
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)
There is no available course description.
6 units (fi 12)(VAR, 0-6S-0)

A major essay on an agreed topic.

3 units (fi 12)(VAR, 0-6S-0)

A major essay on an agreed topic.

3 units (fi 12)(VAR, 0-6S-0)

A major essay on an agreed topic.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Introduction to quantitative and qualitative approaches for conducting research into technology-mediated communications. Guides students in their topic selection and development for their culminating project. Restricted to MACT students, normally in the second year. Students may not receive credit for both EXT 501 and COMM 501. Prerequisite: COMM 502 and COMM 503 or consent of the Department.

3 units (fi 6)(SPR/SUM, 3-0-0)

Survey of classic theories and emerging perspectives in communication studies. Emphasizes the development of skills for analyzing and understanding communication in context. Restricted to MACT students, normally in the first year. Offered during the Spring Institute. Students may not receive credit for both EXT 502 and COMM 502.

3 units (fi 6)(SPR/SUM, 3-0-0)

This course explores the social impact of digital communications, with a specific focus on new and emerging social media and networks. Course themes cover a broad range of topics on the history and development of digital communications including social networks, virtual communities, and participatory culture. This course also touches on legal, ethical, and practical dimensions of digital communications as they relate to a range of personal and professional contexts. Restricted to MACT students, normally in the first year. Offered during the Spring Institute. Students may not receive credit for both EXT 503 and COMM 503.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

This course deals with both internal communications (formal and informal) within an organization, and external communications (public relations, media relations, print and multimedia communications). Brief survey of the field of organizational analysis, with focus on marketing, clear language writing, rhetoric, public speaking, and writing for new media (e.g. hypertext). Restricted to MACT students. Course delivered by asynchronous Internet communication. Students may not receive credit for both EXT 504 and COMM 504. Prerequisites: COMM 502 and COMM 503 or consent of the Department.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Current and emerging issues in communications and technology will be explored with an emphasis on providing professionals with an advanced understanding of current developments in the field informed by historical and critical theoretical perspectives. Restricted to MACT students. Students may not receive credit for both EXT 505 and COMM 505. Prerequisites: COMM 502 and COMM 503 or consent of the Department.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

The conceptual and practical foundations for effective strategic communications management will be examined, providing professionals with the insights and skills needed to integrate digital media into strategic communications planning for a range of organizations including non-profit, education, government, health, and private sector. Restricted to MACT students. Students may not receive credit for both EXT 506 and COMM 506. Prerequisites: COMM 502 and COMM 503 or consent of the Department.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, UNASSIGNED)

Under supervision, students undertake a project that addresses some practical problem, issue, or objective related to communications and technology. Restricted to MACT students. Course delivered by asynchronous Internet communication. Not available to students admitted to the program after May 2010.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, UNASSIGNED)

Under supervision, students undertake a project that addresses some practical problem, issue, or objective related to communications and technology. Restricted to MACT students. Course delivered by asynchronous Internet communication. Not available to students admitted to the program after May 2010.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3S-0)

Advanced seminar on qualitative and quantitative approaches for conducting research in communications and technology. This course provides students with in depth study of research design and guides them in preparation for commencing their culminating project. Offered by asynchronous Internet communication. Restricted to MACT course-based students. Prerequisite: COMM 501 or consent of the department.

6 units (fi 12)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

Introduction to approaches for conducting research into technology-mediated communications, with an emphasis on qualitative methods. Students may not receive credit for both COMM 501 and COMM 511. Offered by asynchronous Internet communication, in the classroom, or as a tutorial.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

An introduction to the concepts, technologies, and functions of electronic commerce. Considers the organizational implications of electronic commerce as a broad shift in how transactions are completed in the marketplace. Offered by asynchronous Internet communication. Students may not receive credit for both EXT 550 and COMM 550.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

A senior seminar course examining the use of evaluation within various organizational contexts, with an emphasis on survey and focus-group methods. Student activities include development of an evaluation plan. Offered by asynchronous Internet communication. Students may not receive credit for COMM 553 if they have already received credit.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

The theory, research, and practice of risk communication are explored through the introduction of models of risk communication and risk assessment in various contexts which may include environmental issues, public health and safety, occupational hazards, and consumer products. Students may not receive credit for both COMM 597 (Case Studies in Risk Communication) and COMM 554.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

