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Name Title Department Phone Location
Abdul Halim, Omar Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Aghaeeyan, Azadeh Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ahmed, Shohel Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Akhter, Tanjima Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Alagh, Aneeljyot Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Alyousef, Aram Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Aminian Shahrokhabadi, Mahdieh GTA Principal Instructor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Anton, Cristina Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Austria, Kim Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bansod, Tejas Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bell, Dan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Berger, Arno Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804923798 683 Central Academic Building
Bernakevitch, Andrew Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bhagwat, Pankaj Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bhartia, Aditya Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bickley, Jakob Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bilokopytov, Eugene Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bingham, Ben Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bouchard, Vincent Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Bowman, John Professor Phased Post Retirement Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Brush, Micah Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Buckingham, Paul Associate Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Budd, Valerie Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Carrero Araujo, Gustavo Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Cartledge, Paul ATS Associate Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Castaneda Medina, Ranu Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Castro, Jairo Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chai, Arniesh Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chakraborty, Amit Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chalifour, Mathieu ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chang, Xiaotian Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chaumont, Joseph Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chen, Xi Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chen, Yanze Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chen, Yaqi Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Cheng, Ehco Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Cheng, Yulei Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chernousov, Vladimir Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chilwal, Aditya Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chitrakar, Siddhartha Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Choi, Kyunghan Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Chough, Keumhee Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7809944230 437 Central Academic Building
Choulli, T Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804929078 663 Central Academic Building
Chu, Courtenay Administrative Assistant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Contreras, Carlos ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Cooper, Jane Graduate Prog Assistant - MDP Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Creutzig, Thomas Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Dai, Feng Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Das, Jyoti Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Datta, Swagata Songeet Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Daundasekera, Salini Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
de Vries, Gerda Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Deng, Nan Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Desaulniers, Shawn Faculty Serv Officer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Dessens, Beda Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Dhinsa, Sohana Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Digani, Pulkit Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ding, Lei Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ding, Lei ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Dong, Ruiqi Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Doppalapudi, Sriman Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Doran, Charles Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Duan, Fengshuang Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Duller, Mark Info Systems Analyst Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ehmann, Maia Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Elazkany, Ella Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Erdem, Alper Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Evans, Tara K. Undergraduate Program Coordinator Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 632B Central Academic Building
Farzamirad, Meymanat ATS Full Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Fazeliasl, Forough Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 440 Central Academic Building
Feng, Tao Guest - Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Feng, Tingting Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Filner, Sebastian Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Fok, Rosana Science Faculty Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Foxall, Eric Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Francoeur, Liana Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Frei, Chris Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 621 Central Academic Building
Frei, Chris Department Chair Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 632E-1 Central Academic Building
Gannon, Terry Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 579 Central Academic Building
Gao, Shan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ge, Qi Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Gessesse, Haile ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Gill, Brandon Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Gill, Esha Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Gill, Harshdeep Singh Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Gille, Stefan Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Graham, Ryan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Graves, Sean Science Faculty Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Graves, Sean Coordinator, Decima Robinson Support Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7802337326 528 Central Academic Building
Grubas, Serafim Research Assistant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Gu, Haoran Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Gu, Huangguoyan Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Guay, Nicolas Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 665 Central Academic Building
Guay, Nicolas Associate Chair Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Guo, Li Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Guo, Yang Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Guu, Jin-Cheng Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Guu, Jin-Cheng ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Gyimah, Michael Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ha, Minh Dat Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Hamidoglu, Ali Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Han, Bin Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 541 Central Academic Building
Han, Donglin Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Han, Yixin Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Hardeman, Rachel Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Harris, Brodie Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Harvey, Curtis Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
He, Jialin Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
