EDPY - Education - Psychology
Offered By:
Faculty of Education
Below are the courses available from the EDPY code. Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times.
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period.
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period.
This course provides an introduction to teaching students with diverse learning support needs within the inclusive education context. Course content focuses on adapting classroom instruction and classroom environments to enhance learning for all students. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 301 - Introduction to Inclusive Education: Adapting Classroom Instruction for Students with Special Needs
This course provides an introduction to teaching students with diverse learning support needs within the inclusive education context. Course content focuses on adapting classroom instruction and classroom environments to enhance learning for all students. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
This course will include theoretical and practical aspects of physical, cognitive, social and emotional development and learning during the period from infancy to middle childhood (0-12 years). Prerequisite EDU 100 or pre/corequisite EDU 300 (After Degree students). Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 302 and EDPY 402. This course may not be taken for credit if credit for PSYCH 323 or PSYCH 223 is already awarded. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 302 - Learning and Development from Infancy to Adolescence
This course will include theoretical and practical aspects of physical, cognitive, social and emotional development and learning during the period from infancy to adolescence (0-19 years). Prerequisite EDU 100 or pre/corequisite EDFX 200 (After Degree students). This course may not be taken for credit if credit for PSYCH 223, 323 or, 327 is already awarded. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
This course will introduce students to the complexity of classroom assessment as a means of supporting and measuring student learning. The intent of this course is to develop an understanding of important concepts and issues in the evaluation of a learner's knowledge and skills, and to develop competence in constructing instruments and processes to evaluate learner performance. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. For Elementary Route Students: Prerequisites: EDU 100/300, EDU 210, EDU 211, and EDPY 302; Pre/corequisites: EDEL 305, EDEL 316, and courses in the Introductory Professional Term (IPT), including EDFX 325. For Secondary Route Students: Prerequisites: 9 units in the Major subject area, EDU 100/300, EDU 210, EDU 211, and EDPY 304; Corequisites: courses in the Introductory Professional Term (IPT), including EDFX 350.
This course will include theories of development and learning, sociocultural influences on development and learning, and contexts of identity and health of adolescents. Prerequisite EDU 100 or pre/corequisite EDU 300 (After Degree students). Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 304 and EDPY 404. This course may not be taken for credit if credit for PSYCH 327 or PSYCH 223 is already awarded. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 304 - Adolescent Development and Learning
This course will include theories of development and learning, sociocultural influences on development and learning, and contexts of identity and health of adolescents. Prerequisite EDU 100 or pre/corequisite EDU 300 (After Degree students). Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 304 and EDPY 404. This course may not be taken for credit if credit for PSYCH 327 or PSYCH 223 is already awarded. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
This course focuses on assessment, individualized program planning, and adapting instruction for students with special needs in the inclusive education context. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based instructional approaches for adapting instruction, and the importance of collaboration and consultation among stakeholders in meeting the needs of students who require special education services and supports.
Basic strategies for adapting instruction to accommodate ESL learners in their classes. Second language literacy, content-based instruction, and assessment will be covered. Not open to EDPY TESL Diploma or Master's students.
Focuses on principles of language learning, language learners, and learning contexts. Pre-/corequisite: LING 101.
The aim of this course is to develop students' explicit knowledge of English grammar, which provides the conceptual basis for grammar instruction. Emphasis will be placed on developing students' ability to provide explanations of the most important grammar rules for adult ESL and to design grammar focused activities. Prerequisite: LING 101 or equivalent.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 417 - Grammar of English for Teachers of EAL Learners
The aim of this course is to develop students' explicit knowledge of English grammar, which provides the conceptual basis for grammar instruction. Emphasis will be placed on developing students' ability to provide explanations of the most important grammar rules for English as an additional language (EAL) and to design grammar focused activities. Prerequisite: LING 101 or
Students will learn how to respond to adult ESL students' learning needs using current ESL teaching principles and techniques, design lesson plans, evaluate resources, and assess learner progress. Prerequisites: EDPY 416.
