Ababzadeh, Reyhaneh
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Abdelghany, Mo Adel
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Abdelghany, Mo Adel
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Abdollahzadeh, Reza
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Abdollahzadeh, Reza
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Abdullah, Yalmaz
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Abdullah, Yalmaz
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Abedin, Afia
GTA Principal Instructor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Abougamila, Salwa
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Acker, Leslie
Graduate Program Administrator |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Adeniyi, Azeez
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Adisa, Abass
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Adkins, Jacob
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Adkins, Jacob
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Adkins, Jacob
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Adsit, Jonathen
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Afrin, Afia
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Aghakasiri, Kiana
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Aghakasiri, Kiana
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Aghakasiri, Kiarash
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Aghakasiri, Kiarash
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ahmad, Zaheen
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ahmadi, Mohammad
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ahmed, Sadaf
Full Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Akella, Karthik
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Akhmetov, Ildar
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
3-39 Athabasca Hall |
Akins, Seth
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Alaviyar, Seyedehkimia
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Alaviyar, Seyedehkimia
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Alejo, Katrina
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ali, Alishma
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ali, Hassnain
Senior Software Engineer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ali, Karim
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Amaral, J Nelson
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Amin, Arib
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Amini, Sarah
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Amini, Sarah
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Aminmansour, Farzane
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Amodu, Ayokunle
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Anqouor, Faisal
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Anvari, Hamid
Adjunct Professor - Department of Computing Science |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ardakanian, Omid
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
320 Athabasca Hall |
Ardestani, Mohammadjavad
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ardestani, Mohammadjavad
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Armstrong, William
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ashrafi, Armin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ashrafi, Armin
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Atakishiyev, Shahin
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Austria, Kim
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ayoub, Alex
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ayoub, Alex
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Azimi, Alireza
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Baek, Euijin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Baek, Euijin
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bahmani, Amir
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bakhtiari, Alireza
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Balaski, Beverly
Administrative Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
315 Athabasca Hall |
Banerjee, Arghasree
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Banerjee, Arghasree
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bao, Tong
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Barbosa, Denilson
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
4-51 Athabasca Hall |
Bashir, Zahra
Laboratory Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Basil, David
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Basil, David
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Basu, Anup
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Batta, Bhuvnesh
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bauer, Katie
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Behdin, Parnian
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Behdin, Parnian
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Behroozi Asl, Bahareh
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Belardo, Julienne
User Support Tech |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Benoy, Ashlyn
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bhatia, Shivaansh
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bhatia, Tanveer
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bhatia, Ujjwal
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bhuiya, Srinjoy
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Billson, Joshua
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Binte Nayeem, Samiha
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Binte Nayeem, Samiha
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bloor, Maximilian
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Boroomand Ghahnavieh, Bahar
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Boroomand Ghahnavieh, Bahar
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Boroomand Ghahnavieh, Bahar
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bosri, Rabeya
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bosri, Rabeya
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Boulanger, Pierre
Emeritus Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Work at home but sometimes go to the Computing Science Centre |
Bowling, Michael
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
3-58 Athabasca Hall |
Boyles, Carlin
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Brown, Matthew
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Buechler, Dieter
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bui Nguyen Khuong, Duy
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bulitko, Vadim
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Burad, Dishan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Burch, Neil
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Buro, Michael
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Bush, Aidan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
C. Machado, Marlos
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
C., Leo
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Calvert, Melanie
Admin Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Calvert, Melanie
Administrative Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Calvert, Wesley
Program Support II, ResrTrust |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Campbell, Hazel
Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
ATH 4-05 Athabasca Hall |
Cao, Yingyue
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Cao, Yingyue
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Cao, Yingyue
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Celeste, Jimuel Jr
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chadha, Kabirvansh
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chan, Ellen
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chandak, Kushagra
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chandrasekar, Siddarth
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chandrasekar, Siddarth
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chang, Gemmary
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Che, Fengdi
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Che, Fengdi
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chen, Anffany
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chen, Clare
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chen, Qiaochu
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chen, Xinyue
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chen, Yuxing
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chen, Zhikai
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Cheng, Peini
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chernyavska, Daryna
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chilibeck, Ayrton
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Choo, Euijin
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chouinard, Brea
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chu, Thang
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chu, Thang
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Chung, Rosanna
Department Administrator |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
2-35 Athabasca Hall |
Cobzas, Dana
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Cooper, Ryan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Cortez, Nahuel
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Cruz, Lucas
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Cruz, Lucas
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Cutumisu, Maria
Adjunct Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
6-130 Education Centre - North |
Dai, Jiayi
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dai, Jiayi
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dakay, Angela
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Daley, Brett
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dandoti, Sarosh
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Darfoor, Afari
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Darfoor, Afari
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Das, Armaan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Das, Rohini
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
DasGupta, Ishani
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Daviran, Mohammadreza
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Daviran, Mohammadreza
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Decosta, Aaron
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dehbashi Ghorbanali, Hamid Reza
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dehbashi Ghorbanali, Hamid Reza
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dehghan, Mariana
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Delos Santos, Gwen
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Demmans Epp, Carrie
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Deol, Kiran
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dewis, Cole
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dhinsa, Sohana
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Diamond, Oliver
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dikshant, .