He, John Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Hiew, Joshua Zoen-Git GTA Principal Instructor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Hillen, Thomas Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ho, Phong Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Hoover, Jake Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Hrimiuc, D Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Hu, Rui Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Hu, Yaozhong Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Huang, Jasen Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Huang, Jenny Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Huang, Yu Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Huraka, Sofiia Research Assistant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Huraka, Sofiia Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Huwyler, Raphael Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ivanescu, Cristian Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Jammeh, Modou Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Jankovic, Peggy ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Jarvie, Kanyon Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Jiang, Bei Assistant Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Jiang, Heping Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Jiang, Yangdi Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Johannson, Gemma Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Johnson, Evan Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kabra, Suyash Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kai, Shinto Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Karkheiran, Mohsen Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Karpenko, Nikita Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Karunamuni, R Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kashlak, Adam Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kaur, Ashbani Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kehoe, Bella Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kelesbekov, Rauan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kent, Miles Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Khalid, Maaz Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Khosravi Farsani, Mostafa Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Klassen, Thomas Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kolacz, Henryk Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kong, Cuijuan Guest - Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kong, Dezheng Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kong, Jingsen Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kong, Linglong Professor, Canada Research Chair in Statistical Learning, and Canada CIFAR AI Chair Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Korfanty, Emily GTA Principal Instructor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kouritzin, MA Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kowalski, Michael Science Faculty Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Krechetnikov, Rouslan Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804921926 3-267 Centennial Ctr For Interdisciplinary SCS II
Kumar, Rishabh Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kuruvilla, Maria Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Kuttler, Jochen Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804928203 632G-1 Central Academic Building
Lau, AT Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Lele, Subhash R Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Letwin, Brayden Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Lewis, James D Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Lewis, Mark Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Li, Chao Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Li, Dongbin Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Li, Michael Y Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804923396 643 Central Academic Building
Lian, Chengdi Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Liang, Yi Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Liang, Yi Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Litvak, Alexander Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Liu, Guodong Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Liu, Matthew Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Liu, Miranda Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Liu, Taiyuan Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Lopez Badillo, Oscar Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Lu, Han Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Lu, Ruicheng Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Lu, Ruicheng Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
MacArthur, Jack Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mader, Robin Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mah, Stephanie Assistant Coordinator, Decima Robinson Support Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 5-28A Central Academic Building
Manica, Rogerio ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mankavi, Arsalan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Maqsood, Mediha Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Marcoul, Paule Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
McCormack, Andrew Assistant Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences  Central Academic Building
McDermott, Mark T. Associate Dean, Graduate Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
McKoen, Jack Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
McNeilly, David FSO/Undergraduate Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804923815 629 Central Academic Building
Melnikov, Alexander Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Meskarian, Rudabeh ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Miao, Zhiyi Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Milne, Russell Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Minev, Petar Professor Phased Post Retirement Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mitchell, Connor Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mitchell, Connor Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mizera, Ivan Phased Post Retirement-Faculty Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Moc, Kenny Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mohammadi Nejad, Pouneh Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mohammadnejad, Negar Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Moibi, Esther Department Administrator Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804920446 632F Central Academic Building
Moodie, Bryant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Morrill, Ryan Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Morrill, Ryan General Office Clerk Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Mousaaid, Youssef Research Assistant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Munaweera Arachchilage, Inesh Prabuddha Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Murasko, Noel Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Nelson, Tanner Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Neuberger, Mitchell Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Newby, Jay Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Neye, Emmanuel ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Nguyen, Bruce Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Nguyen, Khac Nguyen Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Nguyen, Tri Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ni, Zhen Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Niksirat, Mohammad Ali Science Faculty Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
O'Brien, Michael ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Odelana, Oba Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Omarov, Daniyar Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ouyang, Amy Graduate Student Administrator Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ovi, Murshed Ahmed Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Pandher, Sharandeep Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Park, Seoyeon Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Parrish, Ian Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Pasanen, Trevor Full Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Pass, Brendan Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Patnaik, Manish Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Pei, Wenyi Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Perri, Mariana Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Peschke, George Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Pianzola, A Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Poliquin, R Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Poloni Lyra, Silas Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Poutkaradze, Vakhtang Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Powell, Beth ATS Full Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Prasad, NG Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Premachandra, Dimithri Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ramsey, Christopher Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ran, Jiashu Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Rassameemasmuang, Supakorn