Providing insights into the role of new media in the practices and processes of writing, editing, and publishing, the focus will be on the interpretation of new media use in the development and future of publishing. A critical assessment of the tools and skills required for participation in publishing in the era of the Internet will be examined. Students may not receive credit for both COMM 597 (New Media Narratives) and COMM 555.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

A hands-on experience in participatory action research working in collaboration with one or more community organizations to design, implement, and evaluate a communications project using digital technologies. Students may not receive credit for both COMM 597 (Digital Outreach) and COMM 556.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

Offered by asynchronous Internet communication, in the classroom, or as a tutorial.


An elective course on selected topics in communications and technology.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, UNASSIGNED)

An elective course to be completed under the direction of a faculty member. Requires the approval of the Director. Offered by asynchronous Internet communication.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, UNASSIGNED)

Offered by asynchronous Internet communication. Restricted to MACT students. Students may not receive credit for both COMM 508 and COMM 900.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, UNASSIGNED)

Offered by asynchronous Internet communication. Restricted to MACT students. Students may not receive credit for both COMM 508 and COMM 900.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 3-0-0)

An overview of the scientific study of communication, major types of speech, language, and hearing disorders, and the work of professionals in speech-language pathology and audiology. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

3 units (fi 6)(EITH/SP/SU, 0-3L-0)

Introduction to the study of the development of all aspects of language, from sounds to social interaction, from birth through adolescence. Includes a review of theories and current research as well as practice with analyses of children's language. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar. Consent of Department required. Prerequisite: LING 101 or equivalent, LING 204 and LING 205 recommended. Note: Credit cannot be received for both CSD 311 and LING 319.

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Investigation of strategies for demonstrating scientifically the impact of clinical intervention programs, both for accountability and for contributing to the knowledge base regarding effective treatment. Restricted to MScSLP students only.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Investigation of strategies for demonstrating scientifically the impact of clinical intervention programs, both for accountability and for contributing to the knowledge base regarding effective treatment. Restricted to MScSLP students only.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 3-0-0)

Investigation of strategies for demonstrating scientifically the impact of clinical intervention programs, both for accountability and for contributing to the knowledge base regarding effective treatment. Restricted to MScSLP students only.

4 units (fi 8)(FIRST, 4-0-2)

Lectures and laboratories provide a systematic study of the gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, and physiology of the respiratory, phonatory, resonatory, and articulatory subsystems as related to speech production and swallowing. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 502.

3 units (fi 6)(FIRST, 3-0-1)

Study of theoretical and applied aspects of acoustic phonetics, speech perception and speech production, including theory and application of methods (physiological, acoustic and perceptual) to record and analyze speech behaviors. Prerequisite or corequisite: CSD 502 or equivalent. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 505.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

Study of the nature, assessment and remediation of speech sound disorders in children. Practical experience in assessment and remediation will be provided through video observation and laboratory experiences. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 507.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1)

Study of dysarthria and dyspraxia (congenital and acquired) including the nature of their underlying neuropathologies, methods of instrumental and perceptual assessment, and systematic instrumental and behavioral management strategies. Prerequisites: CSD 502 or equivalent and CSD 505, 507, 511. Prerequisite or corequisite: CSD 520. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 509.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

A review of typical language development provides the basis for study of the assessment and identification of language disorders in children, from prelinguistic development through the developing language period. Developmental profiles associated with a number of diagnoses are discussed. Assessment procedures include administration and interpretation of standardized tests, language samples, and criterion-referenced measures. The decision-making process is highlighted, with an emphasis on integration of multiple sources of information. Discussion of research findings highlights an evidence-informed approach to assessment and diagnosis. The laboratory experiences emphasize integration and practical application of concepts introduced in the lecture. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 511.

4 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 4-0-1)

Study of basic hearing science, including anatomy and physiology, symptoms, etiology and prognosis of hearing disorders as well as basic audiometric testing. The course also covers the treatment strategies, counselling considerations and aural (re)habilitation for children and adults with hearing loss. Pre or corequisite: CSD 502. (Restricted to MScSLP students only). Not open to students with credit in SPA/CSD 515 or SPA/CSD 534.

