomputer applications. Prerequisite: STAT 151, SCI 151 or equivalent. Pre- or corequisite: MGTSC 312, ACCTG 300 or 311.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course examines securities and securities markets with emphasis on stocks and bonds. Topics include information, interest rates, risk-return relationships, efficient markets, diversification, portfolio performance measurement, and the application of financial theory to investment decisions. Prerequisite: FIN 201 or 301 and MGTSC 212 or 312. Students may not receive credit for both FIN 312 and ECON 442. Students may not receive credit for both FIN 312 and FIN 412.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Capital budgeting and the determination of the cost of capital to the firm. Prerequisite: FIN 201 or 301 and MGTSC 212 or 312. Students may not receive credit for both FIN 322 and FIN 422.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course examines securities and securities markets with emphasis on stocks and bonds. Topics include information, interest rates, risk-return relationships, efficient markets, diversification, portfolio performance measurement, and the application of financial theory to investment decisions. Prerequisite: FIN 301 and MGTSC 312. Students may not receive credit for both FIN 412 and ECON 442.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course examines the markets and valuation models for options and future contracts, and their application to hedging and the valuation of the other financial contracts. Prerequisite: FIN 301.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Well-functioning capital markets are essential for economic growth. The allocation of scarce resources requires accurate prices and this includes accurate prices for investment capital (i.e., the cost of capital). This course examines the roles played by various financial intermediaries as they engage in activities that enhance the functionality of capital markets, the risks faced as they do so, and the ways that these risks are managed. At the end of this course you should understand the economic role of financial intermediaries in general, the risks faced by specific types of financial intermediaries as they fulfill their roles, and techniques for measuring and managing the risks. Success in this course requires a sound grasp of business fundamentals, critical thinking and problem solving, communication skills, and the application of quantitative methods. Prerequisite: FIN 301. Students may not receive credit for both FIN 414 and ECON 341.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course will discuss the functioning of global financial markets and trading and price determination in these markets. Topics covered will include order submission and trading strategies, market structure, transaction cost and liquidity measurement, price formation, and technical analysis. The lectures will draw on academic and practitioner research as well as information from financial markets. Prerequisites: FIN 301, FIN 412, MGTSC 312.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Recent theoretical and empirical developments in portfolio management are covered with an emphasis on investment strategy and the evaluation of investment performance. A student project makes extensive use of microcomputing, spreadsheets and financial market data. Prerequisite: FIN 301, 412.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

The valuation and management of interest-rate contracts. The main focus is on the behaviour of bond portfolios and related risk-management techniques. The institutional features of North American fixed-income markets complete the course. Prerequisites: FIN 301, 412.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Capital budgeting and the determination of the cost of capital to the firm. Prerequisite: FIN 301 and MGTSC 312.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Advanced discussion of valuation and financial policies. Prerequisites: FIN 412. Restricted to 4th year students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course covers selected advanced topics in finance. Current topics on the frontiers of financial research and on the frontiers between finance and economics, history, political science, and psychology are explored. Topics may include finance and development, the political economy of finance, finance and institutional economics, inefficient markets, behavioral finance, macro-finance, fintech, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and comparative financial systems, but may vary from year to year in response to recent developments. Prerequisite: FIN 301 and MGTSC 312.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 3-0-0)

This course provides students with experience managing an institutional asset portfolio, the PRIME FUND. Students interact with investment professionals in making asset acquisition and divesture decisions within the institutional framework of the fund. This course draws on and unifies skills related to investment analysis and portfolio theory. It combines traditional academic objectives with the practical demands of hands-on investment analysis and portfolio management. The students learn by actually using the tools of the trade. These include printed materials, real-time computerized sources of information and, most importantly, access to practising analysts and managers. Students also learn about the differences between institutional and personal investment decisions, the mechanics of trading, the different providers of trading services, and cash management. Pre- or co-requisite: FIN 412. Open only to students in the PRIME.

Starting: 2024-09-01 FIN 436A - Investment Management

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 3-0-0)

This course provides students with experience managing an institutional asset portfolio, the PRIME FUND. Students interact with investment professionals in making asset acquisition and divesture decisions within the institutional framework of the fund. This course draws on and unifies skills related to investment analysis and portfolio theory. It combines traditional academic objectives with the practical demands of hands-on investment analysis and portfolio management. The students learn by actually using the tools of the trade. These include printed materials, real-time computerized sources of information and, most importantly, access to practising analysts and managers. Students also learn about the differences between institutional and personal investment decisions, the mechanics of trading, the different providers of trading services, and cash management. Prerequisite: FIN 312. Pre- or co-requisite: FIN 416. Open only to students in the PRIME.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 3-0-0)

This course provides students with experience managing an institutional asset portfolio, the PRIME FUND. Students interact with investment professionals in making asset acquisition and divesture decisions within the institutional framework of the fund. This course draws on and unifies skills related to investment analysis and portfolio theory. It combines traditional academic objectives with the practical demands of hands-on investment analysis and portfolio management. The students learn by actually using the tools of the trade. These include printed materials, real-time computerized sources of information and, most importantly, access to practising analysts and managers. Students also learn about the differences between institutional and personal investment decisions, the mechanics of trading, the different providers of trading services, and cash management. Pre- or co-requisite: FIN 412. Open only to students in the PRIME.