This practicum is designed to provide EDPY TESL Diploma students with an opportunity to observe and teach in an established ESL program for adults. Restricted to EDPY TESL Diploma students. Other students require consent of the Department.
Provides an overview of the field of Counselling Psychology, including its theoretical foundations, applications, and counselling skills. Prerequisite: EDPY 302 or 304, or equivalent.
Focuses on the theory, research, and practice of hope within classroom, counselling, and related professional settings. Addresses the impact of hope in individual, relational, and institutional contexts and explores current research in the area of hope enhancement.
This course focuses on understanding and managing the challenging behaviours of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems in schools. Note: Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 454 and EDPSY 307 or EDPSY 357. May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
Intent is to (a) provide students with a theoretical understanding of specific reading disabilities, (b) introduce students to widely used assessment tools and the interpretation of assessment results, and (c) develop competence in designing and implementing successful instructional programs for students with specific reading disabilities.
Provides students with an introduction to and experience with mentoring children and adolescents. Students will attend presentations on topics related to mentoring and mentor children in a group or 1:1 capacity. Open to all students. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 465 and EDPY 397/497 Mentoring Children and Adolescents.
This course provides a general understanding of the development and education of deaf and hard of hearing children highlighting the impact that deafness has upon both the process and products of language development. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 470 and EDPSY 449.
Provides an overview to the study of child language development and an introduction to educational considerations in teaching students with language or communication disorders. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 472 and EDPSY 450.
This is a practical course to develop basic skills in American Sign Language. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 474 and EDPSY 451. Not to be taken by students with credit in ASL 111.
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of Department.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 497 - Special Topics in Educational Psychology
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries a title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Prerequisite: consent of Department.
May contain alternative delivery sections; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
Priority given to graduate students in the Department of Educational Psychology.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 501 - Introduction to Methods of Educational Research
This course introduces students to fundamental concepts, principles, and techniques employed in educational and psychological research. Priority given to graduate students in Educational Psychology.
The purpose of this course is to present students with a variety of educational data mining techniques, with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and applications. Students will also learn how to implement these techniques with statistical software such as R or Python. This course is open to graduate students across the campus, with priority given to the Faculty of Education graduate students.
An introduction to the theoretical perspectives, principles, processes, and methods of qualitative research. Prerequisite: EDPY 501 or equivalent.
This course aims to help students develop an understanding of basic survey research methods, particularly those that apply to research practices in education, psychology, and social sciences. In addition, the course provides a practical understanding of survey data analysis and reporting.
This course will focus on the analysis of data from experiments and surveys using the analysis of variance. Students will develop knowledge of and skills in understanding the underlying statistical models, matching statistical models to research designs, using computer software to conduct appropriate statistical analyses, and interpreting and reporting findings.
This course provides an overview of key topics in machine learning and broader issues in this domain. It builds on the research literature on machine learning as well as on the principles of constructivism (i.e., learning by doing). The course employs a combination of hands-on in-class activities, presentations, and discussions about readings and algorithms. It also provides an overview and practice of the R and Python programming languages that will be used to exemplify fundamental machine learning techniques. This course is open to graduate students across the campus, with priority given to the Faculty of Education graduate students.
This course will introduce students to the concepts and procedures required to develop, administer, and use educational and psychological assessments. Emphasis will be placed on the foundational concepts related to reliability and validity.
This course is concerned with aspects of human learning, cognition, and the practical application of these theories and methods within education.
This course includes a synopsis of theories and principles of second language learning, a historical overview of second language teaching, and an examination of cognitive and affective factors affecting learners' acquisition. Features of the learning context will also be discussed. Priority given to EDPY TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program. Students cannot receive credit for both EDPY 416 and EDPY 516.
Emphasis is on understanding child and adolescent development from the combined perspectives of research, theory and practical experience. Stages through to emerging adulthood will be studied. Intended for both masters and doctoral level students. Practitioners or theoreticians from related disciplines are welcome.
