Alexie, Elaine
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Andersen, Chris
Dean |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-31 Pembina Hall |
Androschuk, Alisha
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Arden, Etanda
General Administrator |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Ashmore, Rhonda
RCMR Administrator |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Ashmore, Rhonda
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Barlow, A. F.
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Barlow, A. F.
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Bird, Danielle
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Black, Tasca
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Blesse, Tamara
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Bohnet, Bonita
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Burnstick, Mackenzie
Casual Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Camacho Lucio, Lina Maritza
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Cardinal, F
Senior Coor of Admis & Stu Ser |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-07 Pembina Hall |
Cook, Jordan
Faculty of Native Studies |
Cornelsen, Shannon
General Office Clerk |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Cromwell, Kris
Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Delorme, Janet
Admin Coord & Reception |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Doire, Marc Jr.
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Dokis-Jansen, Kelsey
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Drossel, Devonn
IPAEP Coordinator |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Duan, Yuwei
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Eisman, Cindy
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Findlay, Faye
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Fraser, Crystal
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Pembina Hall |
Gareau, Paul
Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2–58 Pembina Hall |
Gareau, Paul
Associate Dean |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Gareau, Paul
Honor's Advisor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Gaudry, Adam
Vice Dean |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-60 Pembina Hall |
Giroux, Benjamin
Faculty Administrator |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Horseman, Sara
Faculty General Manager |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Howlett, Tracy
Indigenous CRC Administrator |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Hoye, Sandy
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Hubbard, Tasha
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
1-07 Pembina Hall |
Jaipaul, Rishi
Casual Academic Hourly |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Jobin, Shalene
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-01 Pembina Hall |
Kafara, Rylan
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Kahanyshyn-Fontaine, Oceanne
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Kermoal, Nathalie
Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-62 Pembina Hall |
Kermoal, Nathalie
Director of the Rupertsland Center for Métis Research (RCMR) |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-62 Pembina Hall |
King, KD
GTA Principal Instructor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Kolopenuk, Jessica
Associate Professor (Adjunct) |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Kuffner, Kim
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
kumpf, kas
Course Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Ladouceur, Lisa
CAIR/BTRN Project Coordinator |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Lafferty, Anita
Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Lamarche, Carla
Admin Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Langlois, Steven
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
LeBlanc, Jennifer
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Lee, Abigail
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Letendre, Avery
Online Learning and Strategy Lead |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-05 Pembina Hall |
Lin, Yuanye
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Lindsay, Kyla
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Long, Keara
GTA Principal Instructor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Lugosi-Schimpf, Nykkie
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Mattucci, Laurie
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Medwayosh, Audrey
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Neilson, Claire
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Nelson, Andrea
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Nelson, Elizabeth
Faculty of Native Studies |
Okemaw, Danni
FNS Program Coordinator |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Philip, Glenn
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Prodaniuk, Diane
General Office Clerk |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Quon, Mandy
Assistant Dean, Advancement |
Faculty of Native Studies |
1-06 Pembina Hall |
Robertson, Sean
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-59 Pembina Hall |
Robertson, Sean
Associate Dean (Academic) |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Rockcliffe, Ato
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Royal, Jordan
Course Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Sims, Ashley
Research Associate |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Sinclair, Lana
Executive Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
2-36 Pembina Hall |
Smit-Keding, Nicholas
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Sylvestre, Bug
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Tallbear-Dauphine, Kimberly
Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
1-34 Pembina Hall |
Thunder, Dorothy
Faculty Serv Officer |
Faculty of Native Studies |
1-30 Pembina Hall |
Torres, Brian
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Tough, Frank
Phased Post Retirement-Faculty |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Tucker, Angie
GTA Principal Instructor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Tucker, Angie
GTA Principal Instructor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Valdez Cardenas, Lidio
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Van Keimpema, Lauren
Coord, Adm and Student Service |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Van Styvendale, Nancy
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Van Styvendale, Nancy
Associate Dean (Research) |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Van Styvendale, Nancy
Associate Dean (Research) |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Vermette, D'Arcy
On Leave Due to Work-Injury |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Weckend, Emily
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Wildcat, Matthew
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Willier, MorningStar
Faculty of Native Studies Student Recruiter |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Woo, Artesia
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Native Studies |
Yellowbird, Celina
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Native Studies |