
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Elements of stochastic processes. Discrete and continuous time Markov Chains; Birth and Death processes. Branching processes. Brownian Motion. General Stationary and Markov processes. Examples. Prerequisite: STAT 471 or consent of Instructor.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Data analysis, problem solving, oral communication with clients, issues in planning experiments and collecting data; practical aspects of consulting and report writing. Corequisite: STAT 568 and 578 or their equivalents.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Students will be supervised by an individual staff member to participate in areas of research interest of that staff member. Students can register only with the permission of the Chair of the Department in special circumstances. Will not be counted toward the minimum course requirement for graduate credits.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Advanced statistical design and methods. Topics include sampling, multivariate techniques, survival analysis, power and sample size, linear and non linear regression, longitudinal and repeated measures data, and analysis of seasonal or time series data. Topics to be covered can be influenced by the registered researchers. Includes critical review and case studies with real data applications. Each researcher works on a project to present, highlighting the methods used in the project. Prerequisite: STAT 537 or equivalent or consent of the instructor. Cannot be used for credit towards a graduate program in Statistics.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Modern methods of statistical inference. Various versions of likelihood: conditional, marginal, integrated, profile, partial, empirical. Estimating equations. Semi-parametric models. Foundational issues. Prerequisites: STAT 512 and 566.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Approximation techniques and asymptotic methods in statistics. Topics may include second and higher order expansions, asymptotics of likelihood based estimation and testing. Edgeworth expansions, exponential tilting, asymptotic relative efficiency, U-, M-, L-, and R-estimation. Prerequisites: STAT 566 or 664 and 512 or the equivalent.

3 units (fi 12)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Open only to students taking the MSc non-thesis option in statistics.

3 units (fi 12)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Open only to students taking the MSc non-thesis option in statistics.

1.5 units (fi 3)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

Open only to students taking the MSc non-thesis option in Statistics.

1.5 units (fi 3)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

Open only to students taking the MSc non-thesis option in Statistics.

6 units (fi 12)(EITHER, VARIABLE)

Students will work on statistical clinical programming tasks through paid internships. These internships may be provided by an external company in partnership with the University of Alberta. Prerequisite: STAT 515. Notes: Enrolment in this course needs permission from the Department. Only students in the course-based MSc with a specialization in Biostatistics can get credit for this course. This course can be taken more than once for credit with approval by the Department.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 3-0-0)

Collecte de données et leur présentation, statistiques descriptives. Loi de probabilité, distribution d'échantillonnage et théorème limite central, estimation ponctuelle et tests d'hypothèses. Corrélation et régression linéaire simple. Mesure d'ajustement et tableaux de contingences. Préalable: Mathématiques 30-1 ou 30-2. Note: Ce cours n'est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour un cours de STAT, KIN 109, PEDS 109, PSYCH 211, SCSOC 322, SOC 210, ou SCI 151.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

An examination of the interrelations of science, technology, society and environment, emphasizing an interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences perspective. Note: not to be taken by students with credit in INT D 200.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

An examination of the interrelations between human cultural frameworks and environmental issues, emphasizing an interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences perspective.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)

An individual research project on issues at the intersection of Science, Technology, and Society, to be completed under the direction of a supervisor. Prerequisite: consent of the Program Director.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)
There is no available course description.
1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 2-0-0)

Lecture series on research techniques in the biomedical sciences intended for students with an advanced medical background. Prerequisite: consent of Department

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 2-0-0)

Lecture series on research techniques in the biomedical sciences intended for students with an advanced medical background. Prerequisite: consent of Department

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Reading and study of topics in biomedical research of relevance to the student's interest under direction of one or more faculty members.

6 units (fi 12)(EITHER, 6 WEEKS)

Student internship for students registered in the MD program.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 40 HOURS)

The course reviews the fundamentals of microvascular surgery, and then allows supervised instruction in techniques including dissection, vascular anastomosis, mobilization of free flaps of vascularized tissue, transplantation and vein grafts. This course is intended for individuals with an extensive background in the theory and practice of surgery such as Surgery Residents and experienced researchers in the field. Prerequisite: consent of Department.