Theory, principles, and practice of psychological assessment. Students will gain clinical experience in working with individuals referred for psychological assessment. Prerequisites: EDPY 507 or equivalent and EDPY 521 or equivalent. Registration is restricted to School and Clinical Child Psychology and Counselling Psychology students. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 518 and EDPY 545. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
Theory and principles of psychological assessment in school and clinical settings with an emphasis on informing evidence-based interventions. Students will also expand their knowledge of special populations within the context of psychoeducational assessment. Prerequisite: EDPY 518, EDPY 527. Registration is restricted to School and Clinical Child Psychology students. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 519 and EDPY 545.
This practicum provides supervised applied experience in both assessment and intervention with a focus on working with children and adolescents. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs. Prerequisites: EDPY 507, EDPY 518 and EDPY 536 or equivalents. Co-requisite: EDPY 519 or equivalent.
This course deals with psychological and psycho-educational assessment and covers the basic principles and skills needed to administer and interpret standardized measures of cognitive abilities and academic achievement. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
The course is intended to introduce students to the specialization of school and clinical child psychology. Topics discussed in this course include the history of school and clinical child psychology, exploration of professional identity, examination of foundational and functional competencies of practice and research, consideration of unique ethical issues in child psychology, and implementation of an evidence based practice approach. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology program.
Using psychological theory as a framework, in this course, students explore the effects of technology on the cognitive processing, emotional responses and social interactions of learners across different types of technology, different ages of learners and different learning contexts. The course begins with an overview of key psychological theories then examines each type of technology from a psychological standpoint. This course focuses on the psychological impact of technology on learners, rather than how to use, design or produce educational technology.
This course will examine lifespan career development as a dynamic and holistic enterprise. Topics include theories and techniques of career development, assessment, work-life issues, career-life decision-making and life transitions, with a focus on the practice of career counselling for diverse populations. Restricted to students in the School Counselling, Counselling Psychology, and School and Clinical Child Psychology Master's and Doctoral Programs. Students from other programs require consent of the Counselling Psychology program.
This course provides an introduction to academic, behavioural, social, emotional, and counselling intervention with a particular focus on their application to school and clinical settings for use with children and adolescents. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs. Prerequisites: EDPY 507 and EDPY 536 or equivalents.
The course takes a developmental psychological approach to understanding psychological practice and interventions with children and adolescents. Prerequisite: EDPY 527 or equivalent.
This course focuses on assessment of commonly encountered mental disorders across the life span based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The course covers interview-based assessment, diagnostic screening inventories, clinical observation, cross-informant data collection, differential diagnosis, and the role of cultural factors in the assessment and case conceptualization process. Restricted to students in the Counselling Psychology Program. Course pre-requisites: EDPY 533 and EDPY 534 or equivalent. Students in the School and Clinical Child Psychology Master's or Doctoral Program or other Graduate Programs may take this course with consent of the course instructor if they are deemed to possess adequate background preparation and knowledge.
This course introduces the major theories used in counselling/psychotherapy. Priority given to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs or consent of Department.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 532 - Systems of Counselling
This course introduces the major theories used in counselling/psychotherapy. Priority given to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs.
This course introduces major theories used in counselling psychology and focuses on the development of foundational skills, knowledge, and attitudes for clinical practice with diverse populations and issues. The course includes both in-class components and a Master's-level practicum. Restricted to students enrolled in the Counselling Psychology program.
This course is a continuation of EDPY 533. Restricted to students enrolled in the Counselling Psychology program. Prerequisite: EDPY 533.
This course provides an integrative survey of foundational knowledge, theories, and research on learning and development across the lifespan, covering life stages/transitions and normal and atypical cognitive, perceptual, language, social, emotional, and personality development, with an emphasis on their relation to education. Restricted to course-based MEd students in School Counselling. Students in other graduate programs in the Faculty of Education and Open Studies students may take this course with consent of the department if space permits.