Starting: 2024-09-01 FIN 436B - Investment Management

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 3-0-0)

This course provides students with experience managing an institutional asset portfolio, the PRIME FUND. Students interact with investment professionals in making asset acquisition and divesture decisions within the institutional framework of the fund. This course draws on and unifies skills related to investment analysis and portfolio theory. It combines traditional academic objectives with the practical demands of hands-on investment analysis and portfolio management. The students learn by actually using the tools of the trade. These include printed materials, real-time computerized sources of information and, most importantly, access to practising analysts and managers. Students also learn about the differences between institutional and personal investment decisions, the mechanics of trading, the different providers of trading services, and cash management. Prerequisite: FIN 312. Pre- or co-requisite: FIN 416. Open only to students in the PRIME.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course reflects the aspects of a trader development program in industry with a strong trading analytics base consistent with today's marketplace requirements. You are expected to learn analytical concepts using the R language and become proficient in your ability to implement them with real world data. The skills set is transferable to any analytically based job, such as risk management, trading analytics, and/or quantitative trading including fundamentals. Prerequisites: FIN 412 and FIN 413.

Starting: 2024-09-01 FIN 440 - Commodities Analytics and Trading

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course reflects the aspects of a trader development program in industry with a strong trading analytics base consistent with today's marketplace requirements. You are expected to learn analytical concepts using the R language and become proficient in your ability to implement them with real world data. The skills set is transferable to any analytically based job, such as risk management, trading analytics, and/or quantitative trading including fundamentals. Prerequisites: FIN 312 and FIN 450.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

An overview of the international financial environment and the financial function in the multinational corporation. Its purpose is to provide decision-making skills in international money and capital markets. Prerequisite: FIN 301.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Capital market participants around the world are increasingly focusing on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues to manage risks and capitalize on new opportunities. This course provides a conceptual and theoretical framework of how ESG issues affect corporations, investors, governments, NGOs, society, and other stakeholders. The goal is to critically assess the motivations and actions of the various agents regarding ESG policies as well as the resulting consequences. This course will be useful for a wide range of finance (and other) professions. Prerequisite: FIN 301.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

A course for students who wish to build strong fundamentals for the modern Finance industry. Beginner-friendly introduction to programming. Good for digital entrepreneurs and industry innovators who wish to build technological awareness. Indispensable for those who want to fill in gaps in their background. The course has two tracks, one focusing on learning to program from scratch, and one focusing on understanding what drives Fintech. The two tracks run in parallel, in alternate weeks during the semester. Grades earned throughout the semester via short assignments and a group project. No final exam. Finance background assumed, in the form of FIN 312 as a corequisite. Prerequisite: FIN 201. Pre- or co-requisite FIN 312.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course provides data science skills that are needed to implement financial concepts and theories. Topics covered include data wrangling, visualization, web scraping, machine learning, and natural language processing. Students gain an ability to draw informed insights from data for identifying business's needs, and to articulate solutions with effective visualization supporting business communication and discussions. Prerequisites: FIN 301 and FIN 412

Starting: 2024-09-01 FIN 450 - FinTech II: Applied Data Science in Finance

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

This course provides data science skills that are needed to implement financial concepts and theories. Topics covered include data wrangling, visualization, web scraping, machine learning, and natural language processing. Students gain an ability to draw informed insights from data for identifying business's needs, and to articulate solutions with effective visualization supporting business communication and discussions. Prerequisite: FIN 312 (Credit in FIN 449 is recommended).

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Data science expertise is increasingly sought after in the Finance industry, requiring a vast range of skills spanning many disciplines. The core objectives of this class are to: build Data Science tools necessary for operating in Finance at Enterprise level (Business Concepts and Theories / Teamwork), become able to confidently navigate all entrepreneurial activities from identifying market needs to creating business solutions (Entrepreneurial Thinking / Business Concepts and Theories / Teamwork) and learn how to communicate complex ideas with modern visualization techniques (Business Communication / Teamwork). Prerequisite: FIN 450.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Financial models are important in financial statement preparation, cash flow analysis, capital budgeting, business valuation, risk management, performance analysis, and many other management decision processes. In this course you will learn to construct financial spreadsheet models using current best practices with the functionality available in Excel. Topics include modelling basics, spreadsheet operations, financial statement models, valuation models, cost of capital, corporate transactions, sensitivity and scenario analyses, aesthetics and visualization, time series models, and an introduction to advanced Excel features. The emphasis is on building good models that help in decision making, with examples and exercises from the breadth of corporate finance. Prerequisite: FIN 201.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Private Market Finance applies the material learnt in FIN 301 to practical problems, primarily from the standpoint of private corporations and their investors. Topics covered include the valuation and financing of private companies, with a special focus on the private equity (PE) industry from both the target firm's and the PE funds' perspective. Prerequisite: FIN 312.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Financial and economic aspects of corporate mergers, asset restructuring, downsizing, and financial restructuring are examined. Particular attention is paid to valuation and shareholder wealth effects of mergers. Relations between corporate ownership and financial structure and performance are investigated. The course also examines anti-takeover devices and their effect on corporate performance. Finally, international mergers are examined from a strategic perspective. Prerequisite: FIN 412.

3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 3-0-0)

Preparation of the honours essay required for students in the Finance Honours program. Prerequisite: consent of the Department.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Normally restricted to third- and fourth-year Business students. Prerequisites: FIN 301 or consent of Department. Additional prerequisites may be required.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Special study for advanced undergraduates. Prerequisites: consent of Instructor and Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Program.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Special Study for advanced undergraduates. Prerequisites: FIN 495, consent of Instructor and Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Program.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Special Study for advanced undergraduates. Prerequisites: FIN 496, consent of the Instructor and Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Program.

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Fundamental concepts in asset valuation are discussed within the context of simple asset pricing models and efficient financial markets. This course introduces the valuation of financial assets such as bonds and stocks. Further topics include the issuing of financial securities, leverage, dividend policy, cash management, and derivative securities. Credit will not be given for FIN 501 when FIN 503 has been completed. Prerequisites: ACCTG 501, BUEC 503, and MGTSC 501.