2 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 4-0-1)

Study of basic hearing science, including anatomy and physiology, symptoms, etiology and prognosis of hearing disorders as well as basic audiometric testing. The course also covers the treatment strategies, counselling considerations and aural (re)habilitation for children and adults with hearing loss. Pre or corequisite: CSD 502. (Restricted to MScSLP students only). Not open to students with credit in SPA/CSD 515 or SPA/CSD 534.

2 units (fi 8)(EITHER, 4-0-1)

Study of basic hearing science, including anatomy and physiology, symptoms, etiology and prognosis of hearing disorders as well as basic audiometric testing. The course also covers the treatment strategies, counselling considerations and aural (re)habilitation for children and adults with hearing loss. Pre or corequisite: CSD 502. (Restricted to MScSLP students only). Not open to students with credit in SPA/CSD 515 or SPA/CSD 534.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

A study of theoretical models and clinical application in the remediation of language disorders in the prelinguistic, emerging and developing language periods. Discussion of the purposes and basic principles of intervention provides a framework for understanding specific techniques and programs. Course content focuses on the decision-making process in intervention, including factors guiding the choice of language goals, intervention approach, and accountability measures. An emphasis on evaluation of research findings highlights an evidence-informed approach to intervention. The laboratory experiences provide opportunities to observe intervention and develop intervention goals and activities. Prerequisite: CSD 511. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 518.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

Study of acquired aphasia including the nature of the underlying neuropathologies, methods of differential diagnosis and comprehensive assessment, and clinically-pertinent behavioral management strategies. Students will develop their understanding of the course material via a series of clinical problem solving and treatment planning exercises. Prerequisite: CSD 502 or equivalent. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 520.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-3L-0)

Lectures and demonstrations provide a systematic study of normal and abnormal eating and swallowing in children and adults, including diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia across age spans and conditions. Prerequisite or corequisite: CSD 502 or equivalent. (Restricted to MScSLP students.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 521.

2 units (fi 4)(EITHER, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to augmentative/alternative communication, including aided and unaided strategies and systems. Assessment and intervention processes for individuals with complex communication needs. Prerequisite: CSD 518. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 523.

1 unit (fi 4)(EITHER, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to augmentative/alternative communication, including aided and unaided strategies and systems. Assessment and intervention processes for individuals with complex communication needs. Prerequisite: CSD 518. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 523.

1 unit (fi 4)(EITHER, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to augmentative/alternative communication, including aided and unaided strategies and systems. Assessment and intervention processes for individuals with complex communication needs. Prerequisite: CSD 518. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 523.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-3C-1)

Credit. Clinical practice experiences focusing on a variety of clinical populations. The focus will be on developing intermediate-level competencies. Seminar content will include topics of clinical and/or professional significance (e.g., ethics, health law, private practice, goal setting and data collection). Flexibility in seminar topics will accommodate new topics as they arise. Prerequisites: At least six MSc-SLP courses including CSD 507, 511, 518. Restricted to MScSLPs students only.

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 524A - Introduction to Clinical Practice II

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6C-0)

Credit. Clinical practice experiences focusing on a variety of clinical populations. The focus will be on developing novice level competencies. Prerequisites: CSD 530 and at least six MSc-SLP courses. Restricted to MScSLP students only.

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-3C-1)

Credit. Clinical practice experiences focusing on a variety of clinical populations. The focus will be on developing intermediate-level competencies. Seminar content will include topics of clinical and/or professional significance (e.g., ethics, health law, private practice, goal setting and data collection). Flexibility in seminar topics will accommodate new topics as they arise. Prerequisites: At least six MSc-SLP courses including CSD 507, 511, 518. Restricted to MScSLPs students only.

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 524B - Introduction to Clinical Practice II

3 units (fi 12)(TWO TERM, 0-6C-0)

Credit. Clinical practice experiences focusing on a variety of clinical populations. The focus will be on developing novice level competencies. Prerequisites: CSD 530 and at least six MSc-SLP courses. Restricted to MScSLP students only.

2 units (fi 4)(EITHER, 0-2C-0)

Credit. Clinical practice experiences focusing on a variety of clinical populations. The focus will be on developing advanced intermediate-level competencies. Prerequisite: CSD 524 Restricted to MScSLP students only.