This course is designed to increase knowledge of ethical, legal, and professional standards of psychological practice. Priority given to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs. Students from other programs require consent of the Counselling Psychology program.
This course provides an understanding of essential communication, relationship building, interview, and counselling skills for school counselors, integrating theory and practice in implementing interventions and providing skill practice opportunities. Restricted to course-based MEd students in School Counselling. Students will not receive credit for both EDPY 597 Basic Skills, Issues, and Attitudes in School Counselling and EDPY 537.
This course is designed to develop an understanding of group theory and process and to acquire skills needed in leading a counselling group. Prerequisites or corequisites: EDPY 533 and 534. Restricted to students in the Counselling Psychology program. Students from other programs require consent of the Counselling Psychology program.
This practicum provides supervised applied experience in psychological assessment of children, adolescents and / or adults. Restricted to students enrolled in the Counselling Psychology program. Students in the School and Clinical Child Psychology Program may take this course with consent of the instructor. Prerequisites: EDPY 521, EDPY 530 & EDPY 536 or equivalents.
Designed to establish a theoretical and practical understanding of the factors that influence the nature and effectiveness of the cross-cultural counselling process. Includes multicultural counselling competencies, ethics in cross-cultural counselling interactions, models of racial and cultural identity development, multicultural assessment procedures, and culture-specific (emic) and universal (etic) helping styles. Priority given to students enrolled in the Counselling Psychology and School and Clinical Child Psychology Programs. Students from other programs require consent of the Counselling Psychology program.
Prerequisite: consent of Department.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 544 - Principles of Psychological Testing and Assessment
This course focuses on basic psychological testing and assessment skills such as behavioural observation, clinical interviewing, and individual and group testing.
Focuses on the theory, research, and practice of hope within classroom, counselling, and related professional settings. Addresses the impact of hope in individual, relational, and institutional contexts and explores current research in the area of hope enhancement.
Theory, research, and practice regarding therapeutic assessment. Students will gain practical and technical assessment, consultation, and testing experience with adolescent and adult clients, particularly regarding collaborative approaches that act as therapeutic interventions in and of themselves. Prerequisites: EDPY 518 or EDPY 543. Restricted to Counselling Psychology and School and Clinical Child Psychology students. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
This course focuses on theories and practical skill development related to group facilitation, including group formation, dynamics, norms, stages, and processes, with an emphasis on the use of groups with children and adolescents in school settings. Restricted to course-based MEd students in School Counselling. Students in other graduate programs in the Faculty of Education and Open Studies students may take this course with consent of the department if space permits.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 548 - Group-based School Counselling
This course focuses on theories and practical skill development related to group facilitation, including group formation, dynamics, norms, stages, and processes, with an emphasis on the use of groups with children and adolescents in school settings. Restricted to course-based MEd students in School Counselling. Students in other graduate programs in the Faculty of Education and Open Studies students may take this course with consent of the program if space permits.
Practicum course consists of a supervised school counselling field placement as well as a clinic-based instructional seminar that focuses on professional and clinical issues related to the practicum experience. Restricted to students enrolled in the School Counselling program.
Practicum course consists of a supervised school counselling field placement as well as a clinic-based instructional seminar that focuses on professional and clinical issues related to the practicum experience. Restricted to students enrolled in the School Counselling program.
EDPY 551 - Counselling Children and Adolescents: Theory and Practice in Clinical and School Settings
This course examines therapeutic approaches for working with children and adolescents in clinical and school settings. The course emphasizes methods of integrating and applying systemic, developmental, and individual theories to assessment and intervention with children, adolescents, and their families. Restricted to course-based MEd students in School Counselling. Students in other Counselling Psychology and School and Clinical Child Psychology Master's and Doctoral Programs may take this course with consent of the Department.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 551 - Counselling Children and Adolescents: Theory and Practice in Clinical and School Settings
This course examines therapeutic approaches for working with children and adolescents in clinical and school settings. The course emphasizes methods of integrating and applying systemic, developmental, and individual theories to assessment and intervention with children, adolescents, and their families. Restricted to course-based MEd students in School Counselling. Students in other Counselling Psychology and School and Clinical Child Psychology Master's and Doctoral Programs may take this course with consent of the program.