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dikshant, .
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Do, Gyurim
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dong, Guanfang
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Drozdiak, Danielle
Amii Expense Advisor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dsouza, Zaara
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Du, Henry
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Dudiy, Sasha
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
E Elahi, G M Mashrur
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ebrahimi, Hoda
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ebrahimi, Hoda
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Efird, Cory
Laboratory Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elbastawisy, Khaled
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elbastawisy, Khaled
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elelimy, Esraa
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elhanani, Yoni
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elio, Renee
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elmallah, Ehab
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elmorsy, Mohammed
Casual Research Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elsayed, Mohamed
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Elsayed, Mohamed
Grad Research Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Eng, Jasper
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Entezari Maleki, Sepideh
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Entezari Maleki, Sepideh
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Erquette, Cinguinique
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fah, Harrison
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fan, Jiabin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Farrahi, Homayoon
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Farruque, Nawshad
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fatima, Sumrah
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Feng, Mingbo
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fernandez Cervantes, Victor
Research Associate |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fiala, Mark
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fjeld, Jonathan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Folkersen, Taylor
Prog/Interact Med Dev |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Freeman, Andrew
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Friggstad, Zachary
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Froese, Tanner
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fu, Yanqing
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fuhrmann, Hans
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Fyshe, Alona
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
356 Athabasca Hall |
Galappaththi, Akalanka
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Gannon, Sharon
Undergraduate Advisor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
231 Athabasca Hall |
Gao, Wanxin
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Garg, Shivam
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Garg, Shivam
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ghasemi, Reza
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ghaseminia, Benyamin
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ghosh, Kushankur
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ghosh, Kushankur
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Goebel, Randy
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
3-47 Athabasca Hall |
Goel, Dave
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Goel, Dave
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Gomez Noriega, Diego Fernando
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Gong, Mingyang
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Gourley, Jared
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Goyal, Jayesh Kumar
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Greiner, Russ
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Gu, Aron
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Gui, Gavin
Junior Developer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Gunther, Johannes
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Guo, Ziyuan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Guzdial, Matthew
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Gyamfi, Albert
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Haajira, Saba
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Habibollah, Amin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hackman, Rob
Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hai, Steven Oufan
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hai, Steven Oufan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hakhverdyan, Anna
Casual Research Asst |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Halina, Emily
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Halina, Emily
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hallett, Lyndon
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hamed, Hany
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hansen-Yang, Isabelle
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hansen, Amanda
Graduate Student Administrator |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hao, Yongchang
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Haque, Rejwana
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
2-07 Athabasca Hall |
Harms, Janelle
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hasan, H M Quamran
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hasan, H M Quamran
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hasan, Sadid Bin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hassan, Tayyib Ul
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hauer, Bradley
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hayashi, Teruaki
Visiting Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Athabasca Hall |
Hayward, Ryan
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
He, Jiamin
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
He, Jiaqi
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
He, Jiayin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hegde, Nidhi
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Heidari Dastjerdi, Melika
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Heidt, Isaiah
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hernandez Garcia, Fernando
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hernandez Garcia, Fernando
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Heung, Steven
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Heung, Steven
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hilker Readman, Tegen
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hindle, Abram
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
447 Athabasca Hall |
Holmstrom, Mark
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hong, Yameng
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Horgen, Matthias
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Horgen, Matthias
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hossain, Afrida
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hossain, Muhammad
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Hriti, Nafisa Sadaf
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Htun, Ryan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Huang, Chenyang
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ianta, Alexandru
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Isavand, Alireza
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Islam, Md Samiul
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Islam, Mohayeminul
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Iwuchukwu, Samuel
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Izuko, Akemi
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jacobs, Matthew
Software Developer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jacobs, Matthew
Lead Teaching Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jafari, Farzaneh
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jafaripour, Masoud
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jagersand, Martin
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jaggi, Aryan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jain, Manan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jajoo, Pranaya
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jalili Shani, Sara
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jalili Shani, Sara
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jamshidian, Mahya
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jara Gonzalez, Johor
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jattu, Mike
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jattu, Sai Vashnavi