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 525 - Introduction to Clinical Practice III

2 units (fi 4)(EITHER, 0-2C-0)

Credit. Clinical practice experiences focusing on a variety of clinical populations. The focus will be on developing novice level competencies. Prerequisite: CSD 524. Restricted to MScSLP students only.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1)

A study of the causes, nature, clinical assessment, and management of voice and resonance disorders. Prerequisites: CSD 502 and 505. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 526.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

Study of language development in school-age children and adolescents, with focus on the relations between oral language, reading, and writing; and implications for language assessment and intervention. Prerequisites: CSD 511. Corequisite: CSD 518. Restricted to MScSLP students only. Not open to students with credit in SPA 527.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1)

A study of the cause, characteristics, impact and treatment of stuttering in children, teens and adults. Prerequisite or corequisite: CSD 501. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 528.

1.5 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1)

A study of the cause, characteristics, impact and treatment of stuttering in children, teens and adults. Prerequisite or corequisite: CSD 501. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 528.

1.5 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-1)

A study of the cause, characteristics, impact and treatment of stuttering in children, teens and adults. Prerequisite or corequisite: CSD 501. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 528.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 0-4L-0)

Study of conditions (other than aphasia) affecting language, social, and cognitive functioning in adults, including traumatic brain injury, dementia, and right hemisphere dysfunction, and issues related to the aging process. Nature of underlying neuropathologies and their implications for differential diagnosis, assessment, and management will be addressed. Prerequisite: CSD 520. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 529.

2 units (fi 4)(VAR, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to clinical practice and competencies in speech-language pathology from assessment to treatment planning. The focus will be on developing novice-level competencies. Opportunities for learning through observation and simulations. Theory, principles, and evidence for approaches to counseling in rehabilitation and application of techniques for interview and counseling.

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 530 - Introduction to Clinical Practice I

2 units (fi 4)(VAR, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to clinical practice, counselling, and professional aspects in speech-language pathology from assessment to treatment planning and discharge. The focus will be on clinical and professional foundations, clinical reasoning, and introducing novice-level competencies with opportunities for learning primarily through observation, simulations, or clinical experiences.

1 unit (fi 4)(VAR, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to clinical practice and competencies in speech-language pathology from assessment to treatment planning. The focus will be on developing novice-level competencies. Opportunities for learning through observation and simulations. Theory, principles, and evidence for approaches to counseling in rehabilitation and application of techniques for interview and counseling.

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 530A - Introduction to Clinical Practice I

1 unit (fi 4)(VAR, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to clinical practice, counselling, and professional aspects in speech-language pathology from assessment to treatment planning and discharge. The focus will be on clinical and professional foundations, clinical reasoning, and introducing novice-level competencies with opportunities for learning primarily through observation, simulations, or clinical experiences.

1 unit (fi 4)(VAR, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to clinical practice and competencies in speech-language pathology from assessment to treatment planning. The focus will be on developing novice-level competencies. Opportunities for learning through observation and simulations. Theory, principles, and evidence for approaches to counseling in rehabilitation and application of techniques for interview and counseling.

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 530B - Introduction to Clinical Practice I

1 unit (fi 4)(VAR, 0-2L-0)

An introduction to clinical practice, counselling, and professional aspects in speech-language pathology from assessment to treatment planning and discharge. The focus will be on clinical and professional foundations, clinical reasoning, and introducing novice-level competencies with opportunities for learning primarily through observation, simulations, or clinical experiences.

5 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, 0-12C-0)

Credit. Full-time supervised clinical practicum normally for a period of four to eight weeks in an approved clinical service facility. The focus will be on developing advanced intermediate-level competencies. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of communication disorders under reduced supervision. Prerequisites: CSD 525 and all MScSLP academic courses. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 532 - Advanced Clinical Practicum I

5 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, 0-12C-0)

Credit. Full-time supervised clinical practicum normally for a period of four to eight weeks in an approved clinical service facility. The focus will be on developing intermediate level competencies. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of clinical areas. Prerequisites: CSD 525 and all MScSLP academic courses. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)

5 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, 0-12C-0)

Credit. Full-time supervised clinical practicum normally for a period of four to eight weeks in an approved clinical service facility. The focus will be on demonstrating advanced intermediate-level competencies. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of communication disorders under reduced supervision. Prerequisites: CSD 525 and all MScSLP academic courses. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 533 - Clinical Practicum II