This course will provide an overview of learning and perceptual processes and current empirically based assessment and intervention supports relevant to autism.
This course provides an understanding of child language development, theories, and the relationship between oral language ability, reading, spelling and writing. Restricted to course- based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 553 is the third course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDPY 501
This course provides an understanding of child language development, theories, and the relationship between oral language ability, reading, spelling and writing. Restricted to course- based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 553 is the third course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDPY 501
This course provides an understanding of child language development, theories, and the relationship between oral language ability, reading, spelling and writing. Restricted to course- based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 553 is the third course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDPY 501
This course provides students with an understanding of reading disabilities, introduces them to relevant assessment tools, and examines how to design and implement successful interventions for students with reading disabilities.
Aspects of theory, research and professional practice within the field of special education will be examined in this class. All special needs and developmental disorders are considered, particularly in the realm of theory/practice relationships. Such issues as program evaluation, integration, personnel preparation, and the identification of special needs will be considered. Validity of current practices and beliefs will be addressed through reviews of research, theory, and legislation/policy and the relationship between these areas and professional practice. EDPY 556 is the first course in the prescribed sequence for the Special Education Cohort students.
Contemporary research and applications regarding children exhibiting exceptionalities are reviewed from the perspectives of current research paradigms and methods. Students apply these qualitative and quantitative models of exploration and knowledge development in terms of better informed practice and more adequate theory development. Pre/corequisite: EDPY 501 or equivalent.
Students will learn how to respond to adult ESL/EAL students' learning needs using current English language teaching principles and techniques, design lesson plans, evaluate resources, and assess learner progress. Priority given to EDPY TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program. Students cannot receive credit for both EDPY 418 and EDPY 568.
Acquaints students with a wide variety of CALL opportunities available for the English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom, presents guidelines for evaluating CALL resources, and provides a framework for the effective integration of CALL into ESL curricula. Basic familiarity with the computer and the Internet is required. Priority given to TESL Diploma, MEd and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program.
This practicum is designed to provide EDPY TESL Master's students with an opportunity to observe and teach in an established ESL program for adults. Restricted to EDPY TESL Master's students.
This course provides an understanding of word reading development and difficulties from the cognitive and educational psychology point of views. Restricted to course-based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 577 is the fourth course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDPY 553.
This course will provide an overview of the theory and practice of teaching English for Academic Purposes to advanced proficiency English as a second language students.
This course focuses on current theories of reading comprehension, and the cognitive and language underpinnings of reading comprehension difficulties. Restricted to course-based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 580 is the 5th course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite: EDPY 577.
Introduction to the study of bilingualism. Deals with the following questions: What is bilingualism? How do we measure bilingualism? How does a person become bilingual? What are the consequences of individual and societal bilingualism? Priority given to TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program.
Topics throughout the course will provide students with knowledge and skills to support students who find writing and spelling challenging. Restricted to course-based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 582 is the 6th course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite: EDPY 580.
Explores how grammar teaching can be contextualized according to the principles of communicative language teaching. Theories concerning the relationship between adult learners' implicit and explicit knowledge of grammar will be reviewed, and different approaches to grammar instruction will be explored. Priority given to TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program.
This course surveys literacy assessment and intervention issues pertinent to different groups of learners with multiple and complex special needs. Restricted to course-based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 586 is the seventh course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDPY 582.
This course surveys literacy assessment and intervention issues pertinent to different groups of learners with multiple and complex special needs. Restricted to course-based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 586 is the seventh course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDPY 582.