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jen, Cameron
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jen, Cameron
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jiang, Chen
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Johnsen-Sollos, Shasta
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jose, Marcos
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Jose, Marcos
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kacsmar, Bailey
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kalantari Dehaghi, Hamid
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kalmady Vasu, Sunil
Adjunct Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
3-34 Athabasca Hall |
Kannan, Shreya
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kapeluck, Luke
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Karamdel, Hasti
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Karimi, Shayan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kaur, Guneet
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kazemipour, Alireza
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kazemipour, Alireza
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Khalafbeigi, Anita
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Khalifa Bashier Babiker, Housam
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Khamies, Waleed
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Khan, Afraz
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kharyal, Chaitanya
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kharyal, Chaitanya
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Khazi, Fouzia
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Khlynovskiy, Sergey
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Khosla, Samridhi
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Killen, Spencer
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kim, Aaron
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kim, Yeji
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kim, Yeji
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kivrikoglu, Pelin
UG&MINT Program Administrator |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ko, Sunrose
Academic Department Manager |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
252-A Athabasca Hall |
Kolle, Harvey Ngoe
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kolle, Harvey Ngoe
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kondrak, Greg
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kostelyk, Bryan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kotamreddy, Harshil
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kotamreddy, Harshil
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Koubasi, Farnaz
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Krishnan, Anuradha
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kumba Mothilal, Bharathvaj
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kumu, Moriom Chowdhury
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kushol, Rafsanjany
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Kwan, Calum
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
La, Jacky
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lad, Shailee
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lake, Rob
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lal, Krish
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lambe Foster, Alexander
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Largeron, Christine
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lazar, Tyler
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lazar, Tyler
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lazer, Geoffrey
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lee, Hobie
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Leff, Fay
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Leong, Victoria
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Letwin, Brayden
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lewandowski, Alex
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Li, Xiao-bo
Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lillelund, Christian
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lin, Guohui
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ling, Sijie
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lishchynskyi, Max
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Liu, Alex
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Liu, Shuai
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Liu, Valerie
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Loftsdottir, Dagmar
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Loftsdottir, Dagmar
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lu, Hank
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Lu, Paul
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Luo, Allie
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Luo, Guoqing
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ma, James
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ma, Yingnan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mabanta, John
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
MacGregor, Mike
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
3-19 Athabasca Hall |
Madani Shamami, Yasmin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Madani Shamami, Yasmin
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Madu, Sean
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Maghera, Rajan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Maghouli, Mohammad Mahdi
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Maghouli, Mohammad Mahdi
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mahmood, Rupam
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mai, Anh Nhan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mallahnezhad, Mahdieh
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mallahnezhad, Mahdieh
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mamillapalli, Deepak
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mamillapalli, Deepak
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Manzanilla, Bernal
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Maran, Davide
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Martin, John
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Masoumian, Alireza
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Masoumian, Alireza
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Masoumzadeh Tork, Abbas
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Matinkia, Mohammadjavad
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
McDonald, Emma
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
McKinnon, James
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
McLaren, Martin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
McLean, Reginald
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Meimar, Justin
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Memon, Rimsha
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mihucz, Gábor
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Miller, Blanca
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Miller, Bobby-Jo
Administrative Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
CSC 2-47 Computing Science Centre |
Miller, Dylan
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mirzaei, Amirreza
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mitsuka, Yoshihiro
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Miwa, Shotaro
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mohamed, Mohamed
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mohamed, Mohamed
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mohammad Panahi, Parham
Casual Research Asst |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mohammadi, Mohsen
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mohammadi, Mohsen
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mohammedalamen, Montaser Fathelrhman Hussen
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mohammedalamen, Montaser Fathelrhman Hussen
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Morris, Marianne
Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mosannafat, Mobina
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mosannafat, Mobina
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mostafa, Tahsin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mou, Lili
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mouje, Yash
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mowbray, Max
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Mueller, Martin
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Muslimani, Calarina
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Muslimani, Calarina
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Myers, Conlan
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nadi, Sarah
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nahid, Md Mahadi Hasan