5 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, 0-12C-0)

Credit. Full-time supervised clinical practicum normally for a period of four to eight weeks in an approved clinical service facility. The focus will be on developing intermediate level competencies. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of clinical areas. Prerequisites: CSD 532 and all MScSLP academic courses. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)

5 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, 0-12C-0)

Credit. Full-time supervised clinical practicum normally for a period of four to eight weeks in an approved clinical service facility. The focus will be on developing entry to practice level competencies. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of communication disorders under reduced supervision. Prerequisites: CSD 532 and 533. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 540 - Clinical Practicum III

5 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, 0-12C-0)

Credit. Full-time supervised clinical practicum normally for a period of four to eight weeks in an approved clinical service facility. The focus will be on developing entry to practice level competencies. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of clinical areas. Prerequisites: CSD 532 and 533. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)

5 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, 0-12C-0)

Credit. Full-time supervised clinical practicum normally for a period of four to eight weeks in an approved clinical service facility. The focus will be on demonstrating entry to practice level competencies. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of communication disorders under reduced supervision. Prerequisites: CSD 532 and 533. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)

Starting: 2024-09-01 CSD 541 - Clinical Practicum IV

5 units (fi VAR)(EITHER, 0-12C-0)

Credit. Full-time supervised clinical practicum normally for a period of four to eight weeks in an approved clinical service facility. The focus will be on developing intermediate level competencies. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of clinical areas. Prerequisites: CSD 532 and 533. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)

1 unit (fi 2)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

A variety of topics will be offered. Students can register in this for credit toward the MScSLP requirement of 1 credit in elective coursework.

1 unit (fi 2)(EITHER, 0-1S-0)

The objective of this course is to take a step towards an anti-racist and inclusive SLP practice, by providing a framework for clinical practice with linguistically and culturally diverse communities. This course will be required and aims to support students in their reflection on equitable and inclusive SLP practices.


May be repeated. Credit. Part-time or Full-time supervised clinical practice for a period varying from four to twelve weeks in an approved clinical service facility. Students will have completed all academic course work and will be prepared to work with a broad range of communication disorders under reduced supervision. Direct contact hours as well as simulated and indirect contact hours will be accrued. Prerequisites: CSD 516 and 524 and permission of the department. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.)


May be repeated. Prerequisite: consent of Department. (MScSLP)

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-3S-0)

Required capping exercise for the MScSLP program (course-based stream). Intended to develop students' inquiry, reflection, critical thinking, collaboration, scholarship and information dissemination skills through a supervised experience in the disciplined investigation of a problem. Prerequisite: CSD 501. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 900.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-3S-0)

Required capping exercise for the MScSLP program (course-based stream). Intended to develop students' inquiry, reflection, critical thinking, collaboration, scholarship and information dissemination skills through a supervised experience in the disciplined investigation of a problem. Prerequisite: CSD 501. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 900.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, 0-3S-0)

Required capping exercise for the MScSLP program (course-based stream). Intended to develop students' inquiry, reflection, critical thinking, collaboration, scholarship and information dissemination skills through a supervised experience in the disciplined investigation of a problem. Prerequisite: CSD 501. (Restricted to MScSLP students only.) Not open to students with credit in SPA 900.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

An interdisciplinary introduction to community and civic engagement for students interested in preparing the groundwork for undertaking further experiential educational opportunities (e.g., Internships, Study Abroad, CSL).

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, 3-0-0)

An in-depth exploration of theories and practices of civic engagement and community change for students who have already completed a course with a CSL component and who wish to extend their volunteer experience. Prerequisite: Completion of a course with a CSL component or consent of instructor. Note: For information about courses in programs and departments across the Faculty of Arts that offer a CSL component, see the link on the CSL website, . Not open to students with credit in CSL 300.

1 unit (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Content varies from year to year. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. This course may require payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

0.5 units (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Content varies from year to year. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. This course may require payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

1 unit (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Content varies from year to year. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. This course may require payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

1 unit (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Course content varies from year to year but will include a significant service component. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Corequisite: CSL 350 or other approved course. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

0.5 units (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Course content varies from year to year but will include a significant service component. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Corequisite: CSL 350 or other approved course. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

1 unit (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Course content varies from year to year but will include a significant service component. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Corequisite: CSL 350 or other approved course. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, VARIABLE)

Content varies from year to year. Prerequisite: consent of Program. Repeatable if topic(s) vary.