This course surveys literacy assessment and intervention issues pertinent to different groups of learners with multiple and complex special needs. Restricted to course-based MEd Special Education Cohort students. EDPY 586 is the seventh course in the prescribed sequence. Prerequisite or co-requisite: EDPY 582.
Topics studied throughout the course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to increase second language learners' metacognitive awareness and their knowledge and use of language learning strategies. Students will acquire knowledge to help learners plan, monitor and evaluate their language learning; and use listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, retrieval, rehearsal, communication, translation, and test-taking strategies. Students will also develop an understanding of the issues related to researching and assessing second language learning and use strategies. Students will not receive credit for both EDPY 597: Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strategies and EDPY 587.
Issues relating to the teaching of English as a global language are explored. A general approach to analyzing the teaching of English for international communication in different settings is developed. Topics may include: functions of language; diglossia; World Englishes; language endangerment; language planning; communicative language teaching in non-Western settings; content-based instruction; washback in language testing. Priority given to TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program.
Introduction to applied linguistics research in second or foreign language classrooms. Topics typically include: methods of classroom research; teacher-student interaction; the effect of feedback on learner errors; form- focused instruction; strategy training. Priority given to TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program.
Theory and practice in the instruction of literacy and reading to ESL students. Priority given to TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program.
Theory and practice in the instruction of literacy and reading to ESL students. Priority given to TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program.
Introduction to relevant second language pronunciation research and specific classroom teaching strategies. Priority given to TESL Diploma, MEd, and PhD students. Students from other programs require consent of the TESL program.
Focuses on political, curricular, social, cultural, and linguistic factors that have an impact on immigrants to Canada.
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 597 - Special Topics in Educational Psychology
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries a title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 597A - Special Topics in Educational Psychology
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries a title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 597B - Special Topics in Educational Psychology
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries a title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Prerequisite: consent of Department.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 599 - Individual Directed Reading and Research in Educational Psychology
Students will develop and complete an individual study plan under the guidance of an instructor. Prerequisite: consent of the program.
This course is designed to provide doctoral students with a forum to gain skills and discuss topics related to conducting theoretical and applied research relevant to the practice of psychology. Prerequisite: EDPY 501, EDPY 505 or EDPY 503.
Introduction to mixed methods research as a means of conducting educational research. Within each of the major mixed methods designs, the research problems addressed, data collection and analysis strategies, and reporting venues are discussed. Prerequisites: EDPY 501 or equivalent. Additional methods courses in quantitative and qualitative research are recommended.
This course will introduce students to advanced statistical techniques that are frequently used in data analysis in the social sciences. Selected topics such as multiple regression, MANOVA, canonical correlation, principal component analysis, and factor analysis will be covered. Prerequisite: EDPY 505 or equivalent.
This course will focus on advanced topics and applications required to develop, administer, and use educational and psychological assessments. Emphasis will be placed on the application of theoretical concepts necessary for solving practical assessment problems. Prerequisite: EDPY 507 or equivalent. Formerly EDPY 508. Students cannot receive credit for both EDPY 508 and EDPY 607.
Prerequisite: EDPY 510 or equivalent.
This doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with the opportunity to acquire community-research experience. There are two components to the course: (a) the community research placement, and (b) the professional development seminars. The professional development seminars are designed to address a number of topics in this area, as well as expose students to a number of current professional issues facing educational psychologists working in the research community. Prerequisites: completed first year of doctoral studies. Consent of department.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 612A - Research Practicum in Psychological Studies in Education
This doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with the opportunity to acquire community-research experience. There are two components to the course: (a) the community research placement, and (b) the professional development seminars. The professional development seminars are designed to address a number of topics in this area, as well as expose students to a number of current professional issues facing educational psychologists working in the research community. Prerequisites: completed first year of doctoral studies. Consent of the program.
This doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with the opportunity to acquire community-research experience. There are two components to the course: (a) the community research placement, and (b) the professional development seminars. The professional development seminars are designed to address a number of topics in this area, as well as expose students to a number of current professional issues facing educational psychologists working in the research community. Prerequisites: completed first year of doctoral studies. Consent of department.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 612B - Research Practicum in Psychological Studies in Education
This doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with the opportunity to acquire community-research experience. There are two components to the course: (a) the community research placement, and (b) the professional development seminars. The professional development seminars are designed to address a number of topics in this area, as well as expose students to a number of current professional issues facing educational psychologists working in the research community. Prerequisites: completed first year of doctoral studies. Consent of the program.
Examines current theoretical, methodological, and applied issues in social and emotional behavioural development. Discussion of atypical development will also be incorporated.
This course will introduce students to the theoretical ideas and practical applications of program evaluation. Prerequisites: EDPY 501 or equivalent.
This course provides a general overview of human motivation from a psychological perspective. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 616 and EDPY 597/697 topic of Academic Motivation.
Deals with the theoretical foundations and current applied developments in the field of special education and student exceptionality.
Students in the Doctoral Counselling Program must successfully complete a 1,600 hour internship accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association (or equivalent). Students must complete pre-session study seminars related to the internship application process, interviewing skills, and ranking of internship sites/decision making. Students are expected to participate in the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) matching process. Prerequisites: Consent of Department, completion of required coursework and completion of doctoral candidacy exam.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 630A - Counselling Psychology Internship
Students in the Doctoral Counselling Program must successfully complete a 1,600 hour internship accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association (or equivalent). Students must complete pre-session study seminars related to the internship application process, interviewing skills, and ranking of internship sites/decision making. Students are expected to participate in the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) matching process. Prerequisites: Consent of the program, completion of required coursework and completion of doctoral candidacy exam.
Students in the Doctoral Counselling Program must successfully complete a 1,600 hour internship accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association (or equivalent). Students must complete pre-session study seminars related to the internship application process, interviewing skills, and ranking of internship sites/decision making. Students are expected to participate in the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) matching process. Prerequisites: Consent of Department, completion of required coursework and completion of doctoral candidacy exam.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 630B - Counselling Psychology Internship
Students in the Doctoral Counselling Program must successfully complete a 1,600 hour internship accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association (or equivalent). Students must complete pre-session study seminars related to the internship application process, interviewing skills, and ranking of internship sites/decision making. Students are expected to participate in the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) matching process. Prerequisites: Consent of the program, completion of required coursework and completion of doctoral candidacy exam.
Provides a historical examination of the philosophical and scientific development of the discipline of psychology. Priority given to PhD students enrolled in the Counselling Psychology program.
This doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop an approach to counselling that is congruent with professional, social and scientific standards, is sufficiently flexible to address the range of human variability, and is facilitative of client change. Prerequisite: EDPY 533 and 534 or equivalent.
This doctoral level Practicum is a continuation of EDPY 633, prerequisite: EDPY 633.
Prerequisite: EDPY 633 or equivalent.
This course will provide students with the theoretical and empirical preparation necessary for advanced clinical training in the diagnosis of mental disorders and psychopathology. This course will emphasize methods of conceptualizing the diagnostic process, with particular focus on developmental psychopathology, differential diagnosis, and assessment that is closely linked to intervention. Students will develop familiarity with the clinical presentation and diagnostic criteria of major mental disorders as they are commonly encountered in practice, primarily as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as well as coverage of alternate diagnostic systems such as the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases. The course will explore both strengths and weaknesses of the medical model of pathology as it applies to educational and psychological problems, leaving students to formulate and establish their approach regarding its utility in clinical practice. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs.
This course will focus on the process of psychological assessment and clinical tools used for the evaluation of mental health and cognitive functioning in both children and adolescents. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology or Counselling Psychology programs. Prerequisites: EDPY 518 or EDPY 519 or equivalent and corequisite EDPY 640 or equivalent.