Jamie Research Assistant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Rastello, Kevan Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ray, Margie Term Clin Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Razafy, Rindra Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Rebryna, Sarah Administrative Clerk Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Reeves, Ben Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Reuter, Chase Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Roda, Weston Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Roy Chowdhury, Pranali Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Runde, Volker Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Safikhanova, Natavan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Samal, Subham Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Samuelson, Jeffrey Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Schmuland, Byron Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Scully, Stephen Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Serpico, Jacob Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sharma, Gargi Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sharma, Vedant Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Shen, Zhongwei Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 569 Central Academic Building
Shen, Zixuan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Shi, Enze Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Shi, Enze Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Shi, Hongwei Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Shulman, Lisa Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Shyntar, Alexandra Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sigfstead, Sophie Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sim, Jiwoon Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sim, Jiwoon Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Simchi, A ATS Full Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Singh, Akashdeep Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Singh, Guryuvraj Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Slessor, Jordan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sonnleitner, Mathias Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Strungaru, Nicolae Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sun, Chengbo Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sun, Jiatong Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sun, Jie ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sun, Rui Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Sun, Xiaoxiao Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Swamy, Priya Academic Department Manager Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804926122 632 Central Academic Building
Swaters, Gordon Professor Emeritus Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 537 Central Academic Building
Sysoeva, Liubov Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Szczepanski, Tomasz GTA Principal Instructor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Tamore, Atharva Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Tanana, Anastasiya Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Tang, Wenlu Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Tatla, Harneet Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Tcaciuc, Adi Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Thiessen, Carter Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Toor, Ripanjeet Singh Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Topaz, Adam Assistant Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Troitsky, Vladimir Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Tuong, Edmond Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ueda, Mamoru Guest - Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Uygul, Faruk ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
van Walsum, Morghan Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Varughese, Marie Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Varughese, Marie Adjunct Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Venegas Garcia, Pablo Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Vritsiou, Veatriki Eleni Assistant Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wagner, CJ Research Assistant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wagner, Gregory ATS Full Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Hao Professor & Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) & ILMEE Director Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Jianing Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Kehan Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Linlin Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Meng Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Mengjie Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Shirou Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Tianxu GTA Principal Instructor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Xuyuan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Yafei Assistant Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Yihao Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Yihao Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wang, Yuhao Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wei, Kecheng Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Weiss, A Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
White, Cole Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wi, Dami Term Clin Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wiens, Douglas Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wilke-Budinski, Kimberley PIMS Administrative Assistant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wilke-Budinski, Kimberley Admin Assistant Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wong, Yau Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804924376 681 Central Academic Building
Woolgar, Eric Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wu, Binbing Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wu, Minghuan Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wu, Minghuan Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Wu, Wenjing Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Xie, Xinqi Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Xing, Harry Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Xu, Jingjing Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Xu, Yuanchao Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yadav, Harshit ATS Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yang, Guang Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yang, Haihan Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yang, Linrang Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yang, Zhixian Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yang, Zhixian Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yaskin, Vladyslav Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Ye, Luhong Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yi, Yingfei Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 7804920215 501 Central Academic Building
Yin, Xunbai Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yosprakob, Tharana Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yu, Tingzhou Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Yu, Xinwei Associate Professor Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences 527 Central Academic Building
Zambrano Luna, Brian Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zarrabieh, Mobashereh Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zeng, Zhaowei Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhang, Ce Grad Research Asst Fellowship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhang, Ian Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhang, Kuan Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhang, Na Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhang, Shibai Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhang, Yifan Excluded Student Hourly Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhang, Yuanzhe Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zheng, Yueyang Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhong, Tianyang Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhu, Guangzhao Grad Teaching Assistantship Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Zhu, Jialu Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
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