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nalivaiko, Ilya
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nascimento, Mario
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
4-34 Athabasca Hall |
Nasreen Jenia, Tanjima
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nawal, Noshin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nayeem, Mir Tafseer
Ph.D. Student |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
ATH 1-38 Athabasca Hall |
Nekouyan Jazi, Hossein
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nekouyan Jazi, Hossein
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nguyen, Gia Son
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nguyen, Nhat
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nguyen, Thanh
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nguyen, Tina
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nielsen, Britta
Executive Admin Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
233 Athabasca Hall |
Nielsen, Malcolm
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nikolaidis, Ioanis
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nour Mohammadi Sigaroudi, Hasti
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Nour Mohammadi Sigaroudi, Hasti
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Og, Jihoon
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Omidvartehrani, Soroush
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ong, Nicolas
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ordonez Gonzalez, Tomas
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Orenstein, Adrian
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pane, Nate
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Parisi, Simone
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Parker, Adam
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pathak, Shashank
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Paul, Animesh Kumar
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Paul, Animesh Kumar
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pei, Ningyuan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pelletier, Jeff
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Petrich, Laura
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pham, David
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pham, Minh
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pham, Quinn
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pham, Truong
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pham, Truong
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Piccoli, Elia
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Pitman, Layne
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Piwowarczyk, Jakub
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Polak, Mark
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Poo Hernandez, Sergio
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Porter, Ken
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Premnath, Pooja
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Prodhan, Sadia Zahin
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Qi, Shi-ang
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Qi, Yuehan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rabbi, Jakaria
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Raffieipour, Hooman
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rafiei, Ali
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rafiei, Ali
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rafiei, Davood
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rahman, Md Abed
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rahmani Hanzaki, Mahshid
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rajabpour, Amirhossein
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rajabpour, Amirhossein
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Raju, Devipriya
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ramesh, Nandan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ramezani, Sajad
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Randall, Owen
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rastogi, Priyanshu
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ray, Nilanjan
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
406 Athabasca Hall |
Razavi Satvati, Kian
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rebstock, Nicholas
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ren, Kinter
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Riley, Jai
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rittwage Scott, Samuel
General Office Clerk |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Robertson, Justin
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Robertson, Samuel
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Roik, Viktoriia
Team Lead Amii Finance & Admin |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Roy, Sanku
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Roy, Sanku
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Rozeboom, Justin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
RumanCam, Kaaden
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Saha, Rohan
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sahar, Hareeme
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sahjwani, Mehak
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Saini, Vardan
Software Engineer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sakhaei, Negar
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Salavatipour, Mohammad
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Salimi, Amir
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sander, Joerg
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sander, Joerg
Chair |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sang, Haoxin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Santana de Lelis, Levi
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sarao, Harveer Singh
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sarkar, Anurag
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sarna, Anhad
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Saunders, Paul
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Saunders, Paul
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Schaeffer, Jonathan
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Schneider, Colton
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Schoepp, Sheila
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Scholnick-Hughes, Sam
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Schultz, Logan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Schultz, Luke
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Schuurmans, Dale
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
409 Athabasca Hall |
Sehgal, Bhavya
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Seliayeu, Danila
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shah, Haseeb
Casual Research Assist |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shahriar, Fahim
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shariff, Roshan
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sharma, Aniket
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sharma, Aniket
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shayeghboroujeni, Behzad
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shayeghboroujeni, Behzad
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Athabasca Hall |
Sheikhi, Hadi
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shen, Junwen
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shen, Junwen
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sherwani, Ibrahim
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shi, Ning
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Shi, Ning
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Siag, Lior
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Siavashpour, Mahvash
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Silva, Victor
ATS Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Singh, Abhineet
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Singh, Bhavjot
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Singh, Gunkirat
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Singh, Karanjot
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Singh, Maanit Pratap
Software Developer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Singh, Maanit Pratap
Teaching Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Smith, Iain
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Smith, Sandra
Administrative Clerk |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sohal, Gurveer Singh
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Solinas, Christopher
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Song, Yanze
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sorenson, Paul