4 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 4 WEEKS)

Student internship for students registered in the MD Program.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 1-0-0)

This course will begin with the fundamentals of basic immunology to provide the basis for understanding subsequent clinical immunology lectures.Invited basic science and clinical professionals will also give a lecture on the application of immunology in clinical fields such as transplantation, immunodeficiency, and cancer, followed by a full class discussion.Topics will include: innate and acquired immunity, autoimmunity, transplantation immunology, immunodeficiency, hypersensitivity, tumor immunology, immunochemistry and vaccines. Common and new techniques used in Basic and Clinical Immunology research will also be covered. Intended for students with an advanced medical background. Prerequisite: consent of the Department.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 1-0-0)

This course will begin with the fundamentals of basic immunology to provide the basis for understanding subsequent clinical immunology lectures. Invited basic science and clinical professionals will also give a lecture on the application of immunology in clinical fields such as transplantation, immunodeficiency, and cancer, followed by a full class discussion. Topics will include: innate and acquired immunity, autoimmunity, transplantation immunology, immunodeficiency, hypersensitivity, tumor immunology, immunochemistry and vaccines. Common and new techniques used in Basic and Clinical Immunology research will also be covered. Intended for students with an advanced medical background. Prerequisite: consent of the Department.

1 unit (fi 4)(TWO TERM, 0-1S-0)

A weekly series of seminars on current research is held during Fall and Winter Terms. Graduate students must attend and make two presentations in this series.

1 unit (fi 4)(TWO TERM, 0-1S-0)

A weekly series of seminars on current research is held during Fall and Winter Terms. Graduate students must attend and make two presentations in this series.

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

An introduction to the history of sustainability as a concept, contemporary sustainability issues, and the diverse perspectives that disciplines and professions take on while approaching sustainability. Not available to students with credit in HGP 250 or HGEO 250.

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

An introduction to sustainable development with a global perspective and a focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated.

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Directed research or study in an area of sustainability defined by the student and a supervising instructor. May be used to fill the integrative project requirement of the Certificate in Sustainability. Registration requires approval of the Sustainability Council Office.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Directed research or study in an area of sustainability defined by the student and a supervising instructor. May be used to fill the integrative project requirement of the Certificate in Sustainability. Registration requires approval of the Sustainability Council Office.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Directed research or study in an area of sustainability defined by the student and a supervising instructor. May be used to fill the integrative project requirement of the Certificate in Sustainability. Registration requires approval of the Sustainability Council Office.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-2)

Intended for students with no previous knowledge of the language and designed to develop basic skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing, and intercultural competence. Note: not to be taken by students with native or near native proficiency, or with Swedish 30 or its equivalents in Canada and other countries.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-2)

Prerequisite: SWED 111 or consent of Department. Note: not to be taken by students with native or near native proficiency, or with Swedish 30 or its equivalents in Canada and other countries.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Intended to expand comprehension and production skills in written and oral Swedish with a focus on intercultural competence. Prerequisite: Swedish 30 (or equivalent) or SWED 112 or consent of Department.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Prerequisite: SWED 211 or consent of Department.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 6-6S-0 7W)

Production techniques and associated safe working practices. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production) students.

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 4-2S-0 6W)

Studies in drafting and perspective drawing for the stage. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production) students.

3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 0-6L-0)

Study and practice of the studio techniques employed in theatre design. Normally restricted to BFA in Drama (Production) students. Prerequisite: consent of Department.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-3)

Study and practice of design for the theatre. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students or consent of department.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-3)

Study and practice of design for the theatre. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students or consent of department.

3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 3-3S-0)

Study in practice of computer graphic techniques employed in theatre design. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design and Technical Production students or consent of department.

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 3-0-3)

Computer aided design for the theatre designer and technician. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design and Technical Production students.

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 0-6L-0)

Theory and techniques of the texturing and painting of scenery. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production) students, or consent of department.