An overview of the neurobiological aspects of development: implications for biological, social, and cognitive functioning through childhood and adolescence. Prerequisite: EDPY 519 or equivalent.
The course is intended to provide students with exposure to various modes of intervention with children and adolescents. Prerequisite: EDPY 641. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology and Counselling Psychology programs.
A professional psychology course intended to develop the skills of a psychologist as consultant, collaborator, and evaluator. Topics discussed in this course include models/theories of consultation, program/intervention evaluation techniques, and issues/trends related to consultation, collaboration and program evaluation. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology and Counselling Psychology programs.
School setting practicum in School and Clinical Child Psychology. This doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with practical, supervised experiences in both assessment and intervention in school settings. Pre/corequisite: EDPY 641. Restricted to PhD students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology program.
School setting practicum in School and Clinical Child Psychology. This doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with practical, supervised experiences in both assessment and intervention in school settings. Pre/corequisite: EDPY 641. Restricted to PhD students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology program.
School setting practicum in School and Clinical Child Psychology. This doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with practical, supervised experiences in both assessment and intervention in school settings. Pre/corequisite: EDPY 641. Restricted to PhD students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology program.
Clinical setting practicum in School and Clinical Child Psychology. This supervised doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with advanced assessment and intervention experience with children and adolescents in hospital clinics, children's mental health centres or clinical child and adolescent community settings. Pre/corequisite: EDPY 643. Prerequisites: EDPY 641 and EDPY 645. Restricted to PhD students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology program.
Clinical setting practicum in School and Clinical Child Psychology. This supervised doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with advanced assessment and intervention experience with children and adolescents in hospital clinics, children's mental health centres or clinical child and adolescent community settings. Pre/corequisite: EDPY 643. Prerequisites: EDPY 641 and EDPY 645. Restricted to PhD students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology program.
Clinical setting practicum in School and Clinical Child Psychology. This supervised doctoral level practicum is designed to provide students with advanced assessment and intervention experience with children and adolescents in hospital clinics, children's mental health centres or clinical child and adolescent community settings. Pre/corequisite: EDPY 643. Prerequisites: EDPY 641 and EDPY 645. Restricted to PhD students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology program.
A supervised training program designed to provide students in the doctoral program in School and Clinical Child Psychology with a planned, programmed sequence of training experience. Students must successfully complete an approved 1,600 hour internship. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology doctoral program. Prerequisites: Consent of Department, successful completion of coursework and candidacy exam.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 650A - School and Clinical Child Psychology Internship
A supervised training program designed to provide students in the doctoral program in School and Clinical Child Psychology with a planned, programmed sequence of training experience. Students must successfully complete an approved 1,600 hour internship. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology doctoral program. Prerequisites: Consent of the program, successful completion of coursework and candidacy exam.
A supervised training program designed to provide students in the doctoral program in School and Clinical Child Psychology with a planned, programmed sequence of training experience. Students must successfully complete an approved 1,600 hour internship. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology doctoral program. Prerequisites: Consent of Department, successful completion of coursework and candidacy exam.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 650B - School and Clinical Child Psychology Internship
A supervised training program designed to provide students in the doctoral program in School and Clinical Child Psychology with a planned, programmed sequence of training experience. Students must successfully complete an approved 1,600 hour internship. Restricted to students enrolled in the School and Clinical Child Psychology doctoral program. Prerequisites: Consent of the program, successful completion of coursework and candidacy exam.
This seminar will give doctoral students the opportunity to become acquainted with research and theory in educational linguistics.
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 697 - Special Topics in Educational Psychology
Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries a title descriptive of content. May be repeated.
Prerequisite: consent of Department.
Starting: 2025-09-01 EDPY 699 - Individual Directed Reading and Research in Educational Psychology
Students will develop and complete an individual study plan under the guidance of an instructor. Prerequisite: consent of the program.