Professor Emeritus |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Computing Science Department Athabasca Hall |
Soundara Rajan, Sarvesh
Lead Teaching Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Stewart, Lorna
Professor Emeritus |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Stone, Isaac
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Stone, Isaac
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Stroulia, Eleni
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sturtevant, Nathan
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
349 Athabasca Hall |
Sufiyan, Zahin
Research Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sun, Ningze
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sun, Weijie
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sun, Xinyao
Adjunct Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sutphen, Steve
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sutton, Rich
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Swidan, Yosri
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Sydora, Christoph
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Szafron, Duane
Professor Emeritus |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Szepesvari, Csaba
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Szepesvari, Csongor
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Szepesvari, Csongor
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Taher, Sumayya
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Talebirad, Yashar
Casual Research Asst |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tan, Huizhi
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tan, Xiaoqi
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
3-03 Athabasca Hall |
Tanaka, Haruto
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tang, Henry
ATS Assistant Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tang, Steven
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tarachandani, Jatin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tasnim, Mashrura
ATS Associate Lecturer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tavakoli, Mohammad
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tavakoli, Mohammad
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tavana, Mehrshad
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tavana, Mehrshad
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Taylor, Matthew
Full Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Athabasca Hall |
Tejol, Elykah
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Thai, Trinity
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Thomson, Sarah
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tian, Tian
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tiwari, Avani
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tiwari, Avani
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tizhoosh, Hamid
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tkachuk, Vlad
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tkachuk, Vlad
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tober, Brayden
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Toulabinejad, Elaheh
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Toulabinejad, Elaheh
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Toume, Jawdat
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Toume, Jawdat
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tran, Andy
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tse, Rick
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tse, Rick
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tuero, Jake
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tuero, Jake
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Turner, David
Software Analyst & Developer |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tyagi, Chetan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Tyler, John
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ulmer, Nathan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Valentine, Justin
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Valentine, Justin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Vandergrift, Matthew
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Vandermeer, Emily
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Vasan, Gautham
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Venter, Christiaan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Vijay Kumar, Sachin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Vyas, Vedant
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Amy
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Fei
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Han
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Lawrence
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Shang
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Shway
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Siting
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Siting
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wang, Yu
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wei, Ting-Han
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
White, Adam
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
3-07 Athabasca Hall |
White, Martha
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wickstrand, Meghan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wong, Ken
Associate Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wong, Ken
Associate Chair |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wright, James
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wu, Nathan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wu, Pengfei
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wu, Yanqing
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Wu, Zijun
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Xaviar, Sanju
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Xaviar, Sanju
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Xiong, Eric
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Xu, Jerry
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Xu, Jingyi
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yadegari, Mostafa
Casual Research Assist |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yang, Chenqi
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yang, Fan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yang, Herb
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yang, Xin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yao, Hengshuai
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Ye, Xi
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yin, Shibai
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
You, Jia-Huai
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Young, Tammy
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yu, Huizhen
Research Associate |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yu, Jerry
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yu, Siyuan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yu, Zishun
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yu, Zong Lin
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Yuan, Li-Yan
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zaiane, Osmar
Professor |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
443 Athabasca Hall |
Zakir, Mahi
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zaman, Mashfiq Shahriar
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zaman, Mashfiq Shahriar
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zambare, Noopur
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zambare, Noopur
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zang, Max
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zanini, Francesco
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zarezadeh, Parsa
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zarezadeh, Parsa
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zeweniuk, Nathan
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhang, Daniel
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhang, Hong
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhang, Hongming
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhang, Vincent
Grad Research Asst Fellowship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhang, Xinhua
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhang, Yufeng
Administrative Assistant |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhang, Yushu
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhao, Chenqiu
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zhou, Zhongrun
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zijlstra, Patrick
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zilka, Riley
Grad Teaching Assistantship |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
Zurek, Nolan
Excluded Student Hourly |
Faculty of Science - Computing Science |
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