3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 4-0-0)

A survey of style in western civilization from the ancients to the Renaissance. Prerequisite: consent of department. Note: Not to be taken by students with credit in HECOL 150, 268 or 360.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-3L-0)

Development and application of drawing techniques with emphasis on drawing for the theatre. Note: A single-term course offered over two terms. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-3L-0)

Development and application of drawing techniques with emphasis on drawing for the theatre. Note: A single-term course offered over two terms. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-3)

Further study and practice of design for the theatre. Prerequisite: T DES 270. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-3)

Further study and practice of design for the theatre. Prerequisite: T DES 270. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 3-0-3)

Exploration, practice and experimentation with 3D CAD for theatrical application. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design and Technical Production students. Offered in alternate years.

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 4-2L-0)

Theory and techniques of lighting design. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production) students, or consent of department.

3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 0-6L-0)

Prerequisite: T DES 373. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students, or consent of department.

3 units (fi 6)(SECOND, 4-0-0)

A survey of style in western civilization from the Renaissance to the present. Prerequisite: consent of department. Note: Not to be taken by students with credit in HECOL 150, 268 or 360.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in assisting the designer. Corequisite: T DES 370. Note: A single-term course offered over two terms. Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in assisting the designer. Corequisite: T DES 370. Note: A single-term course offered over two terms. Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-3L-0)

Further development and application of drawing techniques with emphasis on drawing for the theatre. Note: A single-term course offered over two terms. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students. Offered in alternate years.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-3L-0)

Further development and application of drawing techniques with emphasis on drawing for the theatre. Note: A single-term course offered over two terms. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students. Offered in alternate years.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-3)

A specialized course for advanced students, designed to meet the needs of the individual. Prerequisite: T DES 370. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-3)

A specialized course for advanced students, designed to meet the needs of the individual. Prerequisite: T DES 370. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-3S-0)

Portfolio assessment.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-3S-0)

Portfolio assessment.

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 0-6L-0)

Theory and techniques of stage costuming. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production) students, or consent of department.

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 0-6L-0)

Prerequisite: T DES 473. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students or consent of department.

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 3-0-0)

History of design and scenography for the theatre. Offered in alternate years.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in designing an element or elements of a production. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in designing an element or elements of a production. Note: Restricted to BFA in Drama (Production): Design students.

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in assistant designing or design. May be taken in conjunction with either T Des 370 or T Des 477. Note: Restricted to students in the Design route of the BFA in Drama (Production).

1.5 units (fi 6)(TWO TERM, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in assistant designing or design. May be taken in conjunction with either T Des 370 or T Des 477. Note: Restricted to students in the Design route of the BFA in Drama (Production).

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-8L-0)

Shop Practicum (Props, Wardrobe). Note: Restricted to students in the Design route of the BFA in Drama (Production).

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-8L-0)

Shop Practicum (Props, Wardrobe). Note: Restricted to students in the Design route of the BFA in Drama (Production).

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-8L-0)

Shop Practicum (Props, Wardrobe). Note: Restricted to students in the Design route of the BFA in Drama (Production).

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-0)

Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-0)

Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

Study and practice of the studio techniques employed in theatre design. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 2-0-1)

Studies in drafting and perspective drawing for the stage. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-6L-0)

Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

A survey of style in western civilization from the ancients to the Renaissance. Offered in alternate years.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in assistant designing. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in designing an element or elements of a production. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3L-0)

Development and application of drawing techniques with emphasis on drawing for the theatre. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-3L-0)

Development and application of drawing techniques with emphasis on drawing for the theatre. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-3L-0)

Development and application of drawing techniques with emphasis on drawing for the theatre. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-9L-0)

A practical extension of the production techniques courses, involving the student in the production process of main stage shows. Pre- or corequisite: T DES 573, 673, or 773. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3L-0)

Corequisites: DRAMA 660, 661, 680 or 681. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Directing) students and MA Drama students (with consent of department). Not to be taken by students with credit in DRAMA 672.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-0)

Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-0)

Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 2-0-2)

Study in practice of computer graphic techniques employed in theatre design. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 2-0-2)

Computer aided design for the theatre designer and technician. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-6L-0)

Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

A survey of style in western civilization from the Renaissance to the present. Offered in alternate years.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in assistant designing. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-0-6)

Practical experience in designing an element or elements of a production. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-0)

Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6L-0)

Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 2-0-2)

Exploration, practice and experimentation with 3D CAD for theatrical application. Note: Restricted to MFA Drama (Design) students. Offered in alternate years.