3 units (fi 6)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Individual study opportunity on topics for which no specific course is currently offered. Prerequisites: Consent of Community Service - Learning Director, consent of instructor, and completion of a 3 credit course with a CSL component.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Individual study opportunity on topics for which no specific course is currently offered. Prerequisites: Consent of Community Service - Learning Director, consent of instructor, and completion of a 3 credit course with a CSL component.

1.5 units (fi 6)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Individual study opportunity on topics for which no specific course is currently offered. Prerequisites: Consent of Community Service - Learning Director, consent of instructor, and completion of a 3 credit course with a CSL component.

1 unit (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Content varies from year to year. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee.

0.5 units (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Content varies from year to year. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee.

1 unit (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Content varies from year to year. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee.

1 unit (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Course content varies from year to year but will include a significant community-based project component. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Corequisite: CSL 550 or other approved course. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee.

0.5 units (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Course content varies from year to year but will include a significant community-based project component. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Corequisite: CSL 550 or other approved course. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee.

1 unit (fi VAR)(VAR, UNASSIGNED)

Course content varies from year to year but will include a significant community-based project component. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Corequisite: CSL 550 or other approved course. This course may require payment of an additional miscellaneous fee.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER, VARIABLE)

Content varies from year to year. Prerequisite: consent of Program.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 3-0-0)

Étude interdisciplinaire (anthropologie, sociologie, psychologie sociale) des théories scientifiques contemporaines sur la nature de la culture, ses rapports avec la langue et ses mécanismes de transmission et de modification. La problématique locale sera examinée dans le contexte de la communauté scientifique internationale. L'histoire de la science de l'éducation bilingue sera aussi abordée.Note: Ce cours n'est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour MEDU 500.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 3-0-0)

Durant ce cours, les étudiants réfléchiront à la notion de texte de qualité en lien avec différents genres de texte. Ils approfondiront leurs connaissances de la démarche rédactionnelle qui sous-tend la création d'un texte de qualité chez les lecteurs et les scripteurs habiles. Ils exploreront le lien entre la lecture et l'écriture. Ils se familiariseront avec des principes d'apprentissage pouvant guider la conception d'une intervention orientée vers l'enseignement explicite de stratégies de lecture et d'écriture. Ils appliqueront ces connaissances dans le cadre de l'élaboration d'une séquence didactique visant le développement de la compétence à produire un genre de texte de leur choix. Peut comprendre des sections en ligne. Note: Ce cours n'est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour MEDU 513.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 3-0-0)

Durant ce cours les étudiants se familiariseront avec le concept de l'oral au service de l'apprentissage et de l'évaluation à l'ère numérique. Ils approfondiront de manière théorique et pratique, le rôle de l'oral comme compétence essentielle ; les notions de discours dialogique et exploratoire dans la construction des savoirs et la discussion philosophique. L'oral et l'utilisation des technologies numériques seront aussi abordés dans le cadre de ce cours. Peut comprendre des sections en ligne. Note: Ce cours n'est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour MEDU 515.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 3-0-0)

Le cours vise à familiariser les étudiants avec les approches plurielles de l'enseignement des langues et des cultures. Il aborde les notions et recherches sur lesquelles repose le développement d'activités d'enseignement-apprentissage valorisant la diversité des langues et des cultures en contexte plurilingue et multiculturel. Peut comprendre des sections en ligne. Note: Ce cours n'est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour MEDU 519.

3 units (fi 6)(EITHER(FR), 3-0-0)

Durant le cours les étudiants se familiariseront avec la recherche dans le domaine de l'intégration de la langue, du contenu et des habiletés liées à littératie disciplinaire en immersion et milieu francophone minoritaire. Ils analyseront les programmes d'enseignement actuels avec un regard critique afin d'identifier les lacunes de ceux-ci. Ils utiliseront une approche intégrée permettant un rééquilibrage de l'instruction afin que les sens et la forme soient conjointement ciblés. Enfin, Ils développeront un micro programme mettant en application les théories et pédagogies étudiées. Peut comprendre des sections en ligne. Note: Ce cours n'est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour MEDU 523.